This taxon marks on the maps Polyphylla: 5
Polyphylla Harris, 1841 [subgenus]
Polyphylla aeola, Polyphylla albertischulzi, Polyphylla anteronivea, Polyphylla arguta, Polyphylla avittata, Polyphylla barbata, Polyphylla brownae, Polyphylla cavifrons, Polyphylla comes, Polyphylla crinita, Polyphylla decemlineata, Polyphylla devestiva, Polyphylla diffracta, Polyphylla donaldsoni, Polyphylla erratica, Polyphylla gracilis, Polyphylla hammondi, Polyphylla hirsuta, Polyphylla maculipennis, Polyphylla maroccana, Polyphylla mescalerensis, Polyphylla modulata, Polyphylla monahansensis, Polyphylla multimaculata, Polyphylla nigra, Polyphylla nubila, Polyphylla occidentalis, Polyphylla petitii, Polyphylla pottsorum, Polyphylla pubescens, Polyphylla ratcliffei, Polyphylla rugosipennis, Polyphylla sobrina, Polyphylla squamiventris, Polyphylla stellata, Polyphylla turkmenoglui, Polyphylla variolosa, Polyphylla woodruffi
Polyphylla adspersa Motschulsky, 1853 [species]
Polyphylla aeolus La Rue, 1998 [species]
Polyphylla albolineata Motschulsky, 1861 [species]
Polyphylla algirana Brenske, 1896 [species]
Polyphylla annamensis Fleutiaux, 1887 [species]
Polyphylla concurrens Casey, 1889 [species]
Polyphylla conspersa Burmeister, 1855 [species]
Polyphylla dahnshuensis Li & Yang, 1997 [species]
Polyphylla davidis Fairmaire, 1888 [species]
Polyphylla devestita Young, 1966 [species]
Polyphylla edentula Harold, 1878 [species]
Polyphylla exilis Zhang, 1984 [species]
Polyphylla intermedia Zhang, 1981 [species]
Polyphylla irrorata Gebler, 1841 [species]
Polyphylla jessopi De Wailly, 1997 [species]
Polyphylla laticollis Lewis, 1887 [species]
Polyphylla lerestifi Guerlach, 2012 [species]
Polyphylla macrocera Reitter, 1891 [species]
Polyphylla minor Nomura, 1977 [species]
Polyphylla navarretei Zidek, 2006 [species]
Polyphylla naxiana Reitter, 1902 [species]
Polyphylla nikodymi De Wailly, 1997 [species]
Polyphylla nubecula Frey, 1962 [species]
Polyphylla olivieri Castelnau, 1840 [species]
Polyphylla parva Kobayashi & Chou, 2008 [species]
Polyphylla persica Brenske, 1902 [species]
Polyphylla phongsali Zidek, 2006 [species]
Polyphylla ploceki Tesar, 1944 [species]
Polyphylla schoenfeldti Brenske, 1890 [species]
Polyphylla shestakowi Semenov, 1900 [species]
Polyphylla sicardi Bedel, 1917 [species]
Polyphylla simoni Sehnal & Bezdek, 2011 [species]
Polyphylla starkae Skelley, 2009 [species]
Polyphylla taiwana Sawada, 1950 [species]
Polyphylla tonkinense Dewailly, 1945 [species]
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