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24.10.2013 14:44, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23437

Copaxa rufinans

24.10.2013 14:43, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23440

Copaxa syntheratoides ???

24.10.2013 14:42, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23439

Copaxa escalantei ???

24.10.2013 14:34, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23431

Pseudodirphia menander

24.10.2013 14:16, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23432

Citioica anthonilis ?? female

24.10.2013 14:15, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23435

Citheronioides collaris male

24.10.2013 14:08, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23436

Adeloneivaia boisduvalii male

24.10.2013 14:04, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23663

This species is identified correctly.

24.10.2013 13:54, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22532

Taygetis chrysogone E. Doubleday, [1849]

24.10.2013 13:48, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22561

Cepheuptychia cephus (Fabricius, 1775)

24.10.2013 13:48, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22560

Cepheuptychia cephus (Fabricius, 1775)

24.10.2013 13:30, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22541

This species is identified correctly.

24.10.2013 13:25, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22535

Tigridia acesta fulvescens (A. Butler, 1873)

24.10.2013 13:16, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24169

Male Panacea prola (E. Doubleday, [1848])

24.10.2013 13:02, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22524

Astraeodes areuta (Westwood, 1851)

24.10.2013 13:01, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22534

Stalachtis euterpe (Linnaeus, 1758)

24.10.2013 12:38, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22511

Rhode Lasaia, need underside

24.10.2013 12:26, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22549

Ancyluris inca (Saunders, 1850) ???

24.10.2013 12:26, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22550

Ancyluris inca (Saunders, 1850) ???

24.10.2013 12:15, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22510

Euselasia zena (Hewitson, 1860)

24.10.2013 12:15, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22509

Euselasia zena (Hewitson, 1860)

24.10.2013 12:00, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22536

This, of course, Methone cecilia (Cramer, 1777)

24.10.2013 11:43, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24166

Sarota chrysus (Stoll, 1781) ???

24.10.2013 11:26, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24118

Rhode exactly can be seen not sure. Necyria duellona Westwood, 1851

24.10.2013 11:19, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24154

I suppose Atlides inachus (Cramer, 1775), but I stuffed cabbage oak oak.

24.10.2013 8:57, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24119

Top of need.

24.10.2013 8:55, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24160

Pierella helvina

24.10.2013 8:53, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24165

Parides! But what?

24.10.2013 8:52, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23803

Tentatively identified. Am not good in these.

24.10.2013 8:50, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24103

Basil! Cut and boil! In another, I do not know how.

24.10.2013 8:49, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23975

It should be cut. By drugomu- special needs.

24.10.2013 8:47, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24103

Not exactly. Boil them necessary.

23.10.2013 16:55, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23803

Episteme vetula

23.10.2013 16:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24103

I would say Cyana conclusa. How to define this kind?

23.10.2013 16:32, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23971


23.10.2013 16:32, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23973


23.10.2013 16:30, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23975

Macroglossum mediovitta? Photos are very dark. For all Macroglossum. Something to say 100% - very hard. It is necessary to cook. Tables genitals of this genus is. If svarite- define 100%

23.10.2013 16:17, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24112

This species is identified correctly.

23.10.2013 16:17, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24106

This species is identified correctly.

23.10.2013 16:11, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24092

I suppose Altinote dicaeus (Latreille, [1817])

23.10.2013 16:01, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24117

Helicopis gnidus (Fabricius, 1787)

23.10.2013 15:00, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22970

Tolerated. Similarly, it is

23.10.2013 11:09, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24122

Leptophobia caesia (Lucas, 1852)

23.10.2013 11:07, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22970

Very nice animal. Leptophobia forsteri Baumann & Reissinger, 1969. underside would be 100%

23.10.2013 10:49, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24080

Pierella helvina

23.10.2013 10:41, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24089

This species is identified correctly.

23.10.2013 10:40, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24114

This species is identified correctly.

23.10.2013 10:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24086

I suppose Anteros cruentatus Stichel, 1911

22.10.2013 15:26, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24016

In any case not through Bali. After Jakarta.

22.10.2013 8:29, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24016

What flights through Bali? I was not in Indonesia and do not plan yet. I fly to Malaysia (Sarawak and Sabah) Moscow- Gonkong- Kota Kinabalu

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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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