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Promotions Lepstore users Lepidoptera.ru

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12.08.2014 2:50, Peter Khramov

Ok, happy povstrechamsya. Anyway we can arrange a meeting site users did. The NN last time not risen, perhaps, is to stir up in a simple way, in Moscow as gritstsa, all roads lead. Or synchronized with an exhibition in September.

12.08.2014 8:09, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Light traps do not plan to bring?

12.08.2014 8:57, Shamil Murtazin

Peter, can you tell us more about the exhibition? Well, or a link to some)

12.08.2014 12:39, Peter Khramov

Dmitry, plan. I hope everyone will have time to production.

Shamil, here:

12.08.2014 13:40, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Until February traps are? What kind of plan? You will table at the seminary?

12.08.2014 13:44, Peter Khramov

Will. The idea is to Bursa doldzhny already be, not just whether to February. Although hepens shit, all moget happen. I plan to start chetyrehlepestkovye (See above. Semicircular on the frame). The table will be.

12.08.2014 16:04, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I do not mean for catching screens, about the light traps. Googling. Probably come to seminary. Pins are?

12.08.2014 19:10, Peter Khramov

Pins is. Google right now, do not boo, not before. If there is a specific reference - Cleared see.

13.08.2014 9:14, Dmitriy Pozhogin


13.08.2014 10:46, Peter Khramov

Firstly, with the different components will be different delivery of images. Secondly, there are a lot of things differently shown. Because of what we did not say, I can only see bonce. And what for you bonce, they also Zhuchin?

16.08.2014 23:21, Alexander Belousov

Too bad that does not work with Kazakhstan. We've got very dull! Full hand-made.

17.08.2014 21:31, Peter Khramov

Yes, now the maximum that can offer to residents of Belarus, and Kazakhstan - to the point of shipment throw to the border cities of Russia, and from there to pick up at your convenience. But it is convenient only for those who are not very far from the border.

17.08.2014 21:46, Shamil Murtazin

Alexander, and that mail Kazakhstan and Russia do not communicate with each other? ..
And so then we absolutely Kazakhstan next :)

28.08.2014 15:09, Peter Khramov

Pre-tested and Basil Alexander lights to attract insects into the light went on sale. Spezza for users Lepidoptera.ru registration date to 15.00 August 28, 2014 - 1800 rubles. Spezza runs until 12 September, inclusive. Mandatory requirement - a review on this product on the website of the store.
Gizmo is very good. This true - I recommend.ZY And the effect of the mercury, plus a few UV altogether transcendental. So there are no restrictions on electricity - combine mercury vapor lamps with UV lamps.

28.08.2014 16:19, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Book me a single installment on the year)))

28.08.2014 16:22, Shamil Murtazin

Peter, this? .. Http://lepstore.ru/catalog/1928
At the exhibition prinesёsh?
It would be convenient to see the characteristics of the goods in a separate plate and not in the text box.
Such as - weight (very important), what kind of battery costs. I want to take two light bulbs. And battery screwed)

28.08.2014 16:24, Shamil Murtazin

Forgot how with spare bulbs and batteries is the case? .. In the following season, with the active use will equipment failures.

28.08.2014 16:26, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Question on the battery! How much is charged, there is an opportunity to buy them a couple more?

28.08.2014 16:27, Dmitriy Pozhogin

And how much are optional lamps (plus the required performance characteristics for UV lam especially !!!)

28.08.2014 16:30, Peter Khramov

For normal lamps are not the banner and UV claimed life - up to 10,000 hours with a decrease in emission after 5000 hours of operation no more than 20%. Therefore replacement lamp will be needed unless at some breakdowns. Type of smashed timber ... Batteries built and civilized does not change. Normal (not Li-Ion).As for the exact resource of information is not seen, but it can be damaged simply by the frequent use - at much in the foreseeable future is unlikely.
In TTX, yes, it would be more convenient, but the site is no such form. If not found in the lines - the weight of about 1.6 kg.
My participation in the exhibition broken off.Maybe I can come across the same number of individual exhibitions by those who will be in Moscow.

28.08.2014 16:40, Dmitriy Pozhogin

One booking, but a review in April 2015. Here there and check it on all cylinders, including 8 flights

29.08.2014 8:22, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Two soboy- carry with it more than three kg !!! But the lamps (replacement UV), it's better to be redundant than to bite your elbows

29.08.2014 9:53, Peter Khramov

OK. No problem, let it be a lamp replacement.
There were a test bags nets. All standard sizes from 30 to 65 cm. The colors - black, white. The bags are better than Entosfinks and paradox. Excellent tissue. Users Lepidoptera, which is in the list of authors (ie brought to the site some data) - free of charge to the test with the condition withdrawal no later than the end of September.

29.08.2014 10:10, Dmitriy Pozhogin

With regard to sacks net. From a muslin cloth? Which fabric shell rim truant? To test for me is simple. Done ash from the cigarette on the muslin. For a couple of seconds, leaning against the lamp muslin Vietnam. And the mowing along the spines and branches. All will be clear. My wife is ready to sew bags from a proven tissue obechayka- jeans. Petr- if interested - write.

30.08.2014 16:25, Peter Khramov

By the way, yes. If anyone has a familiar contractors who can mold plastic products / metal / derevyahi, reported. It may be interesting for boutiques.

24.09.2014 12:12, Peter Khramov

Alexander regards Kasahstana - more likely will work with Kazakhstan since October, a month.

25.09.2014 6:19, Alexander Belousov

Thank you, Peter! We wait!

03.11.2014 21:21, Shamil Murtazin

Peter, as there is a trap? :)))
For a box with a glass of the same size, respectively.
And some small tubes needed to highly volatile substances can not evaporate through the cover. Advise please!
What is the reason "rebranding" store? ..

03.11.2014 22:19, Peter Khramov

Traps good, but not much. We met just recently with Vasily and Alexei, looking to improve the need for a complete buzz. It turns out there is: -)
What's the box of the same size?
If volatile substances, you probably need microtubes with silicone sealant. For example, here are: http://naturaliste.ru/catalog/1867.At the cheaper options also cover there, but these are more suitable for volatile (if kanesh your silicone material does not corrode).
About boutiques in the new topic will tell. Who is brief remark to Alexander, and who had previously interested about transport to the CIS - from under Naturalist deliver almost anywhere in the world.And who dry material needed - during the week will be on the Naturaliste and material. A butterfly has synchronized to try Lepidopteroy.ru.

03.11.2014 22:47, Shamil Murtazin

Dimensions box look.
The traps are waiting, with the season :)
Yes, a couple of pieces, you should try to take the microtubes. Silicones - Well, they are different.

03.11.2014 22:51, Peter Khramov

Well, a couple of pieces of a tube, and so I send you. And you comment on saytik Throw, and that takes people to take, and yet something does not see about these models.

04.11.2014 0:32, Shamil Murtazin

Reviews seem that took over did ...

04.11.2014 19:50, Peter Khramov

Yes, I'm talking about people in general. Well you something such tubes do not take before, you have to be a claim ...

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