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Photo #42900: Aphrodisium rufiventris


Aphrodisium rufiventris

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Vasiliy Feoktistov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2013-00-00 00:00:00, Laos

Comments on this image

23.09.2015 21:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov

That's right this time because your diocese butterflies and my still more bugs :)
But always glad amendments. , Especially about the brackets)

23.09.2015 21:04, Alexandr Zhakov

Again the conversation deaf and the blind (

23.09.2015 20:01, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Do not worry I will bring everything into one when the rights are. What is not Aromia is unique.
That is the most striking example: http://www.cerambycoidea.com/foto.asp?Id=1956 (another kind of truth)
And here are collected Aroma: http://www.cerambycoidea.com/specieric.asp?Tipo=R&RIC=

23.09.2015 18:26, Alexandr Zhakov

I do not claim that. This taxon is now present on the site as a species and a subspecies. He described as a subspecies of another sort, so the author in brackets on many sites. The site barbel, but on it he is given as a species, and the author without brackets. I was surprised, it is necessary to look the code, but you can not.

23.09.2015 17:28, Peter Khramov

Well so if there is an error, you need to edit it. Or is it not a mistake, but just the same writing?

23.09.2015 16:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov

In general, the network is full of blunders spinning. I do not want to repeat them here :)
In fact, even visually nothing to do with aromatherapy))

23.09.2015 16:00, Alexandr Zhakov

On many sites, and here. See below.

23.09.2015 15:54, Peter Khramov

It is somewhere there is a subspecies in the database or just the insects in the world?

23.09.2015 15:50, Alexandr Zhakov

As described subspecies in the genus Aromia. I do not get distracted, to understand.

23.09.2015 15:18, Vasiliy Feoktistov

No, Alexander: it is a separate species, and is written without parentheses: http://cerambycidae.org/taxa/rufiventris-Gressitt-1940
Resource Cerambycidae of the World http://cerambycidae.org/ currently the most adequate for Usachev AI therefore rely on it in such matters.
Exactly the same as the Carabidae of the World http://carabidae.org/ most adequate for ground beetles.
These are two parallel life :)

23.09.2015 14:13, Alexandr Zhakov

He really hanging subspecies have Aphrodisium faldermannii Saunders, 1853. The following synonyms are no synonym only spellings and spelling mistakes :) I realized that it was because cerambycidae.org. And I think at the beetles are not too zamarachivatsya brace authors. This species should be like brackets.

23.09.2015 13:37, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Not identified Aphrodisium rufiventris / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.

09.09.2015 12:45, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Aphrodisium (Aphrodisium) rufiventris Gressitt, 1940
Aromia faldermannii subsp. rufiventris Gressitt, 1940 = Aromia (Tomentaromia) faldermanni subsp. rufiventris Gressitt, 1951 = Aromia rufiventris Breuning, 1956 = Aphrodisium (Aphrodisium) rufiventris Podaný, 1971
Also no view and it is necessary to add.

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