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Given a comment to the photo (the species is endemic to the Canary Islands) put Palearctic. Reference to the author:
The range of species: North-West Italy, Southern France, the Pyrenees, Spain. By: VV Dubatolov. Database Dipper (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) of the Palearctic -
not a view !!! Subspecies Parides anchises nephalion (Godart, 1819) Möhn, 2006, Butterflies of the World 26: 12, pl. 44, f. 14
Plusiinae cereal. Larvae develop on a variety of grasses, sedges, and other hydrophilic plants. In the Moscow region it is a very common species, and often arrives at the light. Flight of adults from June to September in two generations.
Kind of interesting because it is the smallest species of the genus Morpho. The wingspan of no more than our butterfly Machaon.
View quite unfairly listed in the KK Moscow area in my opinion. It is not rare for us, but rather local.
It is found in the east of the Trans-Baikal, Amur region, Primorye; Northeastern. and east. China, Japan.
subspecies thoas- North SA autocles Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 - South US- Nicaragua nealces Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 Nikaragua- Ecuador melonius Rothschild & Jordan Jamaica cyniras Ménétriés, 1857 Ekvador- Amazonia (sometimes isolated as an independent kind) oviedo Gundlach, 1866 Cuba thoantiades Burmeister Argentina brasiliensis Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 South Brazil, Uruguay, ...
In fact, in the south of European Russia banal species occurring in the mass throughout the locus kirkazona. The apparent rarity of this type may be associated with a fairly short time, the summer of adults (in the Volgograd region from mid-April to mid-May).
subspecies nephelus Java sunatus Corbet, 1940 Peninsular Malaya annulus Pendlebury, 1936 Peninsular Malaya chaon Westwood, 1844 Orissa, Nepal - Assam, N.Burma ducenarius Fruhstorfer, 1908 S.Burma chaonulus Fruhstorfer S.China, Haina, Taiwan albolineatus Forbes Sumatra, Borneo siporanus Hagan Menawai Is tellonus Fruhstorfer Batu Is. uranus Weymer Nias rileyi Fruhstorfer, 1913
P. damone tanais (Dantchenko et Lukhtanov, 1993), the authors of the subspecies are listed is not true, right (Dantchenko et Pljushtch, 1993). And in light of recent data, for the Crimea described subspecies of P. damone rljushtchi (Lukhtanov et Budashkin, 1993);
Subspecies teredon - Sri Lanka sarpedon - India Burma Thailand, Malaysia, Hainan Is, Sumatra, Borneo, The Philippines, Java and Bali semifasciatus - SE and West China connectens - Taiwan nipponum - Japan rufofervidum - Nias Is phyris - Mentawei Is rufocellularis - Bawean adonarensis - Sumbawa, Adonara, Flores jugens - Sumba timorensis - Timor, ...
"Japanese perelivnitsa" or "Japanese impertor" famous for being considered the emblem of Japan (in this country there is a cult of butterflies).
Position in a system for P. anchisiades taken from, and therefore may not be accurate. If there is a valid source for this kind of - I beg to announce.