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Photo #13693: Nymphalis xanthomelas


Nymphalis xanthomelas

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo: Igor Sakhno. Image redone at the website. Identified by: Eugene Karolinskiy

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2012-07-05 00:00:00, Khar'kov

Comments on this image

08.03.2013 2:31, Peter Khramov

So it has already done away back...

08.03.2013 0:07, Igor Sakhno

Seems better to have it enabled first and then have a detailed dicussion.

10.07.2012 13:16, Peter Khramov

Moved the photo. As for species descriptions, those which we've got now (save the catalogue search parameters) are pretty better than to have nothing. Actually, there was a form for adding new data with references that I'll make enabled soon. It was originally supposed to add distinctive features as parameters, though there can be some separate section for such content. What do you all think? Or might it get enabled first, then we'll see how it works to have a specific talk.

10.07.2012 12:55, Alexandr Zhakov

Good suggestion.

10.07.2012 11:56, Igor Sakhno

Would be great to note always in the species description its main distinctive feature/s (1 or 2 at least) helping to discern it from similar species.

10.07.2012 10:02, Alexandr Zhakov

Agree with Evgeny.

10.07.2012 1:52, Eugene Karolinskiy

N. xanthomelas.

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