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Identification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

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26.02.2014 17:12, gumenuk

Here is a side view

picture: 2DSC05699.jpg
2DSC05699.jpg — (383.54к)

26.02.2014 17:17, Кархарот

I think it's Vespa tropica. If I'm wrong, AVA will correct me.
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26.02.2014 18:22, AVA

I think it's Vespa tropica. If I'm wrong, AVA will correct me.

Looks like he's right. Although to be sure, it would be nice to look at the top of the platband.
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27.02.2014 12:15, DerMetaplasmus

Help with the definition of bees all from Russia, Khabarovsk Krai, Ulchsky district.

picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
picture: 4.jpg
picture: 5.jpg
picture: 6.jpg
picture: 7.jpg
picture: 8.jpg
picture: 9.jpg

27.02.2014 13:48, stierlyz

You have an overly broad interpretation of the systematic group "bees"...

This post was edited by stierlyz - 02/27/2014 13: 49

28.02.2014 4:11, DerMetaplasmus

You can't argue with that. I confess, not a biologist. mol.gif

You can at least tell me what kind of insect is in the 4th picture, I searched the entire Internet and catalogs – I didn't find any similar ones.

This post was edited by DerMetaplasmus - 02/28/2014 04: 12

28.02.2014 7:02, Rhabdophis

Help with the definition of bees all from Russia, Khabarovsk Krai, Ulchsky district.

Photo 4
Female Pamphilius varius (Serville, 1823)
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28.02.2014 9:09, AVA

Help with the definition of bees all from Russia, Khabarovsk Krai, Ulchsky district.

1. A male burrowing wasp from the genus Cerceris [Crabronidae, Philanthinae]. It is impossible to determine the exact type, since the main signs associated with the body sculpture and pubescence of the abdomen are not visible

7. Male fold-winged social wasp Polistes nimpha [Vespidae, Polistinae]

9. Female fold-winged social wasp Polistes riparius [Vespidae, Polistinae]
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28.02.2014 17:54, apismen

Interestingly, and in photo 8, who is fluffy?

28.02.2014 18:19, AVA

Interestingly, and in photo 8, who is fluffy?

I'm not an apidologist, and with such angles and details, it's hard to guess about such numerous groups ... shuffle.gif
But on a whim:
2-female Halictus (s.l.)
3 - male Nomada
5-female Andrena
6 - male Andrena
8-venation is poorly visible, dimensions are not specified. Maybe Coletes? rolleyes.gif
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28.02.2014 18:50, Кархарот

2-female Lasioglossum (which is Halictus s.l.)
8-no, not Colletes, this is sem. Apidae (in its narrow interpretation), most likely Anthophora, is also female.
I don't know the types of all these bees either. It is unlikely that anyone will want to determine.
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28.02.2014 22:16, stierlyz

Can someone give a link to the scan, where there is a diagnosis of the genus Cubitalia and(or) a determinant of the genera of European bees? There is no Osychnyuk of this genus in the tables (bees will "go" to Eucera), but the material seems to be caught.

01.03.2014 11:20, gumenuk

Is it possible to define this cymbex up to its appearance?
Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.
29.05.2010. Size about 25mm

picture: 29.05.2010__DSC04879.jpg
29.05.2010__DSC04879.jpg — (414.72 k)

01.03.2014 18:42, Кархарот

Can someone give a link to the scan, where there is a diagnosis of the genus Cubitalia and(or) a determinant of the genera of European bees? There is no Osychnyuk of this genus in the tables (bees will "go" to Eucera), but the material seems to be caught.

Fore wings with two radiomedial cells and 3-4-segmented maxillary palps distinguish cubitalia from all other of our baleen bees (i.e. bees of the tribe Eucerini). The key is attached, I hope there are no problems with English.


download file Pages_from_Michener_2007_The_bees_of_the_world.pdf

size: 55.62 k
number of downloads: 267

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02.03.2014 9:22, Rhabdophis

Is it possible to define this cymbex up to its appearance?
Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.
29.05.2010. Size about 25mm

Trichiosoma sp. it is impossible to determine the exact type from the photo, but judging by the combination of color and degree of hairiness, it is suitable for Trichiosoma villosum (Motschulsky, 1860)
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02.03.2014 11:26, gumenuk

Is it possible to identify this cimbex?
Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.

picture: 2005.06.04__DSC05003.jpg
2005.06.04__DSC05003.jpg — (317.09к)

02.03.2014 16:50, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. July 28.
Is it possible to identify the rider?

user posted image

02.03.2014 20:06, John-ST

Is it possible to identify this cimbex?
Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.

Cimbex femoratus (Linnaeus 1758)
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02.03.2014 21:38, gumenuk

Help me identify tsimbeks
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.

This post was edited by gumenuk - 02.03.2014 21: 39

picture: 2004.06.30__DSC03965.jpg
2004.06.30__DSC03965.jpg — (316.6к)

02.03.2014 22:49, IchMan

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. July 28.
Is it possible to identify the rider?

user posted image

This is possiblesmile.gif-Trogus lapidator F. (Ichneumoninae)
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02.03.2014 23:22, John-ST

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. July 28.

user posted image user posted image user posted image

Colletida Hylaeus sp.
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03.03.2014 3:21, John-ST

Help me identify tsimbeks
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.

In my opinion, too, Cimbex femoratus (Linnaeus 1758)
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03.03.2014 4:49, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

maybe someone will recognize familiar faces smile.gif
all go under this label
Ukraine, Polt. region, Poltava district, okr. pos. Tereshki,
sosnovy bor.
03. VII. 2013
picture: IMG_4320.JPG
picture: IMG_4290.JPG
picture: IMG_4292.JPG
picture: IMG_4293.JPGpicture: IMG_4306.JPG
picture: IMG_4307.JPG
picture: IMG_4276.JPGpicture: IMG_4278.JPGpicture: IMG_4277.JPG

03.03.2014 8:19, gumenuk

In my opinion, too, Cimbex femoratus (Linnaeus 1758)

The fact that in the first case the abdomen is black, and in this case it is yellow - does not matter?

03.03.2014 8:54, Rhabdophis

The fact that in the first case the abdomen is black, and in this case it is yellow - does not matter?

The femorata has a completely black color, and completely yellow, and red, and various combinations (striped, spotted, cheprachny, etc.). The usual polymorphism, but interestingly, this is not observed in other cymbex
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03.03.2014 9:13, TimK

maybe someone will recognize familiar faces smile.gif
all go under this label
Ukraine, Polt. region, Poltava district, okr. pos. Tereshki,
sosnovy bor.
03. VII. 2013
picture: IMG_4307.JPG

I showed photo No. 5 (German wasps) to Arkady Stepanovich Lelei.
His opinion: "In the photo, the German women on the mattress clearly belong to Nemka viduata viduata (Pallas, 1773). The man was lucky, he collected males (3 copies) and females (10 copies). Most likely there were years of males searching for females."

This post was edited by TimK-03.03.2014 10: 00
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03.03.2014 9:21, OEV

maybe someone will recognize familiar faces smile.gif
all go under this label
Ukraine, Polt. region, Poltava district, okr. pos. Tereshki,
sosnovy bor.
03. VII. 2013

2,3-Tachysphex sp.
4,5-Two large spangles Parnopes grandior (Pallas, 1771), small alas pass on this photo shuffle.gif

This post was edited by OEV-03.03.2014 09: 26

03.03.2014 11:40, Кархарот

I showed photo No. 5 (German wasps) to Arkady Stepanovich Lelei.
His opinion: "In the photo, the German women on the mattress clearly belong to Nemka viduata viduata (Pallas, 1773). The man was lucky, he collected males (3 copies) and females (10 copies). Most likely there were years of males searching for females."

I once collected Nemka viduata females (we have the most common type). So, when I was mounting them (already starved), sitting in a tent, three males flew to me by themselves.
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03.03.2014 12:17, gumenuk

Help me determine it.
Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.

picture: 13.05.2010__DSC03486.jpg
13.05.2010__DSC03486.jpg — (325.68к)

03.03.2014 23:13, Oldcatcher

I once collected Nemka viduata females (we have the most common type). So, when I was mounting them (already starved), sitting in a tent, three males flew to me by themselves.

Which indicates a good smell in boys))))))), and the girls still smelled of pheromones!!!!

04.03.2014 9:48, Rhabdophis

Help me determine it.
Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.

Trichiosoma sp., similar to Trichiosoma lucorum, but the photo is not exactly say
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04.03.2014 10:09, AVA

maybe someone will recognize familiar faces smile.gif
all go under this label
Ukraine, Polt. region, Poltava district, okr. pos. Tereshki,
sosnovy bor.
03. VII. 2013
[attachmentid ()=194614]

In photo 6 and the next two, unfortunately, not all the important signs are visible, but "sighting":

- top left - female Podalonia luffi
- top right - male Ammophila campestris
- bottom left - female Ammophila terminata
- bottom right - male Ammophila terminata
- bottom CENTER - FEMALE Ammophila HEYDENI
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04.03.2014 11:14, gumenuk

Can I define up to the view?
Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.

picture: 2005.05.21__DSC03871.jpg
2005.05.21__DSC03871.jpg — (304.04к)

04.03.2014 11:49, Rhabdophis

Can I define up to the view?
Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, vicinities of the village. Wheezing.

Tenthredo sp.
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07.03.2014 19:10, Bloch

Help me determine, East Kazakhstan region, aspen spike, under the bark, end of February.

picture: RSCN3847.JPG
RSCN3847.JPG — (287.43к)

16.03.2014 15:25, comprachicos

Good afternoon. Please help me identify the riders.
1. August, Nizhny Novgorod.
picture: ___2.jpg
2. August, Odessa.
picture: ____3__2.jpg

19.03.2014 20:13, алекс 2611

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. July 28.

user posted image user posted image user posted image

user posted image

1.Hylaeus sp.

2. Andrena not flavipes the case?
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19.03.2014 20:18, алекс 2611

Help with the definition of bees all from Russia, Khabarovsk Krai, Ulchsky district.


not Andrena haemorrhoa (Fabricius, 1781)?

21.03.2014 20:26, Woodmen

1.Hylaeus sp.
2. Andrena not flavipes the case?

There are Andrena flavipes in the regional list of bees and more than 50 species of this genus. But whether she's here or not, I'll pass. smile.gif Yes, without a sample, and the specialists will not say for sure.

Here's another unidentified eardrum. July 14. Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region.
Bembecinus sp. (Crabronidae)?

user posted image

22.03.2014 5:26, OEV

Here's another unidentified eardrum. July 14. Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region.
Bembecinus sp. (Crabronidae)?

Lestica clypeata, male wink.gif
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