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Is this possible? Midges of the family Simuliidae

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsIs this possible? Midges of the family Simuliidae

AnnaKet, 27.10.2015 13:47

In 2011, there was a message like this:
According to the Newspaper in Kiev, Kiev residents in the coming summer season complain of particularly painful insect bites in the parks of the capital and during outdoor recreation outside the city.
The Department of Zoology of the Scientific and Educational center of the Kiev Institute of Biology explained to the Newspaper in Kiev that Kiev residents most likely suffer from midges of the Simulidae family. They usually live in the taiga (those who have been, know what a terrible taiga midge is).
Entomologists have confirmed that the bites of the simulid midge are indeed much more painful than those of mosquitoes and more difficult to heal. The size of the simulid midge is a few millimeters, and the bite is more painful than that of a mosquito.
The reason is that the insect does not pierce the skin like a mosquito, but rather bites off a piece of it. But the most unpleasant thing is that simulid midges are carriers of subcutaneous parasites that cause the so-called onchocerciasis..."
1. Question : in our latitudes, in particular, in the south of Russia and in Ukraine, could there be such insects that can carry onchocerciasis?
2. Is it possible to communicate with entomologists-parasitologists on the issue of human dirofilariasis within the framework of this forum?


27.10.2015 14:43, ИНО

Of course, I am not a parasitologist, but I will say that in the Krasnolimansky district of the Donetsk region, cases of Dirofaliriosis are noted annually. But the carriers are not midges, but mosquitoes. Onchocerciasis seems to be a tropical disease, unless it is imported.

This post was edited by Bolivar - 21.11.2015 11: 03

27.10.2015 16:31, AVA

Of course, I am not a parasitologist, but I will say that in the Krasnolimansky district of the Donetsk region, cases of Dirofaliriosis are noted annually. But the carriers are not midges, but mosquitoes. Onchocerciasis seems to be a tropical disease, unless it is imported.

Onchocerciasis is a common disease even in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. The usual owners are cattle. People can suffer only in exceptional cases, if they are directly related to the breeding or care of livestock.
The vectors are indeed simulants. For their development, shallow, clean freshwater streams or rivers with a fast current and aquatic vegetation are necessary - the degree of aeration is one of the critical requirements, and the substrate for fixing pupae is the second.

This post was edited by Bolivar - 21.11.2015 11: 03

27.10.2015 17:08, AVA

...The reason is that the insect does not pierce the skin like a mosquito, but rather bites off a piece of it. But the most unpleasant thing is that simulid midges are carriers of subcutaneous parasites that cause the so-called onchocerciasis..."
1. Question : in our latitudes, in particular, in the south of Russia and in Ukraine, could there be such insects that can carry onchocerciasis?
2. Is it possible to communicate with entomologists-parasitologists on the issue of human dirofilariasis within the framework of this forum?

First of all, mosquitoes, midges, and other blood-sucking diptera (zhigalki, woodlice, mosquitoes, horseflies) do not bite off anything. All of them precisely pierce the victim's integuments with their oral organs, which are arranged exactly the same way. The difference in sensations is related to the structure of the piercing proboscis - in mosquitoes, it is much thinner, and the wound, respectively, too. But the proboscis is not the needle of a syringe. It consists of thin longitudinal parts - the upper lip, mandibles and maxillae, which have cutting ends. All this construction from below is as if placed in a case from the lower lip. Next, saliva is injected into the wound, containing anticoagulants (substances that prevent blood clotting when absorbed through a thin proboscis) and anesthetics (local anesthesia substances).
At the same time, other blood-sucking diptera seem to cut through the skin with their shorter, but also wider mouthparts. The action of analgesic components of saliva "does not keep up" with the work of the oral organs. Therefore, the pain is more pronounced.
By the way, the greatest troubles "in our latitudes" are caused not by onchocerci (if you are a simple inhabitant, and not, for example, a shepherd who is at risk), but by allergic reactions to the saliva of midges, which are characteristic of about 4% of people. Reactions are expressed from skin manifestations in the form of hemorrhagic edema at the bite site (they can reach a diameter of 10 cm or more) up to fever and even anaphylactic shocks.
Now for the following questions:
1. Yes, they could and do exist very widely - simuliids are found even in the Arctic. Onchocerciasis is detected mainly in cattle, in particular, in the Volga region. In humans, they are extremely rare.
2. I asked such a well-known specialist, but received a motivated (politically) categorical refusal. I'm sorry. frown.gif

27.10.2015 17:48, ИНО

Those are not the same species of onchoceren - not human. There is very little information about cases of infection in the CIS, probably these are really random isolated cases of "infection by mistake", plus importation from the tropics. So the probability of getting infected to an ordinary person from the Kiev midge is negligible. Dryrophilariasis is much more likely.

27.10.2015 19:03, AVA

Those are not the same species of onchoceren - not human. There is very little information about cases of infection in the CIS, probably these are really random isolated cases of "infection by mistake", plus importation from the tropics. So the probability of getting infected to an ordinary person from the Kiev midge is negligible. Dryrophilariasis is much more likely.

So I'm talking about the same thing.
And about dirofilarioses-the topic is different and not about midges.

28.10.2015 13:10, AnnaKet

You have an amazing forum, unlike some human ones! Look-communicating with parasitologists (I hope they are still real) - they
are worth it to death that there are no cases of dirofilariasis with further development to microfilariemia in the human blood - and there can not be. However, I give a link :THE FIRST AUTOCHTHONOUS CASE OF LONG-TERM MICROFILARIEMIA DIROFILARIA REPENS IN RUSSIA AND THE FIRST EXPERIENCE OF COMBINED THERAPY OF DIROFILARIASIS REPENS

CyberLeninka Scientific Library: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/pervyy-v-...i#ixzz3pr3vi5Rk

In addition, similar cases are also described on pabmed. Everything would be fine,
but I myself encountered something similar. Bumps , crawling, and so on. Kozhniki excluded their own . The itch is really the same as described in onchocerciasis (when whole villages are hanged). Horror, in short. And really helps anthelmintic. Well, communicating on the forums
on the topic - a lot of people with this. And somehow for me it looks more like some kind of underdeveloped onchocerciasis. This is my sadness. Well, thank you very much, of course to all

28.10.2015 17:35, ИНО

This is an exceptional case. Usually, dirofilariae in the human body really do not multiply. But this does not prevent them from crawling under the skin, causing itching and other troubles. For example, they often get stuck in the conjunctiva of the eye. Anthelmintic agents are different, most of them act only in the intestines, and adult filariae are generally unkillable creatures. The same onchocerciasis is treated very poorly. Although, it seems, for the treatment of cardiac dirafilariasis in dogs, some highly effective drug was invented.

29.10.2015 10:05, AnnaKet

It is difficult to judge whether this is an exceptional case or not. From the article it is clear that if a woman was not an expert, then no one would
ever find anything from her. Diagnosis is possible only in Moscow and not at one time. And then there is no guarantee that they will find it. But to come to Moscow like this-to rent a house, take repeated tests (and then there are no guarantees that they will be found) - all this will result in a tight penny. Moscow and the periphery are different planets in terms of money. Therefore, people, sensing something amiss, are not very eager to go to belokamennaya. And trying to get diagnosed locally is a waste of time and money. They passed. Don't quit your job. Therefore, people go to the forums, write off, and find ways to relieve themselves. And as if everything is in order. Therefore, it is impossible to judge the actual statistics of such cases
. In our institute with the loud name of parasitology and something else, we talked at the level of "chur me" and "God forbid"...
Big greetings to Donetsk...We are Experiencing

29.10.2015 12:28, AVA

It is difficult to judge whether this is an exceptional case or not.

Tell me, how did you come up with vector-borne helminthiasis?
Did you happen to spend some time in the tropics like India or Southeast Asia before your symptoms started? After all, there are parasites that penetrate the host's skin quite independently.

29.10.2015 18:21, ИНО

Why only in Moscow? As far as I understand, there is only one way to find out if there are microfilariae in a person's blood - by microscopy. Appropriate microscopes are available in any medical laboratory, and not a medical one either. It is a different matter when and where the blood is taken from, but this is completely regardless of the distance from the capital. So, I came up with an idea: contact a veterinary clinic, for them the diagnosis of cutaneous dirofilariasis is based on the presence of microfilariae - routine. But I highly doubt the positive result.

This post was edited INO-29.10.2015 18: 22

29.10.2015 22:42, Annakio

Oh, thank you again! No, if I was in endemic areas or found an article like this (about the survival rate of dirofilariae, about the strange burning and tingling in the skin), of course, I would immediately (2012,2013) try to get into Marcinovsky . About filariasis then , practically, knew nothing . Why do ordinary people need these horror movies? But for my initial symptoms-sudden 2 bumps (they were there for a long time), a year later rashes with severe itching, subcutaneous bumps, and most importantly-slow, methodical subcutaneous crawling, strange stripes-I can just vouch. What started later – is this passive multi-letter language needed in the framework of the biological forum? Three, not the best years of my life. Kozhven, search for internal diseases. Some medications. It's all a mess. Short-term and quick relief of this debilitating skin itch-burning-tingling sensation from vinegar, lemon, pepper (such as cayenne chili or habanero). That's what it's connected with-I took vinegar – and soon there will be a lull-with dopamine, serotonin what, or don't you like it, the one who is in the blood-microfilariums, for example? And the first real relief in 2014 after taking the Evalar triplet. Here are the doctors, they say-the triplet is nonsense. And now the real case : http://www.dominicanoff.com/forum/f38/7135.htm - Elena-29 from the Dominican Republic, who has onchocerciasis. While they were looking for serious medications, I took Biocleasing, which immediately gave relief (triplet-clearing – something they have in common). A lot of the material was viewed, mostly on foreign websites. You can't describe everything. So, there is a place for doubts. Especially doubts played out when doctors on the forums almost convinced that the development of diro in a person does not and cannot be. And suddenly-an article and publications on pabmed. The doctors also told us that we can't have onchocerciasis. It's one thing to talk, but none of them said anything – come and see who you have there swarming. And about onchocerciasis why the question - so I remember well the bite of some insect in the morning in the hand-suddenly and unexpectedly, already screamed. Not a bee-wasp .
And the question is ripe: in connection with the noticeable warming, with the stronger friendship of peoples (not only we are there, but also to us) - maybe we already have our own onchocerciasis? Maybe there are sources, maybe there are carriers? There are practically no parasitologists in the country. And an infectious disease specialist who is both responsible for hepatitis and tuberculosis... well, what about worms? And if that is from the tropics – on the periphery and no one will look for it. The only answer is that we can't have it. Apparently, even in the directives of the Council of People's Commissars spelled out. I also noticed that most doctors do not get along with the Internet. Not everyone needs it, of course, but ...and in general, when there is such an aggravation
of greed around, it seems that no one really studies anything already.
Well, maybe everyone has it, or maybe a select few, and maybe it will seem interesting to someone: the pharmacy sells a penny benzyl benzoate, which can even be used for babies. Anoint the back of your hand (not the inside) so see 3x3-not with cotton wool, not with a napkin, with your finger. Hold for 15-40 minutes. Look will something come out of your skin ? If so, it would be good to put it under a microscope and photograph it. You can talk about this separately.
Well, I would like to hear the answer to the question about onchocerciasis, etc. Once again, there are a large number of people with similar problems on the forums. No one really checks people.
Just that I received a message from ENO - I contacted the vets, they have everything clear there now-they say, here's what we will write : is the animal under study a human? and they say, if we suddenly really find out what's next. We'll lose our license. But the person who is in charge of such things in our city was prompted. That was the other day. Now it's all about free time.

30.10.2015 19:24, ИНО

For what " vet " license will be revoked, For the examination of a person? So they won't tell anyone. You don't need to write anything. It is enough to tell you that microfilariae are detected in the blood, if you are so afraid of them. Then go to the helminthologists with confidence. But I repeat: I very much doubt it. Because itching or even crawling is not enough reason for such categorical judgments. And what does this have to do with a woman from the Dominican Republic? The Caribbean islands are just the hotbed of distribution of one of the species of human onchocerae, everything is natural. Or did you also visit them? The fact that you were bitten by something in the morning is nothing at all, I just don't get bitten and stung every year. Better tell me: Do your bumps move around your body?

31.10.2015 0:44, Bad Den

I turned to the vets, they have everything clear there now-they say, here's what we will write : is the animal under study a human? and they say, if we suddenly really find out what's next. We'll lose our license.

Well, let them write any animal under study - the paper will tolerate it.
You need a result, don't you?

31.10.2015 21:57, Annakio

With vetami I mentally did not work out, everything was in a hurry, there were a lot of people, etc. (this is in the laboratory), but do private veterinarians do such things? I don't think so . I don't know what to say: after nemozol whether,but now I feel almost good. It would be possible to calm down. But I remember my condition at the beginning of the disease.Let me explain with a simple example: before the illness, every night before going to bed, you go and check
whether the door is closed, whether the gas is turned off, or whether the water is closed. Even if you have a temperature of 39, something hurts there, etc. And here-well, I don't really care. This has never happened to me. In addition, cognitive disorders, heart and all sorts of nonsense (don't worry about the neighbors – I have someone to see if everything is turned off. Well, what if a person lives alone?). For me, this is something monstrous. Who is in the topic, he knows. On foreign websites, when you read about filariasis , let's say a migrant has arrived in a European country. And then he is overcome by scabies (he is treated for it himself, without a doctor), he has a feeling that someone is crawling under the skin (our symptom). Unsuccessfully treated for scabies, comes to the doctor, who asks: where are you from? And if it is from an endemic area , it will be examined. And if they don't, they send you a sign of where. I came with fresh rashes in kozhven and to other kozhniki a large number of times-not scabies. Well, let's say it's not her, or anything else. And given the bumps, real crawling at the beginning - I have the right to doubt. About the girl from the Dominican Republic brought in a parallel - that wormwood, tansy really help, although doctors are convinced that this is nonsense. Not nonsense. The doctors didn't have it. And why I, who was not examined by anyone (I really regret that at the beginning of the disease I was focused on scabies), have no right to suspect filariasis. I endured this horror, but what happens if children get sick with such a thing ? That's rather why I'm writing this multi-letter here instead of watching a positive movie.
The initial question was about midges in Kiev (and for some reason on the forums, more sufferers
from Ukraine, I live near it myself) . And, let's say, a student comes from the very south, is ill ( onho, loa...).We don't have any arthropods to transmit, do we? Here I am, as a person far from biology , I wonder-is the transmission real, and maybe there are carriers? Or do they bring food from endemic areas, and there are infected vectors? There was also a case of an outbreak of malaria among French longshoremen in the port (there were infected mosquitoes in the cargo). Well, then malaria, and massively.
My bumps don't seem to move, but they've come up in the light of all these events. The other day I talked to an infectious disease specialist from our city, I didn't really understand it , but it seems that our fellow countrymen don't have much bumps at diro. My work schedule coincides with the doctors ' work schedule, as well as vacations (they go on vacation in the summer), and we have a corporate vacation in the summer. I understand that I don't really believe it from the outside . I don't know. Well, let's say there was something from this series: after nemozolov, the blood will no longer show anything, it remains only to examine the bumps. We'll see. If I do this, I'll unsubscribe. Yes, a couple of times there was a positive ELISA test for strongyloidosis (what if it was cross-linked?)

And about benzyl benzoate asked to see those who are interested: so have I on it in
moments of itching (and only in moments of this monstrous itch !) from the skin came out some lumps or something (small, but noticeable to the eye). Why did you focus on onho? Under a child's microscope, I looked at some tangles of threads (I was very happy that they were not ticks). And then I saw how microfilariae of Onchocerci settle under the skin (highlighted in red in the attached picture). So maybe they were trying to get poisoned? Now it does not itch – does not climb. I apologize for the fact that I write a lot, I really care about the topic. If this is nonsense , then this is my problem , and if this is the case, then this is serious.

picture: oncho.jpg
oncho.jpg — (172.08к)

01.11.2015 0:29, ИНО

And why did you immediately dismiss hookworm? The larvae of hookworms and nectators just cause very similar symptoms to yours. Only they do without insect vectors. Did you go swimming on the seas before the symptoms appeared? And those lumps had to be shown to the helminthologist, or at least photographed through this very microscope, simply by leaning a camera in macro mode against his eyepiece. Go to the ophthalmologist again - let the onchocerok look for you to calm down.

01.11.2015 21:47, Hierophis

Similar story wink.gif


01.11.2015 22:05, ИНО

And why did I read this? What does that nonsense have to do with this topic?

01.11.2015 22:11, Hierophis

Sometimes the answer is entirely in the given question, and here is just such a case )

I advise you to read this as well wink.gif


01.11.2015 22:50, ИНО

Self-citation is usually evil, but not in this case:
And why did I read this?

Even the authors of that pedivikia article didn't seem to agree on the subject of their controversial writings. But, as I understand it, from your much more disjointed phrases than usual (is it really three spoons this time? Do not take care of yourself, look into the topic of alcohol), you are sure of the psychogenic origin of the symptoms listed by the vehicle. The fact that there is no personal acquaintance, of course, is not an obstacle to an accurate diagnosis for such a strong psychic as you. But in my opinion there is no less likely alternative. And given the professionalism of doctors (and Western ones are not much better than ours here), who make diagnoses like "dirafilariasis" in 99.9% of cases after surgery for anything but helminthiasis (especially often to the delight of patients "sentenced" by oncologists), it is quite possible that this unknown garbage of yours "Morgellons" - it is, at least in some cases.

I'm wondering if it's also normal for you to have unbearable itching, strange skin discharge, and a positive test result for hookworm. Here, strain your third eye (you are not the only one who is clairvoyant), I put you the final and irrevocable diagnosis. And the most serious complication listed is dementia. Nothing else can explain your disrespectful behavior towards the vehicle and other forum members (I don't take myself into account, I've been used to it for a long time).

This post was edited INO-01.11.2015 22: 54

01.11.2015 23:22, Hierophis

It should be noted that it was the expert of the Second World War sem and the whole Esox who started to establish "accurate diagnoses" here, both in the case of the author of the topic, and now.

I do not know what there is about dirafilariasis, but Esox, do you know WHAT your significant statistics of diseases involving dirofilariae, especially those about which we are talking here? We are talking about hundreds of people over periods of decades almost all over the World, across Eurasia and America for sure.
Ezox, how many people do you think have dirofilariasis in Ukraine?

01.11.2015 23:42, ИНО

However, from the point of view of probability theory, you screw up by getting your finger in the sky much more often than it would be if you just took your answers from the ceiling. There just has to be some fundamental law of nature behind it. Anti-intuition? What do you think, on the Nobel Prize pulls? Only established cases of Dirofilaria repens parasitizing in the Donetsk region alone - up to 20 per year (of course, data from the previous life, now in the part of Donetsk region controlled by Ukraine, and the natural focus of infestation is there, medical statistics mainly concern wounded ATO fighters and civilians blown up by mines). How many remain undiagnosed, given that this disease is usually almost asymptomatic (unless the worm manages to walk in the direction of the eye), and our people are generally not inclined to go to the doctors, we can only guess. In Italy, for example, Dirofilaria repens antigens were found in the blood of 10-20% of local residents. And now we are talking about dirofilariae in general, it is unlikely that when the TS gave an extended description of the symptoms, it became obvious that this is not like D. repens. For me, it seems a mystery, what kind of" especially those " dirofilariae do you mean, if a person has only two of them, and the second one is only in the heart and lungs (and not in the CIS)? Not every fillet is a diro -, not every nematode is a fillet, not every helminth is a nematode, etc. But this is not a reason to reduce everything to psychology.

This post was edited INO-01.11.2015 23: 42

01.11.2015 23:52, Hierophis

Interseno, where does all this data come from? Links, names, passwords?

Here's Wikipedia

02.11.2015 0:49, ИНО

And how many patients with dirofilariasis in the Russian Federation, especially in regions with low population density, account for one adequately examined person? My source is Alla Ryazantseva, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology of DonNU, a specialist in mosquitoes. I just suspect that the data of the Krasny Liman regional hospital, etc., as well as local periodicals and not so many publications do not reach Pedevikia. Yes, there are still many things in the world, friend Horatio Roma, that the "all-knowing" Google could not dream of.

Anna, why did you change your account so quietly? Or is it no longer you?

This post was edited INO-02.11.2015 00: 52

03.11.2015 11:53, AnnaKet

Hello, everyone! And here you are getting more and more interesting (to paraphrase Alice " weirder and weirder”). My many faces are caused by forgetfulness – I registered on one computer, while I reached the other and forgot everything! This is our maiden name.
For the sake of readability, let's break down what thoughts you want to convey.

1. Talking to some people is like trying to talk to the TV. You
pour out your heart to him, and he shparit according to the set program. It is not for nothing that I cited an article
about microfilariaemia, which describes a woman (parasitologist) who, suspecting something was wrong, was repeatedly sent by her far-sighted colleagues to psychiatrists. But she's like the frog in the fairy tale who churned butter. Which, like those two who didn't believe about the non-survival of helicobacter in the stomach. I am sure - in both cases, under the friendly hooting of colleagues. As a result, history distributed the chocolates by right. Not in the chocolate remained friendly colleagues.

If you describe symptoms similar to mine, then even a second-year fourth-grader will Google you a dermobred in a couple of minutes, with morgellons to boot. I, here, almost asymptomatic, came for possible alternatives. No one has convinced me that there is only one option. I can vouch for my initial symptoms - the most vivid and unforgettable-and I'm not going to report to anyone. Further, it could well happen dermatotic delirium. Such a harmless psychosis, when no one around is suffering. Well, some piece of organic matter is being crushed. This is the Planida, then. However, when faced with medical misunderstandings (when they assured me that it was impossible to develop diro), I now find it difficult to believe in these delusions. For example, where can I find statistics on the examination of people with dermobreds for: dirofilariasis with microfilariemia, disseminated strongyloidosis, hookworm disease mentioned above, toxocariasis, trichinillosis, cysticerciasis, streptocerciasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, whipworm, banal demodicosis and non-banal, skin infections from the tropics and other evil spirits ? Nowhere else. I'll warrant it." Some doctors claim that we don't have half of this set. So we didn't have sex until a certain time. They propagated by budding. As I remember right now. Any absurdity can be reduced to an absolute idea.
3. And now, when there is such information about the survival rate of dirofilariasis-I wonder
when suddenly a person without pathology suddenly dies from the heart (God forbid, of course), but it happens. No one opens the same and does not check for the same microfilariae? Okay,
that's cool.

It's very interesting how a person feels with microfilariae that play around under the skin? Unfeeling? I doubt. For some reason, the symptoms of dermobreda are very close to
some kind of streptocercosis or , as I see from the article, to dirofilariasis with microfilariemia (worms ,as I understand it, are very friendly with fungi , with bacteria).
And where there are fungi, there is itching. No wonder many people help-antifungal, anthelmintic,
antibiotics. Despite the fact that the time of dermobred coincides with the same streptocerciasis,
with the same microfilariae in the blood during diro. I was drinking a course of atarax - anything at all. The psychiatrist, when he saw a sea of small red dots in the places of chas, ordered him to steer in a different direction.

Well, briefly. About the Morgellons, not everything is so clear. I haven't seen Greenland , for example, but I won't say that it doesn't exist. Because of innate political correctness. Many advanced dermatologists are very careful about this issue. We have a single Russian scientific article, but it would be better if M. N. Zadornov were asked to write it. Some kind of banter. We read: a woman, divorced, never married and all that sort of stuff, well, except that the dossier from the neighbors in the stairwell was not attached. And we read the report on research
about BM in 2015, at the University of New Haven, etc.: 28 volunteers were examined, skin samples showed this and that, blood samples showed something else. Maybe it's convenient for us. After all, for tomographs there, for equipment there, for software there as well. Well, things will get better someday. Well, a link to the pososhok:

Eno, I got a normal microscope and macro photography when the symptoms were already gone. But here is such a beauty out of the skin climbed, I'm not a specialist-I wonder is this the norm ? after all, people in a normal state do not shoot anything like this. And now fibroids of this type under the skin got out .

vol3.jpg — (245.35к)

picture: fibr.jpg
fibr.jpg — (83.25к)

03.11.2015 13:20, ИНО

Well, yes, I got excited, criticizing Roman. What fibroids? The micrograph shows a comedone with protruding hairs. I've never looked at them under a proper microscope... until today. So I can guarantee it 100%. The second photo is quite normal skin. It seems that in some cases Roma was right, in terms of probability theory it is high time. All this does not dismiss the possible syndrome of a migrating larva (after all, it was itching from something), but it does not confirm it in any way.

05.11.2015 16:49, AnnaKet

Thank you so much for the gum! I'm a programmer by training, my work is related to microelectronics, I don't understand medicine or biology, and when I saw this thing, it seemed funny to me. Well, the fibromy on my leg means I couldn't take a picture properly. It is about 2 centimeters in length, according to ultrasound-lipoma. And a lot of these linden trees appeared during the problematic time.
About the TV-I kind of dedicated it to Roma. It hurt. And a finger in the sky, or is he right? Helminths — not for this forum-of course. But 2 bumps on the hand with a cherry stone (real, hard bumps) a year before the terrible itch with rashes, positive ELISA. And the symptoms that are similar to those who are officially found to have strong larvae — Berman's feces) are in my favor. When I asked to do a Berman test in my city, they honestly said they couldn't, just as the parasitologist said I didn't know anything about strongyloidosis, so I had to prepare. I respect this position. Then-vacations from doctors. I have a course of nemozol. Easement.
I have no aggression , no anger. I came across something interesting. I have only an unchildlike curiosity and a search for the comic in everything:
"they burn tires, drive away midges," for example.
"Intense foci of strongyloidosis with lesions ranging from 6-7 to 100% are registered in psychiatric hospitals..." (http://www.eurolab.ua/diseases/521/)
Why is there such a concentration of strong people in mental hospitals? Not pinworms, not roundworms?
Is it because people with a strange itch immediately go there?
The fact that no one cares about other people's problems is the norm. You know that. I decided my own problems as best I could within the framework of this disease. But there are a huge number of people on the forums with this damn itch

05.11.2015 17:39, ИНО

Now strongyloidosis? But what about onchocercos, dirofilariasis and hookworm? Fibroma and lipoma are completely different things. Lipomas and atheromas are generally found in almost every person, if he begins to closely examine himself. I have one atheroma (and there who knows, maybe not an atheroma, because the diagnosis was made by the surgeon based on the results of palpation downtime) on my hand, my mother has hefty lipomas on her head 9odnu removed already - no worms, of course, were not inside). For most people, these bumps give rise to cancer phobia, but you have a special case. But not the most unique, it happens when they are generally mistaken for alien implants (and not only patients, but also doctors). These are the wonders of nature, I understand. What's the connection between bumps and itching? It's the bumps that itch. Or did they appear after the onset of itching? If there really are large lipomas (or something similar), go to the surgeon, remove one (the operation is trivial), and ask them to open it in front of you. If there's nothing but fat in there, I think it'll calm you down. And if it turns out to be a worm (which I doubt), you'll get solid proof that you're right.

16.11.2015 23:35, Annakio

Dear Eno! I don't know if aliens, Freemasons or Rosicrucians are involved in my case. Yes, why should I not doubt strongyloidosis, having a couple of times positive ELISA of blood to its AT (but,as it turned out later, often gives a false positive result, confirmed exclusively by the Berman test. But it's probably easier to find Berman himself than the person who will do this analysis. I'm talking about the periphery. I won't go to Moscow. I'm not going anywhere. It's all boring.). Therefore, for me, the versions of the strongs , Diro, onho, etc., and even the Morgellons (who in early 2015, it seems, were recognized for a somatic disease) do not seem unrealistic. Yes, not about the diagnosis of speech, this is for other forums.
Some conclusions and 2 questions.
1. Cases of dirofilariasis in humans really became more frequent, I communicated with local
infectious diseases specialists and doctors. If you have any doubts, please contact your doctors (not Norilsk doctors, of course).
2. Lipomas, fibroids, atheromas – I don't understand anything about them, but the case with a man from our city is like this – he had one lipoma on his head (like) , he removed it. And they began to come out like mushrooms. The doctors said so, I wouldn't touch it - everything would be fine. So, if the lipoma is only a cosmetic flaw, it is better not to touch it. (I'm not talking about my bumps, if I have to, I'll open them, and there can be no question of any carcinophobia).
3. There are no parasitologists in the country at all, practically. And not only in our country . They don't go into the profession – they disdain it. And how can an infectious disease specialist, who is both for HIV and for tuberculosis, embrace all this parasitism?
And questions:
1. Here it was mentioned above about possible cases of onchocerciasis (get it from cattle, for example). Most likely, this is unrealistic. It was not about these cases. I had something else in mind. I don't know about your cities, but we have a huge number of guests (students, for example) from very southern latitudes. I asked a question on medical sites – is it really possible to get tropical onchocerciasis (and any human tropical filariasis) without leaving your city (perhaps having carriers already). They said no, because we do not have such arthropods that carry ( but the same doctors said that dirofilariasis in humans does not develop until microfilariae are hatched). Therefore, the opinion of biologists is interesting – do we still have vectors? Moreover, the warming is obvious, and all sorts of casuistry , for example, Nile fever. They were waiting for her.

2. If I understand something, Morgellons was recognized for a somatic disease in early
2015: "Many clinicians refer to this condition as a delusional parasitic disease or delusional infestation and consider threads to be introduced to textile fibers. In contrast, recent studies have shown that MD is a true somatic disease associated with tick-borne infection, that the filaments of keratin and collagen differ in composition, and that they result from the proliferation and activation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in the skin...".
One of the main complaints of a morgelloner is a feeling of crawling under the skin. And the fibers from
the skin - so fine, fluffy. And so they climb. The question is-I sent a picture of a beautiful ball with fibers. You said comedone . I started Googling photos about comedones - I didn't find anything decent. I accidentally found out about the structure of the dog's hair – the central one is stronger, several others are fluffy, and most importantly from one bulb . Mounted with your comedone-and nothing so happened. See for yourself.
Now a little Wikipedia about horizontal gene transfer:
There is some evidence that even higher plants and animals were affected, and this raises safety concerns[8]. So, in 2010, a group of scientists led by Cedric Feschotte (Cédric Feschotte), as a result of analyzing the genomes of mammals (possums and saimiri monkeys) bitten by the South American blood-sucking beetle Rhodnius prolixus, found horizontal transfer of a DNA transposon fragment. The identity of this DNA fragment in mammals and insects reaches 98 %[9].
Let's say I had dirofilariasis (diro repens, skin cancer), through a mosquito from a dog that got infected. And the question is: I couldn't have gotten something from dog dirofilarii like those possums , which started to rearrange my hair a little, which gave me
a number of strange sensations.
Total 2 questions: about carriers of tropical filariasis (exclusively human) in
our latitudes and about the possibility of gene transfer when a person is infected with dirofilariasis from
a dog ?

hair_1.jpg — (324.09к)

19.11.2015 13:48, AnnaKet

See, (and yet, dear) Eno, most people do not really understand why you can stay up almost until dawn, i.e. do not understand your trouble. Just as most people don't understand my problem, a strange scabies, which for some reason no one around is infected with, which came on spontaneously, so that life was divided into before and after. And it's impossible to prove anything to anyone - light banter at best. It is impossible to prove that the lumps from the places of itching on the anti-scabbing ointments did not climb like used skin, which rolls under the fingers with fanatical rubbing , but easily climbed out like small nits, and precisely from the places of itching. You can't prove anything. I don't even want to. We saw for ourselves that the diagnosis was made here in two clicks. By the way, not a single infectious disease specialist in the city has diagnosed delirium. They say that everything is possible now. Everything that happened to me is still more like filariasis. And if it has come to our latitudes, then it is quite scary.
Filariasis is deformities, loss of vision, etc. And this is not the quick and easy death that we are all looking for in the end. In Astana (approximately the latitude of my city), infectious diseases specialists no longer rule out this.
Probably in vain I wrote too much, I should have asked about the midges and taxied. And as for professionalism , you can spend a lot of money, Google all the masters now, but find someone who will calculate the load-bearing beam... Read about the Morgellons in Wikipedia to the end, no one said that this is definitely not there. Maybe you will start studying them, there is a clinic in Moscow that is interested. Take your mother and loved ones and go there. And even without studying the Morgellons, you can try to come. By the way, many of your places work here. They take a job , somehow get a job. Although in the light of recent events, it is also impossible to guarantee whether everything will be fine with us. But it shouldn't be that easy to stay up until dawn because of the guns. You don't have to answer, there's nothing else to answer. All the bestsmile.gif

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