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Photo #33022: Timandra paralias


Timandra paralias

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Irina Nikulina. Image without retouching at the website. Tentative identification

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-08-21 01:05:00, Russia, Primorskiy Krai, Shkotovskiy distr., Anisimovka

Comments on this image

30.08.2016 21:41, Irina Nikulina

Evgeny, over the past 2 years there are 5 photos of different Timandra that I haven't posted yet, because I wouldn’t risk defining anything other than recompta for 40th Russia region at the moment.May be you are right and this is dichela in this photo. But not because of the shape of the sling. Last fall, I was trying to figure it out. I copied more than 25 images of Timandra from the network (all 5 species living in Primorye), including these 2 from Molbiol. And the more I look and compare, the clearer it becomes that it is like fortune-telling and and there are unlikely to be very specific signs. For example, Timandra apicirosea. I think there may be mistakes on our website. I sent my pictures to Belyaev, but, unfortunately, I have not received any response yet. Waiting:)

30.08.2016 20:37, Evgeny Komarov

Here is my specimen from Anisimovka https://insecta.pro/gallery/59680 . I tend to dichela, not taking into account the "more bold burgundy line", but it seems to me that the "weak" angle of this line on the rear wings is more significant (compared with http://molbiol.ru/forums/uploads/a003/b085/post-26523-1355326687.jpg ). In the same place, just above paralis -

05.09.2014 4:28, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Not identified Timandra paralias / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

05.09.2014 4:28, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well let keep it there then (yesterday checked). Seems time to get to Far East ones, no chance to escape :)

05.09.2014 0:48, Yuri Semejkin

Think the same, agree with two comments below. Timandra paralias.

04.09.2014 18:38, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I see Timandra paralias it is: it has thicker purple line against dichela, yet can't decide to move it surely.

02.09.2014 17:18, Irina Nikulina

Perhaps Timandra paralias http://catocala.narod.ru/geom253.html ? Hesitating between this one and dichela.

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