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Not cinxia. Same Athalia?
This species is identified correctly.
Polygonia c-album?
Pity for such an eagle to get lost in "undetermined". They say there that these two were one species before Eitschberger in 2002 described roessleri as a separate sp. and excluded ypsilon from French Guiana. Also, ypsilon looks darker and more contrast, personal opinion, of course.
What's about the white stripe on the hind wing from the centre to the wing margin? Or not all eumedon have it?
What an amazing pic.
Raiders go forward.
Bastilla sp.?
Some Cucullia?
Belenois java?
Underside if possible, till then Symbrenthia hypselis.
Melitaea britomartis?
This species is identified correctly.
Euploea phaenareta?
Is this the same butterfly that's Euploea mulciber?
Eupanacra poulardi?
Cechenena helops.
Boloria aquilonaris roddi?
Hypercompe sp.?
Yponomeuta evonymella?
Yponomeuta evonymella?
Yponomeuta evonymella?
Yponomeuta evonymella?
Euploea sylvester?
Euploea mulciber?
Euploea core?
Phaloesia sp.?
Brenthis ino?
Brenthis ino?
Adhemarius roessleri?
Adhemarius gannascus?
Vitaly, obviously shouldn't, they make photos look much more interesting. Just I supposed that the beetle wanted to get its five minutes of fame, so did he posed alongside Agrotis. Finally he got them:)
Spoiled Agrotis shoot:)
Wonder what is there on the right, lies like a dead.
Ova of the butterfly, supposedly Zygaena osterodensis.
Brenthis daphne?
Zygaena osterodensis?
Imitator of Acleris:)
Acleris sp.?
Gillmeria pallidactyla?
Ariadne ariadne?
Belenois java?
Plebejus argus?
Adscita geryon?
Zygaena osterodensis?
Zygaena osterodensis?
Melitaea britomartis?
What I think similar is only Acosmeryx shervillii, and even this has seemingly more contrast compared to pseudonaga. As for the rest from the list linked, they look quite different. Who knows.
Acosmeryx pseudonaga?
Adscita statices?
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