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Moths and Nymphalid caterpillars in Moscow

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsMoths and Nymphalid caterpillars in Moscow

Tyomochkin, 10.08.2006 15:44

Recently, I noticed a sharp drop in the number of hawk moth and nymphalid caterpillars in Moscow! Bindweed, willow-tea, wild carrots, nettles-almost empty! This year, during the summer in Moscow, I met only a few nymphalid caterpillars! What can this be related to and where to look for caterpillars???

This post was edited by Tyomochin - 10.08.2006 15: 45


10.08.2006 15:58, Pavel Morozov

Most likely, the decline in numbers is due to the reproduction of natural enemies, in particular, parasites.
The number of species could also be affected by the harsh winter.
Well, where to look for caterpillars? Same place as before.

10.08.2006 20:28, Tyomochkin

At the expense of winter and parasites-I agree! Taking into account -30 degrees in winter! And where to look for large clusters of caterpillars this year? And in other things, where to look for clusters usually? What kind of herbs, trees, or even forests?

This post was edited by Tyomochin - 10.08.2006 20: 29

17.08.2006 21:23, Pavel Morozov

The fact is that there are not so many butterflies whose caterpillars live in clusters.
Well, there are peacock's eye and mottledwing on the nettle. A whole colony of silvery hole caterpillars can suddenly be caught on a willow tree.
Hawks don't usually congregate in one place. You can, of course, find a few caterpillars on the food plant. In general, hawk moth caterpillars, like many others (for example, the scoop), are better viewed in cloudy weather, they are more active and sit on top and are more visible. Poplar, linden, and ocular hawks prefer young trees or the lowest branches; their caterpillars usually sit on the underside of the leaves. The same can be said about the honeysuckle bumblebee: its caterpillars prefer very young honeysuckle bushes no more than a meter high.
Only now is not the best season for hawk moth caterpillars. Most of them are probably already pupated. Although, until September, you can still pick up.
A little tip: walk along the lime alleys, near the park ponds where willows grow. So, if you are lucky, you can see caterpillars that are already about to pupate and run on the ground.
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