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Photo #9488: Illiberis consimilis


Illiberis consimilis

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Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image redone at the website. Identified by: Irina Nikulina. Tentative identification

Place of shooting/catching: Vladivostok, FEBRAS Botanical garden

Photographer's comment: Shot on a a birthwort leaf.

Comments on this image

04.11.2013 2:41, Peter Khramov

Nah, that's ok. Just wondered.

04.11.2013 2:08, Yuri Semejkin

Petr! I just copypasted the letter which I read at 7 in the morning (it's already morning here). As for the common names, capital letters and line breaks, It's easy, I think. I mentioned in that letter to Efetov that the larva was previously identified as Illiberis consimilis and that I was not a biologist. I think the reply is meant for an amateur to get it as much clear and line breaks were for purpose not to get confused while reading.
Petr! What's wrong? Maybe better to delete the comment? We anyway got the information.

04.11.2013 1:38, Peter Khramov

I wonder why common names begin with capital letters? Surprise. Also one secondary question, Yury, why so many line breaks?

04.11.2013 1:17, Yuri Semejkin


03.11.2013 12:15, Irina Nikulina

Ure, sorry, did not have time, and wanted to unite together and send this beauty http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/21686, which inaccurately identified as Eugene Illiberis hyalina.

03.11.2013 11:55, Yuri Semejkin

Thank you Alexander! Letter sent, waiting for an answer.

03.11.2013 10:13, Alexandr Zhakov

The largest specialist zygaenidae the former Soviet Union: Konstantin Efetov - efetov.konst@gmail.com (address of publication 2013)

03.11.2013 3:43, Yuri Semejkin

Il! I looked Japanese link. You almost convinced me that this Illiberis consimilis. Agree 99.9%. Link is interesting, there is a view from above and from the side. What doubt to accept a 100% in Japanese pictures you remember the same black bars, but there is in addition to, perpendicular to this long, it arranged short, the same black color.Here, these short strips in the form of shadows, light gray. Maybe this is due to age, but who would have explained? Even if the pro Basil writes that he doubted that she even determined! That much I say the kettle.
Somewhere, like you, I saw a reference to a person occupying a famili zygaenidae. He would show, mail it needed to throw

03.11.2013 2:40, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Not identified Illiberis consimilis / Tentatively identified / Irina Nikulina.

03.11.2013 0:45, Irina Nikulina

Ure, here are a couple of references to tracks Illiberis consimilis http://design-room.img.jugem.jp/20130720_1751422.jpg and http://aoki2.si.gunma-u.ac.jp/youtyuu/HTMLs/ruriirosukasikuroba. html. Convincingly, I think, especially when you consider that the species is common to your seats.

27.10.2013 5:08, Yuri Semejkin

Parthenocissus was there. As a caterpillar, it Illiberis consimilis Leech, 1898 I can not judge. Maybe. In any case, the fact that naryl by the nature of it is only considered normal. At al. Species or rare or very rare or isolated finds.

26.10.2013 23:20, Irina Nikulina

Vasily's first comment is confusing, still... Yury, I think this is larva of Illiberis genus, you've got 10 species of this genus in Primorye, and rather common. I reckon this is Illiberis consimilis Leech, 1898. I was looking for photos of my specimen on Japanese websites and also checked curious pics of this genus. Have a look, here's nearly yours, only poorer shot) http://www.jpmoth.org/Zygaenidae/Procridinae/Illiberis_consimilis.html. Also there is a publication by Japanese authors, «Larva and hostplants of Illiberis consimilis Leech Zygaenidae, Procridinae from Aichi Prefecture, Japan» where 2 food plants of this genus mentioned, Vitis coignetiae Pulliat ex Planch and Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. Maybe it crawled on Aristolochia just by accident?) Waiting for an expert opinion!

27.09.2011 3:34, Yuri Semejkin

As for WB, its color hasn't been changed. In nature, on birthworts it was of the same color.

25.09.2011 8:17, Peter Khramov

As for the species, dunno, won't argue, but the WB can vary as for shooting...

25.09.2011 8:11, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Everything's doubtful, from color.

24.09.2011 22:29, Peter Khramov

Hair color doubtful?

24.09.2011 22:09, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I don't think so: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=a6m0ze&logNo=130018277976&categoryNo=35&viewDate=¤tPage=1&listtype=0.

24.09.2011 20:48, Peter Khramov

There is some information from above that it can be Elcysma westwoodi. Seems to suit, geographically too. Any pro/con?

03.09.2011 22:38, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Caterpillar (not sure though if it can be identified).

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