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To the question of vision

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsTo the question of vision

keine namen, 05.09.2007 10:28

I have long been interested in the question of how complex the visual apparatus of insects is, especially in terms of its recognition part. If anyone knows any examples where an animal is able to distinguish one from the other, then share


05.09.2007 10:38, Tigran Oganesov

They see and distinguish a lot of things. Social hymenoptera, for example, can distinguish many colors and shapes of objects. There is a lot of literature on this subject - read the classic works of Frisch, Masokhin-Porshnyakov ("Insect Vision"). From foreign colleagues - R. Menzel, T. Collett, M. Shrinivasan, L. Chittka. Yes, many more people, these are the first who came to mind. The topic is very extensive.

07.09.2007 12:05, keine namen

you I have the Masokhin-Porshnyakov book, but what is frisch? in principle even fabre has many examples of how well image differentiation works in insects

07.09.2007 15:28, Tigran Oganesov

Karl von Frisch-won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the bee dance. Randolf Menzel-his student, he has very interesting articles on vision and memory.

13.01.2008 23:58, PVOzerski

More Frantsevich look for

26.02.2008 23:03, Hemaris

Hawk moth has very good color and object vision. Plus the ability to learn. I fed the butterflies directly from my mouth.

01.03.2008 16:05, Охотник за осами

Bees, not known as wasps, may also have visible light from yellow to ultraviolet, red does not differ

02.03.2008 12:59, sea007

I'm also interested in the subject of insect vision, especially mosquitoes. If anyone has any information on this issue, please share.
I'm looking for the spectral sensitivity curves of mosquito light receivers, but I can't find them, bees and flies are described, but there are no mosquitoes. Maybe someone knows how many light receivers a mosquito has and what are the wavelengths of their maximum sensitivity?

Maybe of course the answers are in these books:

1. Masokhin-Porshnyakov G. A. (1965) Zrenie insektov [Vision of insects]. Moscow:Nauka, 263 p.
2. Masokhin - Porshnyakov G. A. Zrenie i visual'naia orientiatsiya insektov [Vision and visual orientation of insects]. Moscow: Znanie Publ., 1980, 64 p.
3. Masokhin-Porshnyakov G. A. Comparison of the attracting effect of rays of different spectral composition on insects/ G. A. Masokhin-Porshnyakov// Entomological review. - 1956. - No. 4.4
. Masokhin-Porshnyakov G. A. Why insects fly to the light / G. A. Masokhin-Porshnyakov // Entomological review. - 1960. - T. 39, issue.1.5
. Chernyshov V. B. Vremya leta razlichnykh insektov na svet [Summer time of various insects in the light] / / Zool. zhurnal. - 1961. - Vol. 40, No. 7.6
. Chernyshov V. B., Vliyanie pogoda na leta insektov na svet v Srednoi Azii / V. B. Chernyshov, P. P. Bogush // Zool. zhurnal, 1973, vol. 52, issue 5, pp. 700-708.

but I don't have these books. Tell me where you can find them!

16.03.2008 9:05, Nozer

The visual organs are represented by complex faceted eyes (giving a direct and mosaic image) and simple eyes. Insects distinguish the shape and color of objects

23.04.2008 22:14, Мих

Praying mantises can pick out movement, but they can also pick out corpses if they want to eat. They can distinguish an aggressive attack from a simple movement. they see very small objects and can see people in the distance. Or feel it? Who knows how mantises see?

07.09.2008 23:40, Андреас

- In my yard, a male C-beloe anglwing, sitting on a post, took off and chased several times after taking off from him at a distance of 5 m!!! a red-brown pigeon!... - But this is understandable, based on the proportional projection of the visible size of the object... lol.gif

This post was edited by Andreas - 09/10/2008 08: 50

08.09.2008 16:13, Guest

Many horses began to run away when the distance from me to them was about 4-5 m.
And dragonflies are downright amazing, from a few meters you can distinguish small, fast-flying insects...

09.09.2008 10:21, Alexandr Rusinov

I had to observe how sitting on the flowers of yarrow Lebia cruxminor when approaching them began to quickly run away at a distance of 2.5-3 m.

09.09.2008 10:58, Bukashechnik

Ktyri flies are simply analogous to falcons in the insect world in terms of visual acuity and ability to catch prey. I had to observe in the south of Kazakhstan how the ktyri Stenopogon avus caught Moroccan locusts and Turanian prus in flight, it seems to sit quietly, and once-already sucks the prey. They ran away from me from a distance of 3-3. 5 m. I had to try my best to catch them.
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27.08.2010 8:30, Славян

Lepidoptera have complex faceted eyes or simple ocelli.One butterfly can have 2 faceted eyes and 2 simple ones.Butterflies have color vision,but some colors may not be perceived by individual butterfly species at all.Lepidoptera perceive moving objects better.

This post was edited by Slavyan - 27.08.2010 08: 34

27.08.2010 18:44, Arikain

I read about the good eyesight of ktyri, but for some reason I didn't notice it myself. They can see well, since they catch insects in flight, but I've hardly ever seen them fly away from me. I often caught them and photographed them, but somehow they didn't notice the danger. I don't know, maybe I get the wrong species, maybe something else. Maybe I'm not the only one, someone also noticed it.

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