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"Frost-resistant" cockroaches

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunistics"Frost-resistant" cockroaches

Pavel Morozov, 15.01.2010 15:20

Back in September, when I was in the courtyard of a house on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 1, I noticed a certain graduate, or a pipe of a ventilation shaft (who can say what it is exactly - I will be very grateful). Pipe as a pipe, nothing special at first glance, but as I got closer, I noticed several Periplaneta cockroaches both near the pipe and about two dozen on the lawn around. Well, September, well, it was still relatively warm, although the cockroaches were either sluggish or even dead. I took a picture of the scene on my mobile phone, marveled a little and went home. At the present time, I believe, these cockroaches are not such a curiosity in Moscow. In the summer, in the central regions, a couple of times I had to see a hefty cockroach on the asphalt. Everything, in general, is logical. An abundance of cafes, restaurants, and other food outlets, but you never know, maybe some animal lover has escaped a feed cockroach. Things happen.

But in winter, at -8 is cool. Naturally, the hole from which they crawl and in the cold is warm enough for them, which allows them to multiply abundantly and even try to master the courtyards of the center of Moscow. Crawling out into the street, cockroaches die and appear to the eyes of Muscovites.
In the photo - the same graduate (or whatever his name is?), the courtyard and the main characters.
The shooting date is 14.01.10.

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picture: 084.JPG
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15.01.2010 15:21, Pavel Morozov

Further on in the photo - a little bit pecked by titmice deadlings and a large adult individual, still moving its antennae.

picture: 089.JPG
089.JPG — (463.12к)

picture: 087.JPG
087.JPG — (411.99к)

15.01.2010 15:23, Pavel Morozov

You might have thought it was a joke, but it's not April 1st. Yes, and I'll tell you the address of the courtyard of Kutuzovsky Prospekt 1. Those who want to look can get there from m. Kievskaya on foot 7 min.

picture: Клип_сору.јрд
Clip_soru.jpg — (504.51к)

picture: Клип_2.јрд
Клип_2.јрд — (428.51 k)

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15.01.2010 15:33, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Thank you for the information! You would collect a few pieces to confirm the fact.

15.01.2010 15:38, Pavel Morozov

Thank you for the information! You would collect a few pieces to confirm the fact.

Not what it was. I didn't want to put them in my pocket. But the ability to build it is available to anyone who wants it

15.01.2010 15:49, vasiliy-feoktistov

Quite a long time ago (in the late 1990s) I observed Periplaneta sp. near the metro station "Avtozavodskaya" on the sidewalk directly. Apparently he settles in Moscow a little confused.gif

15.01.2010 16:47, Tigran Oganesov

In October, I observed crickets in a manhole near Paveletsky railway station.

15.01.2010 17:19, Динусик

I recently brought to work the same nymph as in photo #3. Is this not a Periplaneta americana case? We didn't have them before.

15.01.2010 17:20, гундоров

I observed a mass flight of mosquitoes from the basements of a nine-story building near my spouse's parents.Mosquitoes all winter got through the ventilation to fly and get at night.
Windows from basements and all around littered with corpses-thousands.Snow everywhere is white-the windows are black from the layer of bloodsuckers

15.01.2010 17:24, vasiliy-feoktistov

I recently brought to work the same nymph as in photo #3. Is this not a Periplaneta americana case? We didn't have them before.

Most likely it is. I found it offhand: http://pestcontrol.ru/content/view/77

15.01.2010 17:32, Динусик

Most likely it is. I found it offhand: http://pestcontrol.ru/content/view/77

Thank you for the link smile.gifMost likely they are. So, they also began to settle the Far East.

15.01.2010 17:44, vasiliy-feoktistov

Thank you for the link smile.gifMost likely they are. So, they also began to settle the Far East.

Aha, first the "Germans", now the "Americans", and our native "Russian "(black) is almost not visible. smile.gif

15.01.2010 17:49, Динусик

Aha, first the "Germans", now the "Americans", and our native "Russian "(black) is almost not visible. smile.gif

We still have some left in some villages.

15.01.2010 18:12, Pavel Morozov

I met more black cockroaches in the Krasnodar Territory - in Anapa and Dzhubga. Once I found a dead man on the asphalt in Moscow between B. Pirogovka and Pogodinskaya, on the territory of the MMA. Sechenov. There are some old buildings there.

And the essence of the topic about the American is that so far it has come across occasionally, and now a real hotbed has been discovered.

15.01.2010 19:05, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

And the essence of the topic about the American is that so far it has come across occasionally, and now a real hotbed has been discovered.

For this and thank you! It's one thing to hear that P. americana is already present in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but it's another thing to see photos. Obviously, mass reproduction is taking place. Unless, of course, someone threw a terrarium with the culture

15.01.2010 19:11, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Thank you for the link smile.gifMost likely they are. So, they also began to settle the Far East.

The center of diversity of the genus Periplaneta (and the source area) is just Southeast Asia. Therefore, they should be expected in the Far East. The name 'americana' is probably due to the fact that they were already cospolites in Linnaeus ' time. Like Pycnoscelus surinamensis, the genus is also from Southeast Asia.

There may still be P. japonica in the Far East!
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15.01.2010 19:21, Динусик

P. we've had japonica for a long time. In the basements of some stores, they are found in large numbers. But I came across the American ones for the first time, and that's why I was surprised.

15.01.2010 19:29, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Thanks! So you sit in an ivory tower and don't know what's going on outside!

15.01.2010 20:04, Vlad Proklov

In the photo -- P. americana is the most natural! Wow! smile.gif

And black ten years ago was in Golyanovo (I have a couple from there) - there I personally saw, but could not catch Supella longipalpa...

15.01.2010 20:15, vasiliy-feoktistov

In the photo -- P. americana is the most natural! Wow! smile.gif

And black ten years ago was in Golyanovo (I have a couple from there) - there I personally saw, but could not catch Supella longipalpa...

Yes, there is a black market (only there are few places). A couple of years ago they even caught them in Moscow (I fed the chameleon). smile.gif

15.01.2010 20:57, AlexEvs

As far as I know, the periplanet is very well settled at the expense of humans. A random introduction, so to speak.
Rostov-on-Don also has them. They live in the general city collector, which runs under the old part of the city. In the summer, they often crawl out of there and meet on the streets (but, again, not far from the collector). I never saw them in the winter. I do not know how they got into the gen. collector, but I will ask you next week what information you have about this.
And according to rumors, bananas sometimes bring Panchlora nivea, but they can not withstand our harsh conditions)))

offtop to valiliy-feoktistov - don't feed them to the chameleon. In general, try to feed it only with what you have bred yourself or know the breeder of the feed. Well, or in the summer some insects, but not urban cockroaches, they are poisoned. All terrarium animals will die like that...
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15.01.2010 21:23, vasiliy-feoktistov

offtop to valiliy-feoktistov - don't feed them to the chameleon. In general, try to feed it only with what you have bred yourself or know the breeder of the feed. Well, or in the summer some insects, but not urban cockroaches, they are poisoned. All terrarium animals will die like that...

No, I fed the chameleon with marble cockroaches (Nauphoeta cinerea), which I bred myself. I gave Blatta orientalis as an example (I only fed him a few).
And the chameleon I have a couple of years as "rested in the bose" from old age.

15.01.2010 21:48, алекс 2611

In October, I observed crickets in a manhole near Paveletsky railway station.

I'm afraid to even ask what our beloved moderator was doing in the sewer manhole at Paveletsky railway station... confused.gif

This post was edited by alex 2611-15.01.2010 21: 48
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15.01.2010 21:59, Tigran Oganesov

I'm afraid to even ask what our beloved moderator was doing in the sewer manhole at Paveletsky railway station... confused.gif

Oh, don't ask! Sewer system - my weakness mol.gif
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15.01.2010 23:38, алекс 2611

Oh, don't ask! Sewage is my weakness mol.gif

Study of the entomofauna of manholes?

16.01.2010 0:06, Tigran Oganesov

Study of the entomofauna of manholes?

More like exploring the entomofauna on the way. Automatic eye contact with the ground... wink.gif

16.01.2010 0:07, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Well, if you believe your friends from the media, then this kind of thing lives in the dungeons... Don't go down hatches without a Kalashnikov!
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16.01.2010 0:11, Shapik

I remembered how students brought P. americana to the Department of Zoology at the Frunze SSU in the mid-90s.As it turned out later,the material was caught in a student dormitory where foreigners also lived together-the main reason for the settlement of "aliens"

16.01.2010 1:16, Pavel Morozov

When we were in Nepal, we observed periplanets quite often, and once such a creature was in our room, for which he received a steel mug on the pronotum. And at Lake Begnas, when fishing for light, one large cockroach flew up to me and got my leg right under my pant leg. Curious gurungs saw not only the features of national fishing for light, but also "features of national dance"
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16.01.2010 2:07, RippeR

and in general, they are not "frost-resistant" - as you approached, so everything turned over and the legs were tucked smile.gifup
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16.01.2010 4:50, Динусик

and in general, they are not "frost-resistant" - as you approached, so everyone turned over and tucked their paws smile.gif

Rather, the opposite is true-Morozzzo-unstable wink.gif

16.01.2010 5:20, Vlad Proklov

When we were in Nepal, we observed periplanets quite often, and once such a creature was in our room, for which he received a steel mug on the pronotum. And at Lake Begnas, when fishing for light, one large cockroach flew up to me and got my leg right under my pant leg. Curious gurungs saw not only the features of national fishing for light, but also "features of national dance"

Well, why react so nervously to elegant, beautiful, quick animals?
In Portugal, they jumped on me from the ceiling-and nothing, I almost don't stutter =)

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 16.01.2010 05: 21
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16.01.2010 6:44, Динусик

When we were in Nepal, we observed periplanets quite often, and once such a creature was in our room, for which he received a steel mug on the pronotum. And at Lake Begnas, when fishing for light, one large cockroach flew up to me and got my leg right under my pant leg. Curious gurungs saw not only the features of national fishing for light, but also "features of national dance"

In a few years you will arrive there again, and there the entire population dances the "national Russian dance". This is how the tarantella appeared at one time. So, the gurungs must now dance tarakantella lol.gif

This post was edited by Dinusik - 16.01.2010 06: 45
Likes: 3

16.01.2010 9:47, vasiliy-feoktistov

Let me quote: "Among the large cockroach species that live everywhere, in warehouses, ships and mines, we should name the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), whose body length is up to 4.5 cm........In this species, females also have wings. "V. J. Stanek" Illustrated Encyclopedia of Insects "( 1977 Artia Publishing House, Prague). Perhaps you should understand that they were already in Europe at that time? confused.gif

16.01.2010 11:19, Shtil

In Donetsk, Periplaneta is also found in houses, a couple of years ago the sanitary station was on its ears, they say new cockroaches are attacking! Often the reason is careless young animals, in which these animals get away in infancy through cracks, and then at the expense of the resources of the garbage chute they function in their homes for years (if the heating is good).
And black cockroaches both in the Crimea and in the Caucasus live in forests by themselves (they come across at a distance of tens of kilometers from human habitation). Personally met.

16.01.2010 11:35, Динусик

As far as I understand, the American ones are more resistant to conventional means of destruction. Why bother them? Since they've started appearing here, they'll probably continue to breed. Ordinary cockroaches have long been etched out. They are not so common now. A free ecological niche will not be empty for a long time... Soon the citizens will raise a cry about the invasion of unknown mutant creatures!

18.01.2010 0:09, Мих

Well, if you believe your friends from the media, then this kind of thing lives in the dungeons... Don't go down hatches without a Kalashnikov!

Listen more to your friends from the press. citizens)
Fungi are mostly found underground, and fish and colorless algae are found in underground rivers, and the greenhouse grasshopper thrives in a large number of sewers and tunnels. Occasionally (in the sources of Lybedi) American cockroaches get caught. Rats are very, very rare. normal size is enough.
only fungi mutate there very actively.. sometimes in the dry tunnels you can find sleeping baochek. In winter, bats hibernate in the DSHS.
That's all that can be said about the animal world of underground Kiev.

18.01.2010 0:11, Мих

the underground world of Moscow is not much different, although it was not in the Moscow quarries itself.

18.01.2010 11:36, А.Й.Элез

I just received it from the specified address. Crocs are what you need. This is not the point of the avtokrator fuck those where. The easier it is to visit, because I live opposite. The cockroaches are all sprawled out on their paws, frozen long ago. The thawing around the pipe is still there, but I don't think there was any warming up right now, everything is cold, it just hasn't snowed in recent days. It's a pity I didn't catch them moving, of course.
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18.01.2010 15:15, Pavel Morozov

They moved more or less actively in September, but also sluggishly, not at all like a cockroach. Obviously, the temperature factor did not allow them to go far from the pipe.
I hope that our cold weather will prevent the spread of this species in Moscow. And then, if the Prusak is a very undesirable guest, then the American is even more so. Yes, and the periplanets rumble as if they are some kind of ungulates. So, if they start up and grow up, you can not only see them, but also hear them.
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