Community and Forum → Discussions on the website functionality → On the use of pairs of dogs@@@@to highlight the name of the species
Peter Khramov, 27.10.2013 2:50
So if you use in a comment such construction species name then you give a link on the very species description page on the website (in case the species is catalogued), in this case it will properly linked as Danaus plexippus, or if there's no yet such species in the catalogue, the name will appear in italic font. It's really handy and I suggest to use it often. There's also some specifics, if there are three comments on the page and they all contain such construction, this looks bad and reads even worse. So let's agree that we use this species name construction in the first comment and then just plain species name, no any @. Exception: when there's a huge discussion with lots of comments, there's some sense in using again this construction some time after as the first link goes down deep. All this about the situation when we talk about one species. If many different species mentioned, then many constructions could be used, even close to each other :--)
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