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Comments on insects taxa at Insecta.pro

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06.02.2011 13:09, Peter Khramov: comment on Papilio fuscus

Added / corrected.

05.02.2011 20:38, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Graphium codrus

This is just codrus codrus (Cramer, [1777]), nominative!

04.02.2011 22:30, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Hyles nicaea

Russian name Hyles South Euphorbiaceae

04.02.2011 22:29, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Hyles hippophaes

Russian name - Hyles buckthorn

03.02.2011 16:21, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Ripponia hypolitus

View transferred from generation to generation Troides Ripponia.

03.02.2011 15:30, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Trogonoptera brookiana

View transferred from generation to generation Troides Trogonoptera.

03.02.2011 11:45, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Atlantarctia tigrina

The range of species: North-West Italy, Southern France, the Pyrenees, Spain. By: VV Dubatolov. Database Dipper (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) of the Palearctic - http://www-sbras.nsc.ru/win/elbib/atlas/Arctiidae/138.html

02.02.2011 1:04, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Graphium polycenes

right Graphium policenes (Cramer, [1775])

27.01.2011 18:17, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Parides nephalion

not a view !!! Subspecies Parides anchises nephalion (Godart, 1819) Möhn, 2006, Butterflies of the World 26: 12, pl. 44, f. 14

23.01.2011 12:32, Peter Khramov: comment on Tyta luctuosa


22.01.2011 10:56, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Plusia festucae

Plusiinae cereal. Larvae develop on a variety of grasses, sedges, and other hydrophilic plants. In the Moscow region it is a very common species, and often arrives at the light. Flight of adults from June to September in two generations.

21.01.2011 23:19, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Papilio sataspes

And to apologize for what ???

19.01.2011 18:05, Peter Khramov: comment on Marpesia harmonia


19.01.2011 2:19, Peter Khramov: comment on Periphanes cora

Ok, it remains as it is, with the added synonym.

18.01.2011 23:28, Peter Khramov: comment on Doxocopa laurentia

Stand Dmitry comments for this picture http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/2833/

18.01.2011 16:31, Peter Khramov: comment on Eumedonia eumedon

Ok, I leave it until it is.

18.01.2011 15:24, Peter Khramov: comment on Acronicta strigosa


17.01.2011 22:21, Peter Khramov: comment on Graphium weiskei

Apparently, a typo. Corrected.

17.01.2011 17:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Morpho aega

Kind of interesting because it is the smallest species of the genus Morpho. The wingspan of no more than our butterfly Machaon.

17.01.2011 15:18, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Heteropterus morpheus

View quite unfairly listed in the KK Moscow area in my opinion. It is not rare for us, but rather local.

17.01.2011 14:56, Peter Khramov: comment on Drasteria cailino

Note moved to the 8918 photo.

17.01.2011 14:53, Peter Khramov: comment on Papilio jordani

Comments postponed to 3909 photos.

17.01.2011 9:25, Tatyana Gordeeva: comment on Ivela ochropoda

It is found in the east of the Trans-Baikal, Amur region, Primorye; Northeastern. and east. China, Japan.

16.01.2011 22:16, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Papilio thoas

subspecies thoas- North SA autocles Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 - South US- Nicaragua nealces Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 Nikaragua- Ecuador melonius Rothschild & Jordan Jamaica cyniras Ménétriés, 1857 Ekvador- Amazonia (sometimes isolated as an independent kind) oviedo Gundlach, 1866 Cuba thoantiades Burmeister Argentina brasiliensis Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 South Brazil, Uruguay, ...

16.01.2011 17:16, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Zerynthia polyxena

In fact, in the south of European Russia banal species occurring in the mass throughout the locus kirkazona. The apparent rarity of this type may be associated with a fairly short time, the summer of adults (in the Volgograd region from mid-April to mid-May).

16.01.2011 16:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Papilio nephelus

subspecies nephelus Java sunatus Corbet, 1940 Peninsular Malaya annulus Pendlebury, 1936 Peninsular Malaya chaon Westwood, 1844 Orissa, Nepal - Assam, N.Burma ducenarius Fruhstorfer, 1908 S.Burma chaonulus Fruhstorfer S.China, Haina, Taiwan albolineatus Forbes Sumatra, Borneo siporanus Hagan Menawai Is tellonus Fruhstorfer Batu Is. uranus Weymer Nias rileyi Fruhstorfer, 1913

16.01.2011 14:35, Peter Khramov: comment on Schrankia balneorum

Ok, corrected.

16.01.2011 13:19, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Polyommatus damone

P. damone tanais (Dantchenko et Lukhtanov, 1993), the authors of the subspecies are listed is not true, right (Dantchenko et Pljushtch, 1993). And in light of recent data, for the Crimea described subspecies of P. damone rljushtchi (Lukhtanov et Budashkin, 1993);

15.01.2011 5:10, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Graphium sarpedon

Subspecies teredon - Sri Lanka sarpedon - India Burma Thailand, Malaysia, Hainan Is, Sumatra, Borneo, The Philippines, Java and Bali semifasciatus - SE and West China connectens - Taiwan nipponum - Japan rufofervidum - Nias Is phyris - Mentawei Is rufocellularis - Bawean adonarensis - Sumbawa, Adonara, Flores jugens - Sumba timorensis - Timor, ...

14.01.2011 15:38, Peter Khramov: comment on Argynnis aglaja

Glitch fixed.

13.01.2011 1:13, Peter Khramov: comment on Agriopis aurantiaria

Note moved to the photo http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/3678/

08.01.2011 22:48, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Damora sagana


08.01.2011 22:46, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Catonephele numilia

It is male. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced in this kind of a lot.

25.07.2009 20:32, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Sasakia charonda

"Japanese perelivnitsa" or "Japanese impertor" famous for being considered the emblem of Japan (in this country there is a cult of butterflies).

24.07.2009 21:58, Denis Tumanov: comment on Attacus atlas

In Europe, you can breed at the Lilac (Siringa vulgaris) and other olives)))

22.07.2009 23:26, Peter Khramov: comment on Papilio anchisiades

Position in a system for P. anchisiades taken from funet.fi, and therefore may not be accurate. If there is a valid source for this kind of - I beg to announce.

06.07.2009 10:52, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Anteos menippe

A. menippe zheltushka one of the largest and the world in general is one of the largest species of the family Pieridae (Belyanko).

05.07.2009 15:27, Peter Khramov: comment on Argynnis paphia

Comment Timur Chemerkina transferred to comment Photo # 1665.

04.07.2009 12:50, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Sphingoneopsis gorgoniades

The caterpillars feed on the bedstraw and form clusters, is rare. South Europe, Central Asia.

02.07.2009 12:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Proserpinus proserpina

Caterpillar can be safely nurse on willow-tea (Cyprus).

28.06.2009 21:10, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Polyommatus ciscaucasicus

(= Yurinekrutenko Koak, 1996; = carmonides Eckweiler, 1997). Description. Length of front wing 14-18 mm. The male wings are dark blue-purple, shiny, with an edge dimming width from 1 to 3 mm; a female - brown.Underneath the wings of the male gray-beige with a pattern of dark postdiskalnyh and marginal elements in the rear wing with little or no blue basal spraying, in the female - light ...

28.06.2009 21:08, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Cupido alcetas

(= Coretas (Ochsenheimer, 1807)). Description. Length of front wing 11-16 mm. Wings top male blue-violet with a very narrow black edge, females - brown; bottom - a pale blue-gray. Marginal low contrast image below. At the rear wing of the thread-like tail length not exceeding 1.0 mm.At its base from the bottom of the rear wings often marginalized orange spots absent or weakly expressed there is ...

27.06.2009 5:48, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Praephilotes anthracias

Description. Length of front wing 10-14 mm. The wings of both sexes are dark brown on top, at the apex lightened. Below the wings are dark brown with postdiskalnym and marginalized figure, slightly contrasting with the background, especially on the front wings. Fringe colorful wings. The length of the valve is 0.5-0.6 mm. Valves with a narrow costal process. Biology.The sand of the desert. ...

26.06.2009 15:43, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Lamproptera meges

Very tiny Asian sailboat - has a wingspan of only 3-5 cm and very long spur on the hind wings.

25.06.2009 18:59, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Cupido osiris

(= Sebrus (Boisduval, 1832); = majuspunctata (Verity, 1934)). Description. Fore wing length of 10 - 16 mm. Wings of male purple top, females - brown, bottom - light gray. Marginal figure below is virtually nonexistent. The length of the valve, including the length of the costal process is 0.9 - 1.1 mm. Biology. Grasslands of various types, steppe areas. In the mountains up to 2600 m.Years of ...

25.06.2009 17:57, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Polyommatus ripartii

Description. Length of front wing 13-19 mm. In both sexes wings are dark brown; bottom - light brown, blue on the hind wings pretornal spraying is not developed. Marginal drawing underside of the wings is virtually nonexistent. On the rear fenders along the veins M3 bright white bar. The length of the valve is 2.2-2.5 mm. Haploid - 90 chromosomes.Biology. Steppe grasslands, rocky steppes. In ...

25.06.2009 6:43, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Plebejus sephirus

(= Uhryki (Rebel, 1911); = microsephyrus (Verity, 1935); = modica (Verity, 1935); = kovacsi (Szabo, 1954); = proximus (Szabo, 1954); = foticus (Szabo, 1954); = magnificus Balint, 1987). Description. Length of front wing 13-17 mm. The male on top of the wings purple-blue on the hind wings marginal black spots; a female - brown with orange marginal wells. The underside of the wings of gray. Figure ...

24.06.2009 7:22, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Polyommatus coelestina

Description. Length of front wing 12-16 mm. The male wings on top of intense blue, shiny, with an edge dimming width up to 1.5 mm; a female - brown, often with hilar blue sputtering and orange marginal holes on the rear fenders. Underneath the wings of the male and female gray.Figure underside of the wings consists mainly of postdiskalnogo number of spots, the females sometimes there is a ...

24.06.2009 6:56, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Polyommatus damocles

Description. Length of front wing 14-17 mm. The male on top of the wings of blue, shiny, with fine dark boundary line (0.5 mm); a female - brown. Apex front wings pointed. Underneath the wings of the male light gray in the back wing of the blue pretornal spraying is not developed; a female - light brown. Marginal drawing underside is very weak.On the rear fenders along the veins M3 bright clear a ...

24.06.2009 5:07, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Tongeia fischeri

Description. Fore wing length of 9-13 mm. Wings of male and female brown on top; bottom - light gray-beige. Figure underside of the wings contrasting with orange submarginal spots on the hind wings. Marginal black spots bottom rear wings with bright blue scales. At the rear wing of the thread-like tail length not exceeding 1.0 mm.The length of the valve is 0.7-0.8 mm. Biology. Stony steppe. ...

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