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Photo #8103: Inurois punctigera


Inurois punctigera

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Tentative identification

Place of shooting/catching: Vladivostok, FEBRAS Botanical garden

Comments on this image

02.03.2013 3:34, Yuri Semejkin

Petr, lesson learned. Henceforth will keep an eye on that. As for photos of mine, I randomly checked several, so no bugs.

02.03.2013 0:26, Peter Khramov

Other pics could have that as well like many recent ones which have been just a bit changed, whilst the browser cache can keep the previous files what may mislead. Posmoderation defect.

27.02.2013 0:13, Yuri Semejkin

Petr, thanks. Did it and worked out. No bugs!

26.02.2013 15:02, Peter Khramov

Yury, clear the browser cache, that will help.

26.02.2013 14:45, Yuri Semejkin

Petr, you were right! I've checked the page from different PCs, so it works good there. Appears my browser bug to find it out, why it happens with this very file only.

24.02.2013 14:03, Peter Khramov

Yury, this file is ok, you've obviously got some browser bug. Try another and you'll see all the copyrights as they're supposed to be. No need to remove, this is a new species besides...

22.02.2013 12:33, Yuri Semejkin

Petr. Nothing happens. It somehow goes wrong only with this very file. Because new species? Suggest to remove, besides it has a wrong name. I'll reupload once it gets surely identified.

22.02.2013 1:05, Peter Khramov

The URL has .jpg at the end, see?

22.02.2013 0:11, Yuri Semejkin

http://lepidoptera.pro/images/1024/8103 says "page not found".

21.02.2013 21:50, Peter Khramov

Check it out http://lepidoptera.pro/images/1024/8103.jpg, if nothing changes even there, press Ctrl+F5 on that page.

19.02.2013 16:58, Yuri Semejkin

Pressed Ctrl+F5, the page twitched but no changes.

19.02.2013 15:59, Lev Bely

Yup, the very cache.

19.02.2013 14:44, Peter Khramov

Yury, Lev meant you should reload the page and clear the cache like Ctrl+F5.

19.02.2013 14:23, Yuri Semejkin

Lev, did that but nothing changed. Curiously this only image's broken.

19.02.2013 12:02, Lev Bely

Yury, try to refresh the page, I see the full-size pic copyrighted properly.

19.02.2013 0:05, Yuri Semejkin

Petr! Despite the photo fixed, nothing changed. Bug's still there.

18.02.2013 16:58, Peter Khramov


15.02.2013 10:38, Peter Khramov

Appears to be bug, the soft likely laid one more copyright upon the actual one. Thanks for the hint, I'll fix that!

15.02.2013 7:14, Yuri Semejkin

Petr! What's wrong?
Looking at the photo that reads "Yuri Semejkin, Lepidoptera.ru" as usual. Click on it, then see... Yury, then something illegible like Sokolkov, Lepidoptera.pro. I've checked the neighbour photos, no such things on there!

13.02.2013 18:03, Peter Khramov


12.02.2013 16:13, Yuri Semejkin

According to the Institute of Biology and Soil Science FEB RAS, this is a new, undescribed species. It actually can be moved to I. punctigera since no other variants published yet.

06.01.2013 0:31, Peter Khramov

Didn't get clearer...

18.07.2012 14:29, Yuri Semejkin

Petr, check this out, may help to make things clearer: http://www.animalsandearth.com/ru/photo/view/id/86565-looper-moth-inurois-fletcheri-pair-mating-japan/tag/Inurois%20fletcheri#/1/tags/Inurois+fletcheri/viewed.

16.07.2012 14:01, Peter Khramov

What's this species in fact? There should be its synonym on the website, supposedly, can't see it though.

06.03.2012 13:36, Yuri Semejkin

Inurois fletcheri. Identified by Vasilenko S. V. Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals Siberian Branch of RAS (ISEA SB RAS).

12.02.2012 4:17, Yuri Semejkin

Inurois fletcheri. Not my identifying.

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