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Photo #31368: Inope heterogyna


Inope heterogyna

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Irina Nikulina

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-06-06 00:00:00, Vladivostok, Akademgorodok

Comments on this image

30.10.2014 10:29, Alexandr Zhakov

Let us not look extra scary. photos clearly Inope. Efetov not argue with that. Rhagades pruni disappear totally. :) Yuri, or when not focusing on the timing of the summer in Europe. This is mutually exclusive value. :) Apart from the genitals, the difference in the amount and timing of the summer in the Far East. both matches Inope heterogyna.Efetov highly values ​​its reputation, and if there is an error fozmozhnost, albeit minimal, that it should be avoided. I am sure that he cooks all deytvitelno Inope, before you say what kind. Efetov can cook dozens of butterflies of the same type from the same point and with the same date that would have satisfied monotypic series :)

29.10.2014 23:44, Irina Nikulina

Decide please, where to send the photo. If prof. K.A.Efetov wrote that you must study the genital apparatus, means the flight of time to select the type of Inope enough and determination may not be accurate.With regard Rhagades pruni, apparently, have to explain why the first comment has excluded it from consideration: this species - are not endemic to the Far East, and is widely distributed, it is found in 19 regions of Russia and throughout Europe, so the description and the pictures of his are not only in Keys to insects of the Far East, but also in others.East Kach, both our and foreign, indicating the top on metal shiny side of the chest and base of the wings. The Dutch Rhagades pruni generally called bruine metaalvlinder - brown metal butterfly.

28.10.2014 13:47, Yuri Semejkin

I've seen pictures Rhagades pruni. All that is characteristic of him, I had already written. Er, everything that you reconsider, maybe true, but it is not reflected in the Far East to the insects. It would be so easy, there would be no issue. And Efetov easily gave a definition, it is still the best in the former Soviet Union zygaenidae.
Determination of the time dёta? - I'll say it again.We have the same time volley Rhagades pruni July-August, and the same for example Germany has pictures of 20th of May. So that everything is relative.

28.10.2014 11:11, Irina Nikulina

Ure, hurry Pts., So briefly - at Rhagades pruni completely different color wings with metal. I shine, I reviewed a lot of them before in March to send a file to pruni K.A.Efetovu confirmation http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/3803. With regard to the flight of time, I think that just in this case, it can serve as a defining feature of the two types of genital. My entomologich.knowledge and experience is not enough to judge the possibility of such, almost monthly, shear maerens. As recently discussed genital types of Diarsia, Vasily Sergienko is based on the time of flight of proposed not to remove several. Photos of accurate. There could solve specialists.

28.10.2014 5:37, Yuri Semejkin

Yes, of course, while shooting indicated.
As for the definition of the flight of time, I would not do this accent. This concept extensible and depends on several factors. Er, I think you will not mind that the flight of butterflies (not mass), both before and after the specified time-always the case.Determination of genera and species in this family, in addition to the genitals, in principle, possible, according to the determinant and shins, spurs, which in this case are viewed poorly. Why it is for example not be Rhagades pruni. Flight of time-shifted for a month in July-August, but so what.The color proboscis also do not say anything, he just can not be seen to exclude Rhagades pruni (this species proboscis yellow).
In general il, I think you're right in identifying Inope heterogyna. In any case, the shape, size, color KRL. similar.

28.10.2014 2:03, Irina Nikulina

Time of flight of these species took just out Zygaenidae, written by KA Efetov. According to these data maerens can not be at the beginning of June. Ure, and the file contains the date of the shooting was to Konstantin?

28.10.2014 1:34, Yuri Semejkin

Dropped file Efetov KA The answer is. To determine the need to study the genitals.

25.10.2014 22:58, Dmitriy Pozhogin Corrected data.

Not identified Inope heterogyna / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

25.10.2014 21:59, Irina Nikulina

I thinkInope heterogynaDIO-Procridinae detail view, even when dealt with Illiberis. It is not Illiberis, their wings translucent, not Jordanita paupera, whose head, chest and upper PC with metal block. shine, not Artona (Amuria) - they have a whitish-yellow spots on the wings, and, of course, not Rhagades pruni. Remains race Inope. According to the WFD Sinev 2 types - maerens and heterogyna. They differ only in size (heterogyna much larger) and genital.Image maerens can immediately see http://www.jpmoth.org/Zygaenidae/Procridinae/Inope_maerens.html But Flight maerens - July-August, and heterogyna - June-July (to insects of the Far East. Volume 5, Part 5, p.153 ), therefore, based on the date of shooting, I stopped at heterogyna. It seems reasonably))

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