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Photo #40769: Iphiclides feisthamelii


Iphiclides feisthamelii

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Photo, and identified by: Leon Ortlieb. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2013-05-21 15:44:20, São Brás de Alportel, Portugal

Photographer's comment: Previously, this subspecies was listed in subspecies, now according to the new classification it is a separate species-Iphiclides feisthamelii

Comments on this image

21.06.2015 22:25, Alexandr Zhakov

No new and old taxonomy. There taxon feisthamelii. Some interpret it as a species, others as a subspecies. All their arguments. It was originally described as a species in the genus Papilio, this author should be put in brackets. I have a question I do not know and do not stick to one of the parties does not.

21.06.2015 15:46, Alex Dumchus

Zaprsto stuff. Give the same Stradomsky make comparative genetics of both species (subspecies). What kinds of blues, he has closed.

21.06.2015 11:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Appear Alexander))) Until recently, the subspecies was.
You look back and push back ....
"The movement can be both forward and backward"

21.06.2015 9:16, Alex Dumchus

It's a shame. There are still interesting species in the Europe.

20.06.2015 18:08, Leon Ortlieb

Thank you Alex!
No, I don't collect them. Quite ph. And even then, I not fotoohochus them specifically, but along the way. More birds. But in the case and behind them.

20.06.2015 6:55, Alex Dumchus

Come on, Peter, passed. This is interesting, and may wonder? :) I can send you these foty rasteniy- :))).
But seriously:
Leon. I watched almost the same picture, only Swallowtail and Podalirius at the "Utopia" Turkey, Alanya.This hotel is located on the mountain, and in the same place, at the top, near a flower bed, they are going up to a dozen, and below them is almost not there. Butterflies are also chasing each other, with different types of happened and I even took it on video, but turned out badly.And generally, in my experience, there are sailing boats, hardly leaving one place, for example, one pachliopta aristolochiae Tae sitting in the same tree, not flying away from him for more than three meters within a week, while I did not catch it.
Leon, you have no chance feisthamelii in the collection or you just take a picture?

19.06.2015 23:49, Peter Khramov

Alex, send me your comment (18:41) by email at, I'll put it back. It was deleted by an error.

19.06.2015 23:19, Leon Ortlieb

Alexander Dumchus. There, in Portugal, I saw on top of the mountain is not high, (Tien Shantsev rather than the mountain, and the navel is), dance and dozens of Swallowtail Podalirius. I've never seen. I stood and looked stunned. Butterflies rarely sat, so for the next such a passing off and chase.What have grouse current, which brings together dozens of birds known. And butterflies ??
Then I thought maybe downhill grass is dry from the heat and have less nectar ??
After all, up to the point at the navel, I walked quite a few. I saw one of those sailboats and every day, and rarely flying.
Why are they gathering there? Is it their courtship place ?

19.06.2015 18:41, Alex Dumchus


19.06.2015 14:23, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Iphiclides feisthamelii.

19.06.2015 14:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Leon, thank you!
Yes indeed:
I'll add the species and link the photo to it.

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