Oedecnema gebleri Ganglbauer, 1887
class Insecta → subclass Pterygota → infraclass Neoptera → superorder Holometabola → order Coleoptera → suborder Polyphaga → infraorder Cucujiformia → superfamily Chrysomeloidea → family Cerambycidae → subfamily Lepturinae → tribe Lepturini → genus Oedecnema → species Oedecnema gebleri
Species name(s)
Oedecnema gebleri Ganglbauer, 1887 = Leptura dubia Fabricius, 1781 (nec Scopoli, 1763 = Leptura decemmaculata Matsumura, 1911 = Leptura gebleri Ganglbauer, 1889 = Leptura dubia Fabricius 1781. [10, 187]
This species marks on the maps: 2.
Detailed information with references
Taxonomy, synonyms and combinations
- Leptura dubia Fabricius, 1781 (nec Scopoli, 1763) = Oedecnema dubia Thomson, 1857 (Thomson, 1864 ; Aurivillius, 1912 [catalogue] ; Wang, 2003) = Leptura gebleri Ganglbauer, 1889 = Strangalia 8-guttata Mitsuhashi, 1906 = Leptura (Strangalia) decemmaculata Matsumura, 1911 = Strangalia decempunctata Yokoyama & Kano, 1927 [sic] = Oedecnema gebleri Niisato, 2001 (Sama, 2002 ; Ohbayashi & Niisato, 2007) [194].
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
Vladimir Bobow. Text data: Vasiliy Feoktistov.
- [10] de Jong, Y.S.D.M. (ed.) (2011) Fauna Europaea version 2.4 (faunaeur.org)
- [187] Species 2000, http://www.sp2000.org
- [194] Barsevskis A. et al. 2015. Cerambycidae of the World: http://cerambycidae.org/
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