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And what is the deviation?)
Exc., Clearly!)))
Yes, and still I thought that from a translucent shade of ocher ?!)
The broken line in postdiskalnoy the area of the rear wing - that's for sure Lasiommata petropolitana.
Judging by the fact that the "top of the rear wing has a broken line in the area postdiskalnoy" it Lasiommata petropolitana.
Cool! Still nice to sort through. Thanks for the link, Shamil!
More can be Plebejus argyrognomon (Lycaeides argyrognomon).
Maybe Plebejus argus
Phengaris alcon
A tooth pattern or vein?
Roman Ishin, I looked at all maera online and it seemed that most of the teeth of the central cell, like petropolitana, what you said ...
And is not that the same thing from the same author.
It's not the same this author!)
Do you already have confirmed and Argus and Icarus!)
Plebeius argyrognomon
Plebeius argyrognomon
Plebeius argyrognomon
Lasiommata petropolitana. Male.
Lasiommata petropolitana. Female.
Shamil, as far as I noticed moderator (moderators) are selected on their best score. How do I know that you liked and what is not?
Argynnis adippe
Melitaea latonigena
Why do the small orange squares on its hind wings lack typical dark spots (circles) as there
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