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Identification of Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, etc.)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, etc.)

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20.07.2018 0:44, Vlad Proklov

Thank you Vlad. Unfortunately there is no other photo

20.07.2018 16:58, Мир вокруг нас

Dear experts, please tell me what the grasshopper is called. I shot it in mid-June in the Samara region.

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1.JPG — (281.06к)

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21.07.2018 21:51, Decticus

The world around us is the nymph tettigonia sp., possibly viridissima.

21.07.2018 23:18, Мир вокруг нас

The world around us is the nymph tettigonia sp., possibly viridissima.

Thank you very much!

29.07.2018 14:19, Slavinator

Help me determine! July

1.2, 2, 3.2-Krasnodar region, near Krasnodar
4, 5.2-Crimea, Alupka
6-Crimea, Bakhchisarai

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30.07.2018 15:14, Decticus

Slavinator, 1.2- Acrida ungarica 2- Calliptamus italicus, 5.2 - Decticus albifrons

30.07.2018 21:14, spinus

Tell me, is this Tettigonia cantans?
Found today in a vacant lot in the city (north-east of Perm Krai, Northern Urals). The son brought them to the photo shoot, said that three of them were sitting on a tree branch and singing alternately.

picture: DSC02226_1.jpg
picture: DSC02242_1.jpg

07.08.2018 4:20, lucydz

Please identify the insect.
It raises its wings like a cricket and "sings" like a cricket iridescent.

picture: 20180806_230733_0_03_04_782.jpg
20180806_230733_0_03_04_782.jpg — (98.3к)

07.08.2018 9:24, Vlad Proklov

Please identify the insect.
It raises its wings like a cricket and "sings" like a cricket iridescent.

Oecanthus pellucens
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07.08.2018 10:45, Radik

Good hour.
Is it possible to define laxmanni or servillei? Tatarstan, Novosheshminsky district 5.08.2018

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3.jpg — (59.46к)

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2.jpg — (49.32 k)

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1.jpg — (48.4 k)

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08.08.2018 17:23, DanMar

Please help me identify skachka, city of Kiev, on a grassy slope in an urban setting near the botanical garden. I haven't seen such species in this area before, so there is a possibility that this is an introduced southern species? This is not Platycleis intermedia( or tessellata???), which is found in our dry areas. Suspicions fall on Platycleis veyseli (Platycleis vittata), but I have only information about its presence in central Europe.
Please confirm or deny
Platycleis intermedia/tessellata also photos of the subgenital plate are available, tell me what kind is most likely found in Kiev!

This post was edited by DanMar - 08.08.2018 17: 24

picture: platycleidini_gen_sp_1.jpg
platycleidini_gen_sp_1.jpg — (288.92к)

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platycleidini_gen_sp_2.jpg — (819.34к)

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platycleidini_gen_sp_3.jpg — (326.98к)

picture: platycleidini_gen_sp_4.jpg
platycleidini_gen_sp_4.jpg — (677.74к)

09.08.2018 20:08, PVOzerski

2DanMar: this is, of course, Tessellana vittata (it seems to be a valid species name after all, vittata, although I'm already confused myself). The rest of these species are at least full-winged. The view is familiar to me in the south of Russia (Krasnodar Krai, Adygea).
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09.08.2018 20:09, PVOzerski

2spinus: yes, T. cantans
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09.08.2018 20:12, PVOzerski

3.2-Euchorthippus pulvinatus, 6-presumably Chorthippus macrocerus

09.08.2018 20:23, PVOzerski

09.08.2018 21:41, Sklyar

Good afternoon! Help with childbirth, if possible. Kursk region.

picture: DSCN0701.JPG
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DSCN0733.JPG — (117.33к)

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IMG_0386.JPG — (102.44к)

picture: IMG_0387.JPG
IMG_0387.JPG — (96.08к)

09.08.2018 22:26, PVOzerski

DSCN0733-Chorthippus apricarius, others-Chorthippus dorsatus
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14.08.2018 18:45, orxan00

Tell me the type of this locust

картинка: 99330694_ad9bc9741a0afa348509af2398a36229_800.jpg
99330694_ad9bc9741a0afa348509af2398a36229_800.jpg — (39.53к)

14.08.2018 21:11, PVOzerski

Chrysochraon dispar -- unpaired zelenchuk. Female

15.08.2018 9:53, Radik

My sevchuk please see URL #3931
What can I say?

22.08.2018 20:41, RoPro

Please help me identify it. Stethophyma grossum ? Moscow region, 19.08.2018.

picture: DSCN5144.jpg
DSCN5144.jpg — (369.77к)

23.08.2018 16:48, Dracus

Please help me identify it. Stethophyma grossum ? Moscow region, 19.08.2018.

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26.08.2018 17:58, usiaz

Is it possible to determine the species or genus from the image? Tettigonia cantans? A female?
2018-08-25 15: 20: 00, Vyshgorodsky district, Ukraine.
Length 6 cm.

picture: IMG_0331.JPG
IMG_0331.JPG — (326.56к)

picture: IMG_0325.JPG
IMG_0325.JPG — (304.83к)

26.08.2018 18:44, Decticus

usiaz, this is a female T. viridissima.
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28.08.2018 13:18, Radik

Good afternoon!
Please help me with the definition.
Tatarstan, Tavel village district. Tetvelka river valley. 14.07.2016
picture: _RAB8785.jpg
picture: _RAB8792.jpg
picture: _RAB8796.jpg
picture: _RAB8805.jpg
picture: _RAB8802.jpg

02.09.2018 11:15, Мир вокруг нас

Dear experts, please tell me the name of the species. I was shooting in the Samara region in early August. I think it's a blue-winged filly, but I doubt it.

picture: S2.JPG
S2.JPG — (288.99к)

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S1.JPG — (291.44к)

02.09.2018 16:32, Dracus

Yes, it is a blue-winged filly (Oedipoda caerulescens).

02.09.2018 21:57, Gans75

Ukraine, Rivne region, July 1.
Tettigonia viridissima ?
user posted image

Сhorthippus biguttulus ?
user posted image

Chorthippus sp. ?
user posted image
user posted image

02.09.2018 22:26, Мир вокруг нас

Yes, it is a blue-winged filly (Oedipoda caerulescens).

Thank you very much!

02.09.2018 23:39, MIV

What's with the green filly? It often falls into soil traps.
Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 31.08.18.

picture: IMG_7804______.____.____._______________________._23.08.18.jpg

03.09.2018 10:09, Decticus

Gans75, yes, the first one is viridissima. The rest are some sort of hortippuses, let locust specialists determine. smile.gif
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10.09.2018 12:53, micelium

Good afternoon,

please help me with the definition.
Taken in August 2018, Taman Peninsula.

Thank you.

picture: 2018_08_18_11_27_42_1534584720987.JPG
2018_08_18_11_27_42_1534584720987.JPG — (295.49к)

10.09.2018 13:28, Decticus

micelium, this is akrida.

10.09.2018 13:39, micelium

micelium, this is akrida.

Thank you, Decticus. Acrida oxycephala?

10.09.2018 13:55, Decticus

Thank you, Decticus. Acrida oxycephala?

Is it found there? I thought it was A. ungarica...

10.09.2018 14:35, micelium

Is it found there? I thought it was A. ungarica...

Judging by this data https://macroid.ru/showgallery.php?cat=3795 , да.

10.09.2018 20:25, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

There are also Acrida turritta and Acrida anatolica.A. anatolica is common in the Caucasus,so it may also be present in Taman.

11.09.2018 12:52, Guest

Good afternoon! Acrida oxycephala prefers drier biotopes. We have it found in the east of the Rostov region, Stavropol Territory and Dagestan. A. anatolica (=ungarica) lives in the Azov and Black Sea regions, including almost the entire Krasnodar Territory. We still have to deal with the Caucasian ones.

11.09.2018 13:11, micelium

Good afternoon! Acrida oxycephala prefers drier biotopes. We have it found in the east of the Rostov region, Stavropol Territory and Dagestan. A. anatolica (=ungarica) lives in the Azov and Black Sea regions, including almost the entire Krasnodar Territory. We still have to deal with the Caucasian ones.

Thank you so much for the explanation.

11.09.2018 22:06, Мир вокруг нас

Dear experts, please tell me the type of these creatures. I shot it in the Samara region a couple of days ago.

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1.JPG — (299.17к)

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2.JPG — (298.55 k)

Pages: 1 ...95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103... 111

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