Archips breviplicanus Walsingham, 1900

class Insecta → subclass Pterygota → infraclass Neoptera → superorder Holometabola → order Lepidoptera → superfamily Tortricoidea → family Tortricidae → subfamily Tortricinae → tribe Archipini → genus Archips → subgenus Archips → species Archips breviplicanus
Species name(s)
Archips (Archips) breviplicanus Walsingham, 1900 = Cacoecia criticana Kennel, 1901 = Archips breviplicana Walsingham 1900. [3, 187]
This species marks on the maps: 2.
Russia regions
#37. Nizhne-Amursky; #38. Sakhalin; #40. Primorsky.

Detailed information with references
Taxonomy, synonyms and combinations
- Regions of the Russian Federation: the Lower Amur, Primorye and Sakhalin. [3].
- Outside the Russian Federation: Japan (Hokkaido Island, Honshu), Korea Peninsula, NE China Gardens, parks, mixed and valley broadleaf woodes [112].
Imago lifespan
- the first generation - V1 - V11
the second generation V111 - 1X
General info about Larva
- Caterpillars on budding buds, buds, ovaries, in the 2nd generation can nibble the fruits of rosaceae trees. [112].
Larva food plants / other food objects
- Malus, Prunus, Pyrus, Cerasus, Morus sp., Lonícera sp., Crataegus sp., Juglans mandshurica, Ulmus propinqua, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Alnus japonica [112].
Larva lifespan
Overwintering stage
- Diapausing caterpillars of 3-4 cocoon instars overwinter [112].
Irina Nikulina.
Text data: Peter Khramov, Irina Nikulina.
The species characteristics formalization: Peter Khramov.
- [3] Каталог чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera) России. Под ред. С. Ю. Синёва. СПб.; М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2008
- [11] Жизнь животных по А. Э. Брему. Т.2: Членистоногие. М.: Учпедгиз РСФСР, 1941
- [112] Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока России том 5. Ручейники и чешуекрылые. часть 3. Владивосток: Дальнаука, 2001
- [187] Species 2000,
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