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Photo #44443: Parasa hilarata


Parasa hilarata

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Irina Nikulina. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2015-07-06 03:05:00, Russia, Primorskiy Krai, Partizanskiy distr.,Tigrovoje

Comments on this image

29.09.2015 22:08, Alexandr Zhakov


29.09.2015 22:06, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Not identified Parasa hilarata / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

29.09.2015 21:39, Alexandr Zhakov

Ira, you're very well defined. I do not know these types. But on all the sites you can see the difference in the width of the brown outer sling and the angle at which it comes to the inner edge of the costal margin of wing. In sinica generally somewhat narrower and fits almost perpendicular to, and at suitable hilarata wider and at an acute angle, and indeed almost always with two teeth.:) That's what I saw.

29.09.2015 21:25, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Not identified / Imago Parasa hilarata / Confidently identified / Male / Irina Nikulina.

29.09.2015 20:20, Irina Nikulina

Help Wanted. 2 first photos of 7 set to Parasa sinica , about the remaining 5'm not sure - do not Parasa hilarata Do they? I decided with the help of professionals to understand the differences between these two closely related species. Both species are quite common in Primorye, habitat and time of flight of similar caterpillars develop on the same plant.She found only one indication of their difference in a statement Grgoreva GA (cajarc) - color LC http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=199328&view=findpost&p=870889. There is a well illustrated http://szmn.sbras.ru/picts/Heterocera/Limacodidae/Latoia_sinica.htm
and http://szmn.sbras.ru/picts/Heterocera/Limacodidae/Latoia_hilarata.htm
I do not know what there is external differences, is it possible to confidently determine the form, if not see the top of the LC.Among my - at least five butterflies smooth border boundary brown zone and a spike brown root zone. In a network with such gear often form borders meet exactly hilarata http://gaga.biodiv.tw/9702bx/375.htm http://catalog.digitalarchives.tw/item/00/3f/d8 /7e.html have sinica border smoother http://www.jpmoth.org/Limacodidae/Limacodinae/Parasa_sinica.html http://www2.nrm.se/en/lep_nrm/s/parasa_sinicajaponibia .html
At the same time molbiole Grigoriev GAYevgeny Komarov photos identified with a small notched projection boundaries as sinica http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=199328&view=findpost&p=1500760

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