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What to do with hawk moth

Community and ForumInsects breedingWhat to do with hawk moth

paleonew, 10.07.2013 16:33

In the center of Moscow, I saved a lime hawk moth from being killed by cars (I didn't think that hawk moth flies in the center of Moscow at all). In appearance, the caterpillar is an adult, but it has not yet acquired a brown color. I decided to grow it together with my two caterpillars of the same species. But here's the problem, the new resident can't calm down for the second day. He doesn't eat anything, sleeps at night, and during the day without stopping turns circles around the jar. My hawkmothers behave completely differently. One turned brown, and on the same day it quietly buried itself in the ground and began to pupate. The new one keeps running and running wall.gif
Can you tell me what she wants or how to calm her down?


10.07.2013 17:57, Peter Khramov

Can you tell me what she wants or how to calm her down?

Oh, these women...

10.07.2013 18:47, paleonew

Oh, these women...

And don't say: D

10.07.2013 18:57, Wave Storm

Maybe she's going to pupate for you, too? I don't know about linden, but I used to have bindweed caterpillars, so they also ran around once. And then they buried themselves in the ground and pupated. I read in one book that caterpillars behave restlessly before pupation.

10.07.2013 19:15, paleonew

Maybe she's going to pupate for you, too? I don't know about linden, but I used to have bindweed caterpillars, so they also ran around once. And then they buried themselves in the ground and pupated. I read in one book that caterpillars behave restlessly before pupation.

I agree, I also heard about it. It's just that they usually only worried me for a couple of hours, and I'm already worried about this one. From dawn to dusk, he's been circling the bottom of the jar nonstop for two days now, like a marathon runner)
I don't want to die of fatigue...

10.07.2013 20:10, vasiliy-feoktistov

Let him run: no big deal smile.gif.

10.07.2013 20:22, wenoelap

Let him run: it's okay smile.gif.

Thank you for reassuring me :D

10.07.2013 20:27, vasiliy-feoktistov

Thank you for reassuring me :D

It will pupate sooner or later. I have geese Saturnia pavonia most of one brood pupated a few days ago, and two are still eating. I'm also waiting and there's nothing I can do about it.

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