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Ground beetle abundance

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsGround beetle abundance

Carabus schoenherri, 09.05.2009 15:51

Hello! Please tell me what can be the reason for the different numbers of ground beetle Trechus secalis Pc. in a small-leaved coniferous forest? In the summer 2007 collections, the number was 108 copies, and in the summer of 2008-6 copies.


09.05.2009 21:06, AlexEvs

Oh, what a question, Ekaterina! To be honest, I don't think anyone will be able to answer it exactly. Your research - you and think.

108 and 8 instances are not numbers, they are numbers.

There can be a whole bunch of reasons, ranging from the difference in collection methods and ending with low temperatures in winter.

09.05.2009 23:22, RippeR

there may be an exit at different times, activity may be reduced or increased due to pressure, temperature, winds, ground temperature, etc.

There is also such a thing as mass exits.. There are hundreds of beetles of a certain type in one year!11 And in another year, even a dozen is difficult to score.. From what, I don't remember.. but almost all species have mass exits every few years.
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15.05.2009 13:37, Трофим

I once collected karabusov for a month in 2008. I saw a very interesting picture. At first, I had 22 excelence carabus in 9 traps. In a week 11, in two 7, and after the fourth check on my 1-2 copies. So I compared 4-5 stations everywhere anological situation - a decline in the number. The station is getting poorer. Of course, it would be interesting for me to conduct anological research this year, but I'm afraid there simply won't be time. Although it would be very interesting for me to check the same station.
You may have an anological situation. You caught the carabus, and there is no one to leave the offspring, the only thing that reassures me in this case is that the place where I spent the fees is a large forest and for the population of this kind of fees are not catastrophic since the ground beetle is distributed throughout the forest. What was revealed by collecting in various areas of this forest. But in general, if we talk about collecting bonuses, traps need to be changed after 2-3 times. After the first time, you should not change it, because the species composition was different in my traps the second time. And changing the places of fishing will allow you to collect a larger crop and will leave the necessary minimum for reproduction.

18.06.2009 22:06, rpanin

I once collected karabusov for a month in 2008. I saw a very interesting picture. At first, I had 22 excelence carabus in 9 traps. In a week 11, in two 7, and after the fourth check on my 1-2 copies. So I compared 4-5 stations everywhere anological situation - a decline in the number. The station is getting poorer. Of course, it would be interesting for me to conduct anological research this year, but I'm afraid there simply won't be time. Although it would be very interesting for me to check the same station.
You may have an anological situation. You caught the carabus, and there is no one to leave the offspring, the only thing that reassures me in this case is that the place where I spent the fees is a large forest and for the population of this kind of fees are not catastrophic since the ground beetle is distributed throughout the forest. What was revealed by collecting in various areas of this forest. But in general, if we talk about collecting bonuses, traps need to be changed after 2-3 times. After the first time, you should not change it, because the species composition was different in my traps the second time. And changing the places of fishing will allow you to collect a larger crop and will leave the necessary minimum for reproduction.

The station is not getting poorer , just the peak of activity passes wink.gif.
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23.06.2009 19:04, Трофим

This is true. But I also had a decline in the administration rate. In general, I have 4 of them went (excelence, ulrikhi, cancyatus, coriaceus). And where in the 4th time there were 0 ducklings, in the new place there were 7 of them. (at the same time of charges).

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