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Identification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

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16.05.2012 9:53, KingSnake

Help identify bumblebees. Mordovia, 16.05.2012, on the meadow

picture: DSC02153.jpg
DSC02153.jpg — (118.26к)

picture: DSC02155.jpg
DSC02155.jpg — (87.7к)

16.05.2012 21:19, Liparus

Help identify bumblebees. Mordovia, 16.05.2012, on the meadow

Bombus terrestris

This post was edited by Liparus - 05/16/2012 21: 20
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17.05.2012 12:25, stierlyz

As for the betilida, isn't it a male Pristocera depressa?

17.05.2012 17:06, Дима С

Help identify goosebumps...it looks like a garden black, only these will be slightly smaller...and with yellow spots...
Ukraine.Chernihiv region. Koryukovsky district 17/05/2012

This post was edited by Dima S-17.05.2012 20: 16

picture: ___________.jpg
___________.jpg — (157.03к)

18.05.2012 9:17, Сергей-Д

Luhansk region, all in May
1. picture: 01_30.05.2010____________________.jpg
2. picture: 02_22.05.2010_______.jpg
3. picture: 03_09.50.2009________.jpg

19.05.2012 19:09, Кархарот

As for the betilida, isn't it a male Pristocera depressa?

It looks like it is. http://www.bwars.com/index.php?q=sites/www...pressa_11jd.jpg

21.05.2012 15:51, Alexander Zarodov

Can you help me with the bee? MO, early June.

I get some kind of Andrena, and then a dark forest... shuffle.gif

picture: bee0604.jpg
bee0604.jpg — (133.68к)

21.05.2012 17:21, алекс 2611

Can you help me with the bee? MO, early June.

I get some kind of Andrena, and then a dark forest... shuffle.gif

Maybe Andrena fucata Smith, 1847 ?
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21.05.2012 17:53, Alexander Zarodov

Yes, thank you!

But this one is Megachile? MO, July.

picture: bee30401.jpg
bee30401.jpg — (121.53к)

21.05.2012 19:51, apismen

Yes, thank you!

But this one is Megachile? MO, July.

Judging by the venation and yellow blush, this is a red osmium female.
And where exactly in the Moscow Region?
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21.05.2012 21:00, алекс 2611

Yes, thank you!

But this one is Megachile? MO, July.

For complete confidence, it would be good to see the paws, but in my opinion it is Megachile
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21.05.2012 22:42, Кархарот

This is megahila, not osmium.
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22.05.2012 3:14, akulich-sibiria

megahile is exactly
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22.05.2012 7:08, Mantispid

Help identify goosebumps...it looks like a garden black, only these will be slightly smaller...and with yellow spots...
Ukraine.Chernihiv region. Koryukovsky district 17/05/2012

This is Dolichoderus quadripunctatus (Linnaeus, 1771)
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22.05.2012 9:04, Дима С

This is Dolichoderus quadripunctatus (Linnaeus, 1771)

Thank smile.gifyou

22.05.2012 14:56, Alexander Zarodov

Some kind of rider? MO, September, flew into the light

By venation, I couldn't find a similar one, although it seems to resemble Ophion sp.

picture: ichn0914xx.jpg

picture: ichn09142xx.jpg

This post was edited by Double A-05/22/2012 15: 16
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22.05.2012 19:11, VBoris

Belarus. Mossy pine forest. May.

picture: 257del.jpg
257del.jpg — (41.33к)

23.05.2012 7:57, msshveikin

user posted image
user posted image

Polista-nymph (Latin: Polistes nimpha)???

23.05.2012 19:52, apismen

megahila that's for sure

Well, maybe I was wrong.

picture: 41.jpg
41.jpg — (139.58 k)

23.05.2012 20:06, алекс 2611

Well, maybe I was wrong.

but in your photo just osmium smile.gif
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23.05.2012 22:25, СергейС.С

Some kind of rider? MO, September, flew into the light

By venation, I couldn't find a similar one, although it seems to resemble Ophion sp.

picture: ichn0914xx.jpg

picture: ichn09142xx.jpg

These are the Braconidae. See venation

The post was edited by SergeiS.From-23.05.2012 23: 02

image: 200px_Braconidae_g1. svg. png
200px_Braconidae_g1.svg.png — (9.91к)

image: 200px_Ichneumonidae. svg. png
200px_Ichneumonidae.svg.png — (11.63к)

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24.05.2012 10:59, Alexander Zarodov

24.05.2012 16:36, renegade

hello,I'm sorry,but can you tell me who it is?it doesn't look like a hornet, and it's too big for a wasp(I apologize for the quality of the photo)picture: IMG_2355.jpgpicture: IMG_2358.jpg[attachmentid()=142628]picture: IMG_2356.jpg

This post was edited by renegade - 05/24/2012 16: 41

24.05.2012 16:46, алекс 2611

hello,I'm sorry,but can you tell me who it is?it doesn't look like a hornet,and it's too big for a wasp


This post was edited by alex 2611-24.05.2012 16: 46

24.05.2012 17:01, Macroglossum

hello,I'm sorry,but can you tell me who it is?it doesn't look like a hornet, and it's too big for a wasp(I apologize for the quality of the photo)

Single scolia wasp

24.05.2012 20:00, renegade

this is not a single one,there are many of them, so
there are a lot of them and they fly right in the yard where children play,they fly mostly closer to the ground,and all in one place,somehow afraid for the child.
I specifically caught one of them to find out about them,and if possible ask around

This post was edited by renegade - 05/24/2012 20: 26

24.05.2012 21:04, vasiliy-feoktistov

this is not a single one,there are many of them, so
there are a lot of them and they fly right in the yard where children play,they fly mostly closer to the ground,and all in one place,somehow afraid for the child.
I specifically caught one of them to find out about them,and if possible ask around

Scoliidae refer to single wasps regardless of how many occur in a particular place, and hornets to public or paper wasps. This is just for reference. I advise you to also read the "Life of Insects" by J. A. Fabre: he once observed scolias very well smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 24.05.2012 21: 07

24.05.2012 21:05, Gansucha

North-western Ukraine, May 5, on a pine tree.
The tree ant (Camponotus sp.)??
user posted image

25.05.2012 8:36, renegade

it turns out that it is unlikely to remove them from the yard?(as far as I understand, each of them has its own separate mink,or even more than one (

25.05.2012 8:39, renegade

oh yes, I forgot to thank you, sorry, and thank you for your answer

25.05.2012 12:59, Кархарот

this is not a single one,there are many of them, so
there are a lot of them and they fly right in the yard where children play,they fly mostly closer to the ground,and all in one place,somehow afraid for the child.
I specifically caught one of them to find out about them,and if possible ask around

This is a giant scolia, the largest of the wasp-like animals, but it is absolutely not dangerous, since it never attacks people. The insect is a parasite of the larvae of the rhinoceros beetle. Females (they are larger and have a yellow head) have a sting, but the venom is very weak compared to ordinary wasps and bees, and it can only sting if it is specially taken with your hands.

In your photo, the male has no stinger at all, only denticles at the end of the abdomen. And a lot of them fly in one place, because there, in the ground, there are cocoons of females, the appearance of which they are waiting for.

So you don't have to be afraid of them. Moreover, this wasp is protected in many regions, so it is not only unnecessary and unethical to destroy it, but also prohibited by law.
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25.05.2012 19:48, Gansucha

North-western Ukraine, May 13.
Interesting ammophila, the antennae are quite long, and with this coloring I did not find.??
user posted image

25.05.2012 20:06, Кархарот

This is not an ammophila, but a rider (family Ichneumonidae).
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25.05.2012 23:18, Gansucha

I didn't find the same in the Czechs. It is interesting to find out at least the genus: Rider Diphyus, Ichneumon ??

This post was edited by Gansucha - 25.05.2012 23: 18

26.05.2012 1:01, СергейС.С

North-western Ukraine, May 13.
An interesting ammophile, the antennae are quite long, and with such a coloring I did not find it.??
user posted image
Superfamily: Ichneumonoidea
Family: Ichneumonidae
Subfamily: Anomaloninae

Perhaps the male Therion
will pay attention to the thickened legs.

The post was edited by SergeiS.From-26.05.2012 01: 08
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26.05.2012 1:50, Liparus

Superfamily: Ichneumonoidea
Family: Ichneumonidae
Subfamily: Anomaloninae

Perhaps the male Therion
will pay attention to the thickened legs.

definitely a male (not Diphyus or Ichneumon).

26.05.2012 1:54, Liparus

  user posted image
user posted image

Polista-nymph (Latin: Polistes nimpha)???

Maybe Polistes dominula (Christ, 1791)
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26.05.2012 1:57, Liparus

Dear forumchane, help identify the beast mol.gif
Primorsky Krai, Shkotovsky district 20-25. 07. 2011

Similar to Megarhyssa gloriosa

This post was edited by Liparus - 26.05.2012 02: 01

picture: post_814538_1333700885.jpg
post_814538_1333700885.jpg — (125.77к)

picture: post_814538_1333700970.jpg
post_814538_1333700970.jpg — (119.35к)

26.05.2012 12:44, Gansucha

definitely a male (not Diphyus or Ichneumon).

I think Therion circumflexum,but I can't understand the difference between males and females in this species:

26.05.2012 13:22, IchMan

I think Therion circumflexum,but I can't understand the difference between males and females in this species:

It's definitely not Therion, most likely something from Erigorgus? I do not exclude Aphanistes, because I do not remember anomalonin. The general habit of all serpovokas , as representatives of the subfamily are called in Russian, is quite similar. It is necessary to drive by the key.
Females have an ovipositor, usually protruding beyond the end of the abdomen (sometimes much, as in xylophage parasites), while males usually have only aedeagus paramers at the top of the metasome. Compare your photo with the ones shown here

This post was edited by IchMan - 05/26/2012 13: 27
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