Community and Forum → Insects biology and faunistics → Trophic spectrum
Трофим, 17.06.2008 19:10
What are oligophages, monophages, polyphages-this is clear. I would like to clarify in which case the oligophagus is narrow, and in which case it is wide. And so it is for all three terms. There is a certain number of plants, for example, to consider the oligophagus wide. Let's say polyxena, the larva feeds on kirkazon, several species-it turns out a wide oligophagus. A narrow polyphage is like when a species feeds on 2-3 plant families. It looks like a polyphage, but narrow.
I would like to hear a clear definition of the three terms that apply to wide and narrow. I need an answer very urgently. I need a trophic spectrum for my diploma, but I do not know how to divide the species into groups.
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