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02.12.2011 8:23, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11492

Fault, this is Catopsilia scylla.

01.12.2011 0:14, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11424

Yes, Spirama helicina looks more similar.

30.11.2011 16:48, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11424

I'm not a Noctuidae pro. If it was something of diurnals, I could say 100% sure. There only guesses. Wait for.

30.11.2011 16:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11424

If I'd only knew where it from. Judging by other species, this is Southeast Asia. Supposedly, Speiredonia (Spirama) retorta.

30.11.2011 16:27, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11425

Male — m Female — f

29.11.2011 8:41, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #2970

Wouldn't have I been doubtful about that, but it could be better to have the topside to look at.

28.11.2011 9:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #2970

Is it possible to look at the top side???

27.11.2011 21:41, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11426

Species added.

27.11.2011 21:28, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11420

I didn't see it alive. If the author says surely the stripes are white, so that's 100% curius.

27.11.2011 21:26, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11425

No need to move, I'd rather know what our Saturniidae experts' would say. I just suggested that blindly.

23.11.2011 23:45, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11436

Antheraea larissa??? female.

23.11.2011 23:44, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11425

Antheraea larissa??? male.

23.11.2011 23:10, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11426


23.11.2011 23:09, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11423

Appias nero male.

23.11.2011 23:09, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11426

Erasmia sanguiflua.

23.11.2011 20:06, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11420

The author was helped with identifying at molbiol.ru. What's better for us, that's an another question.

23.11.2011 8:24, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9880

The species is identified by Evgeny Karolinsky, 2011/08/12.

23.11.2011 1:58, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11420

Seems to me it's rather green Lamproptera meges, not a white Lamproptera curius.

23.11.2011 1:47, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9880

Don't make haste, colleagues might suggest different ones.

22.11.2011 23:25, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9880

Coenonympha rhodopensis Coenonympha arcania Coenonympha leander (last three are out at once) Coenonympha orientalis (also passes by) C. thyrsis which is already mentioned there doesn't differ to Coenonympha pamphilus f. lyllus but with its genitalia (Boillat 1986). So, having eliminated all those, we've got Coenonympha pamphilus f. lyllus.

22.11.2011 23:13, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9880

Let's look through Bokhanov's catalog. In Croatia there are such species as Coenonympha rhodopensis Coenonympha glycerion Coenonympha pamphilus Coenonympha arcania Coenonympha orientalis Coenonympha leander.

22.11.2011 20:53, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9880

Turns out like nothing but this.

22.11.2011 15:43, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9880

It seems rather to be Coenonympha pamphilus.

13.10.2011 8:21, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #7285

To "uncertain".

13.10.2011 8:21, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #7286

To "uncertain".

13.10.2011 8:21, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #5509

To "uncertain".

12.10.2011 20:06, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Caligo memnon

Do not look. Now it is a subspecies of Caligo telamonius (C. & R. Felder, 1862) Source Gerardo Lamas, 2004; Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera; Checklist: Part 4A; Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea

12.10.2011 13:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10034

More suggestions???

12.10.2011 13:33, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #7285

Caligo illioneus (Cramer, [1775]).

12.10.2011 13:33, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #7286

Caligo illioneus (Cramer, [1775]).

12.10.2011 13:33, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #7286

Caligo illioneus (Cramer, [1775]).

12.10.2011 13:15, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10594

Did you get genus? Won't add tropical Lycaenidae photos anymore.

09.10.2011 22:24, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #5509

I'd say this is Oleria sexmaculata = Oleria antaxis (Haensch, 1909). Oleria assimilis is mentioned only for Ecuador and a part of Peru.

07.10.2011 8:28, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Catocala pacta

Local. This year, on the screen up to 10 pcs per night occurred.

05.10.2011 22:20, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10532

Epirrita autumnata (Borkhausen, 1794).

05.10.2011 13:28, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #7209

This species is identified correctly.

04.10.2011 10:07, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #6289

This species is identified correctly.

04.10.2011 8:21, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #3322

This species is identified correctly.

04.10.2011 8:18, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #7283

This species is identified correctly.

28.09.2011 9:31, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10739

Phyllodesma americana feeds on cottonwood too. That's all I found in social caterpillars. There is also one Pieridae species that doesn't live on cottonwood though. Does anybody have anything besides?

28.09.2011 9:11, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10739

And why imago??? This is a caterpillar nest.

28.09.2011 9:10, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10739

Definitely not "identified". Let's check it out by whom such constructions can be made. Especially, on cottonwood.

27.09.2011 22:28, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10739

There is only one Lasiocampidae species as for Colorado, Phyllodesma americana.

13.09.2011 21:10, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10660

paphia female.

29.08.2011 14:40, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10034

Seems to me that's Angerona prunaria.

29.08.2011 8:37, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #10186

Rather Colias hyale.

26.08.2011 10:59, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9794

I can understand that some girl from Cruatia sent it. That's good but photo, even compared to mine, is nothing.

26.08.2011 10:18, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9794

I would throw out this photo!

26.08.2011 10:15, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9795

C. croceus.

26.08.2011 10:14, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #9794

C. croceus.

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