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Callophrys rubi in mid-September in the Urals!

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsCallophrys rubi in mid-September in the Urals!

Sergey Rybalkin, 13.09.2014 20:47

First the dawn in August, then the aspen hawk moth at the end of September, and now the raspberry-September 13!!!!
Miracles in the Urals - continue! Despite a very shitty summer!

Before the pile, today on September 13, I also caught a female pigeon damon (Agrodiaetus damon).

I went to find a lettuce moth (Lemonia dumi), but I didn't find it, although the day was warm and sunny...

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13.09.2014 20:55, Alexandr Zhakov

First the dawn in August, then the aspen hawk moth at the end of September, and now the raspberry-September 13!!!!
Miracles in the Urals - continue! Despite a very shitty summer!
Before the pile, today on September 13, I also caught a female pigeon damon (Agrodiaetus damon).
I went to find a lettuce moth (Lemonia dumi), but I didn't find it, although the day was warm and sunny...

It's a strange year, we had Plebeius pylaon in July. Probably, there is always such a protective mechanism: a small part of the "circulation" is produced before wintering, and a part goes for 2 or more years.

13.09.2014 23:17, Nick444444

It's a strange year, we had Plebeius pylaon in July. Probably, there is always such a protective mechanism: a small part of the "circulation" is produced before wintering, and a part goes for 2 or more years.

Our situation in Kharkiv is also no better frown.gif. This year, the following species were completely absent from the Forest Park:
Carcharodus alceae, Lycaena dispar, Polyommatus bellargus, Polyommatus daphnis, Satyrium pruni,
Argynnis adippe, Brenthis ino, Limenitis camilla, Papilio machaon, Aporia crataegi. And this is only daytime!!!

13.09.2014 23:29, Alexandr Zhakov

Our situation in Kharkiv is also no better frown.gif. This year, the following species were completely absent from the Forest Park:
Carcharodus alceae, Lycaena dispar, Polyommatus bellargus, Polyommatus daphnis, Satyrium pruni,
Argynnis adippe, Brenthis ino, Limenitis camilla, Papilio machaon, Aporia crataegi. And this is only daytime!!!

The answer is not correct smile.gif
It's just that you haven't seen any of these species. You can only say that they didn't exist if you checked the Forest Park every day and they didn't exist. Of the listed types, all are quite common.

13.09.2014 23:36, Nick444444

The answer is not correct smile.gif
It's just that you haven't seen any of these species. You can only say that they didn't exist if you checked the Forest Park every day and they didn't exist. Of the listed types, all are quite common.

About once every two days (From May to August) I went to the forest and didn't see any of these species.

This post was edited by Nick444444 - 13.09.2014 23: 37

14.09.2014 14:47, Sergey Rybalkin

About once every two days (From May to August) I went to the forest and didn't see any of these species.

Things happen...I met only one mourner this season, in the past years, every day one or two is mandatory, and there was once a year (I wrote about this in the same section) 20 pieces a day at one puddle is not a problem to catch....

23.04.2015 22:10, jaxomoho

user posted image

07.09.2023 18:49, Sergey Rybalkin

Ruby's second generation again!!!!
Today, September 7, I collected two fresh males!

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