Community and Forum → Website news and updates → Problems in the work site 20 and the morning of January 21
Peter Khramov, 21.01.2011 14:24
From early morning January 20 site could initially be generally available later fully available in the second half of January 20 - work interruptions and other braking. Now all ustakanilos and hosting provider vowed last three-cornered hat, now everything will be OK.At the same time, comments and many of the photos have been added to the period of unstable operation of the site, as well as directly in front of him, irretrievably lost. Those photos that may be recovered, I will raise up to 15.00 January 21 (in Moscow). Comments recovery can not be at all.So please duplicate them, and restart photos that do not appear in your personal account after three hours of the day.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.
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