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Photo #57421: Celastrina phellodendroni


Celastrina phellodendroni

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2016-05-11 00:00:00, Владивосток, Ботанический сад-институт ДВО РАН

Comments on this image

12.05.2016 17:26, Yuri Semejkin

Yes, it is better not to move to the exact C. ladonides.
And as https://insecta.pro/gallery/29138, I do not see any reason to transfer pictures and believe in the true definition of inaccurate looked. By the way the name of this butterfly has undergone a series of metamorphoses Celastrina sugitanii (Matsumura, 1919). C. sugitanii phellodendron M. M. Omelko, 1987 = C. phellodendron M. M. Omelko, 1987

12.05.2016 16:36, Irina Nikulina

I would say that this is just the top characteristic of the male C. ladonides. And the network has an image, for example http://catocala.narod.ru/lyc0175.html and http://www.lycaenidae.gmxhome.de/Lycaenopsis/Celastrina/celastrina-index.htm would put rather inaccurate to ladonidam. But the differences of male and ladonidy Barkhatova somehow end up not all clear ladonida brighter, pogolubee boundary blackout in a clear apex more than the Barkhatova http://szmn.sbras.ru/picts/butterfly/Lycaenidae/Celastrina_phellodendroni.htm, but I would not risk to these types in the exact place. By the way, here it is necessary to https://insecta.pro/gallery/29138 inaccurate move, then it, too, was not the exact, complex these Celastrina)

12.05.2016 3:29, Yuri Semejkin

It would be necessary to look more for C. ladonides? The truth at C. ladonides no such top as pictured in the figure. I at least could not be found in the internet. So speak up ....

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