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Photo #41951: Sciota hostilis


Sciota hostilis

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Tentative identification

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2015-07-27 00:00:00, Vladivostok, Akademgorodok

Photographer's comment: It is from the Phycitinae, the family of genitalia. By its appearance, I can assume that this is Nephopterix hostilis Stph. Determined by Kirpichnikova V. A. Gornotaezhnaya stantsiya DVO RAS.

Comments on this image

30.07.2015 5:50, Yuri Semejkin

Alexander, like everything here sort through, but a little add - why in some publications or websites featured Sciota hostilis, and others. Nephopterix hostilis. Here's an explanation ...
Yuri! We are talking about one and the same form. With the generic name is often confusion: different authors in the genus include species on the understanding, of course, for some of the specified grounds.Hence, it turns out that the same kind in different publications (authors) can be assigned to different genera.
Now all Locked.

29.07.2015 18:20, Peter Khramov

Because of comments remove excess. If anyone believes that the removal of something of value to the general debate - is reported that.

29.07.2015 16:13, Alexandr Zhakov

Until now, there are disputes on the taxonomy Ognevochnogo complex and can not even come to a consensus as it includes families. In the subfamily seems almost normal share, and poor families. You're looking at the site, then is there any finds similar images. but there are people who work with literature, determinants and atlases.So, in all Russian literature: The determinant of the European part of the USSR v.4. Part 5. 1985 Nephopterix hostilis (the originator of this subfamily Sinev) determinant ET v.5 ch.5.2005 (compiled Kirpichnikova VA) Nephopterix hostilis.Earlier there was a Russian school, and serious scientists or when not chasing innovations crusher and combiners, of which there are many, and have an opinion, based on the entire depth of the store of knowledge. And if Kirpichnikova determine how Nephopterix hostilis, then it is the position, and it will not change the label if someone in Europe has united several genera.Tomorrow still all be postponed. Phycitinae one of the most neglected groups ognevok, moreover, it is difficult to define. Yuri showed that this species in Russia is treated as Nephopterix hostilis. Sinev in its catalog, I made a series of systematic solutions for the new Russia, similar to Europe. Someone agreed completely, some partially.We have taken for the convenience of catalog basis. And now the curators lead taxa, at its discretion, based on the scientific work and not websites. The overall system can not be.

29.07.2015 13:24, Yuri Semejkin

Well, Alexander!

29.07.2015 11:53, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, Sinev results for Russia 8 species of this genus, including 5 for 40 species of the region. :) No need screenshots, you need to go to the directory and select a random taxon and everything will be clear. :)

29.07.2015 11:47, Alexandr Zhakov

Yuri, that would not have been many trials :) bring species as you determine. And I with your definition of where to put. Unified system does not and can not be. Just use one here, and another on another site, particularly for generic names.

29.07.2015 11:45, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Sinev 2008 Russia leads 4 species in the genus Sciota (Hulst, 1888). In the region of 40 2 ......
Here's a screen:

29.07.2015 7:59, Yuri Semejkin

Basil ! I take an interest, perhaps Japanese. Perhaps the absence to date of a single country classifications. Earlier, under this name Nephopterix hostilis Stph she went to work Sineva 1986; Kirpichnikova 1999, Yamanaka H. 1999. Under this name she is given in the book Kirpichnikova 2009 edition, which by the way, as the Zoological Institute entomologists have a desktop.
Ps.Basil! I've looked kind of Sciota. In Russia, only one kind of Sciota confluella Car. They wrote about it Caradja, 1916 and the blue, 2008: 160

29.07.2015 7:01, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Confidently identified Tentatively identified.

29.07.2015 5:33, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yuri, do and do not need to be entered. View is another genus calledSciota hostilis(Stephens, 1834).

29.07.2015 5:01, Yuri Semejkin

In this kind of directory site Nephopterix hostilis Stph missing. Yes, and very kind of 40 regions there.
It would be necessary to place, marked inaccurately defined.

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