Community and Forum → Entomological collections → Promotions Lepstore users
Peter Khramov, 07.12.2013 15:21
This topic will post any nyamka for juzverej Lepidoptera from entomagaza lepstor. Nyamka may differ just zaregalsya users and authors (ie, users publish their materials, defining types, etc.) Sometimes spetsusloviya will coincide with options for molbiola, sometimes - not.To nyamka was your - are building order Lepstore , be sure to go there in the account using their data from modeling and assigning a note to the order , they say, need to nyamka juzverej Lepidoptera.
- Loop entomological box 25x35 : Free for review.- Tubes for storage of the genitals and other parts of the insect (made in Holland, the site has not yet posted): 100 pcs. free for your feedback.
- Dies Lepstor : 3 packs of any size 100 pcs. or assorted 1 pack of 400 pcs. free for your feedback.
"Free" means that you pay only shipping and goods cost for you is zero.For driving off to distant lands:
In January, maybe in December, will be available for bags Lepstor nets (also free of charge for review), as well as frame for night fishing traps insects to light (these are not free, but sooo substantial discount, too, for a review).
If anyone has any questions - write / call to this topic or mail / phone.From time to time I will be subject to update.
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