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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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15.11.2008 23:39, bugslov

Please tell me how to distinguish Platycerus caprea from Platycerus caraboides ?

16.11.2008 1:52, Bad Den

Please tell me how to distinguish Platycerus caprea from Platycerus caraboides ?

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16.11.2008 19:07, PG18

Again beetles from the south of the Ustyurt plateau (late April-May). Thank you in advance for any hints. First, water (water-salt). The first one looks like Rhantus, but I didn't find such a striped one. The second one is still a mystery to me (short, club-shaped antennae). In the third picture on the left - he is the same, and on the right-maybe not water, but also with short club-shaped antennae. They all arrived at the light at night.
Yes, the dimensions: the first one is about 10 mm, the other two are 3-4 mm .

This post was edited by PG18-16.11.2008 19: 09

picture: DSC_1210.jpg
DSC_1210.jpg — (79.12к)

picture: DSC_1171.jpg
DSC_1171.jpg — (45.68к)

picture: DSC_1216.jpg
DSC_1216.jpg — (58.02к)

16.11.2008 19:17, PG18

Ustyurt. Ladybugs. It looks like three types. The big one, the size of our seven-point one. The rest are 4-5 mm thick.

picture: DSC_1184.jpg
DSC_1184.jpg — (68.79 k)

picture: DSC_1185.jpg
DSC_1185.jpg — (59.34к)

picture: 05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0446.jpg
05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0446.jpg — (46.14 k)

16.11.2008 19:23, PG18

Ustyurt. A few weevils. Light size: 10-13mm.

picture: DSC_1199.jpg
DSC_1199.jpg — (85.28к)

picture: DSC_1209.jpg
DSC_1209.jpg — (90.64к)

picture: DSC_1206.jpg
DSC_1206.jpg — (89.08к)

16.11.2008 19:29, RippeR

if the beetles are from the eastern slope of the Urals, then the barbel of the species is parallelopipeda Motschulsky, 1860
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16.11.2008 19:32, PG18

Ustyurt. A few leaves.
Beetle from the first frame - 4-5 mm.
Similar in the second frame - mm by 4. In the same frame, very small (barely more than mm) chunky beetles.
The maxilla in the third frame is about 5 mm.

picture: 05_07_Mametkazgan_0149.jpg
05_07_Mametkazgan_0149.jpg — (52.64к)

picture: DSC_1190.jpg
DSC_1190.jpg — (76.87к)

picture: 05_07_Mametkazgan_0191.jpg
05_07_Mametkazgan_0191.jpg — (61к)

16.11.2008 19:40, PG18

Ustyurt. Under the old corpse of a sheep. The little kids were dealt with... Especially interested in the blue ones (about 3-4 mm)

picture: DSC_1196.jpg
DSC_1196.jpg — (100.04к)

16.11.2008 19:49, PG18

Ustyurt. Different, incomprehensible, attracted by light.
1179 - about 5 mm.
1195, 1202-about 3 mm
. 1176-1177-5 and 3 mm each (top and bottom)

picture: DSC_1179.jpg
DSC_1179.jpg — (64.78к)

picture: DSC_1195.jpg
DSC_1195.jpg — (58.65к)

picture: DSC_1202.jpg
DSC_1202.jpg — (49.15к)

picture: DSC_1176.jpg
DSC_1176.jpg — (54.08к)

picture: DSC_1177.jpg
DSC_1177.jpg — (54.87 k)

16.11.2008 19:52, PG18

From the same company, Ustyurt small down-looking smile.gifPilousy.

picture: DSC_1182.jpg
DSC_1182.jpg — (65.18к)

16.11.2008 19:54, PG18

Ustyurt. Slightly larger. About 7 mm.

picture: DSC_1217.jpg
DSC_1217.jpg — (145.76к)

16.11.2008 19:57, PG18

Ustyurt. Kozheed, and sometimes quite small (1.5-2 mm) with flowers

picture: 05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0154.jpg
05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0154.jpg — (50k)

picture: DSC_1178.jpg
DSC_1178.jpg — (67.86к)

16.11.2008 20:06, Fornax13

water animals - except for the first one - water lovers: on the second and third from the left Berosus (Enoplurus) sp., on the third from the right-Enochrus of some kind.

Under the corpse, the blue ones are Necrobia rufipes, from the Cleridae.

1st weevil-Eremochorus can any thread?
2nd - like cleonine - ??? Brachycleonus fronto can
be the 3rd - and this is not Menecleonus, as it was in the photo in nature?
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16.11.2008 20:21, Fornax13

Well, if only approximately...

1179 - Attagenus ? suspiciosus
1195 - ????!!!! Can I have a mustache? And on top, if you don't mind.
1202-From Melyridae: Anthodromicus (which is more likely) or Cerallus
1176-1177-on the left ?Xyletinus (Xeronthobius), right Cholevinus
1217-in my opinion, Dermestes type bicolor
05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0154-Anthrenus ? pimpinellae
1178-from Dasytidae something

This post was edited by Fornax13-16.11.2008 20: 37
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16.11.2008 20:36, Fornax13

Leatherworms from sheep-Dermestes elegans Solsky, 1876. East Gut smile.gif

1182 - If with grooves on the ndkr. - also Xyletinus, most likely.

This post was edited by Fornax13-16.11.2008 20: 38

16.11.2008 20:44, пигидий

purely for orientation, I don't really remember the fuck
1210 Hydaticus? not sure
1171 Berosus
1216 Berosus + Enochrus
1199 something from Hyperini
1209 Baris in profile, and a big cleonin -- I don't know, maybe 1206 cleonin is drawn in Jacobson
, they will tell you
05_07 galerucin cute, no idea
1190 Bruchidius?, Lochmaea heap and Colaphus what (blue)
05_07 Labidostomis muzhik sweaty
1196 Saprinus, Necrobia rufipes, Dermestes elegans
1179 Attagenus pictus
1195 nice black body, I don't remember, fornax will say
1202 meliridus type Cerallus or something
1176-1177 Xyletinus + Cholevinus
1182 Xyletinus
1217 Dermestes bicolor
05_15 Anthrenus banal... I don't remember -- picturatus type
1178 Danacaea
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16.11.2008 20:46, пигидий

Aha, I look bolemen with fornax go
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16.11.2008 20:52, Fornax13

1195 chernobel nice, I don't remember, Fornax will say

I wish I knew more of them... shuffle.gif

16.11.2008 20:54, пигидий

Anthrenus go and really pimpinellae
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16.11.2008 21:02, Fornax13

Yes, I've already looked at it: beautiful Attagenus, judging by the drawing of the prsp., still suspiciosus Solsky, 1876
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16.11.2008 21:05, Андреас

"How do you do?" - Please jump up the names of these Dead Eaters from the CMS...

16.11.2008 21:08, Victor Titov

good evening.
here the animal is made of soy meat caught. maybe someone has an opinion on this??
similar to Ptinus japonicus Reitt. looks like imported again...

Well, the fact that the pretender (Ptinus) - definitely, and then... However, boldly and famously you pinned it, such a miniature wink.gif!
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16.11.2008 21:11, пигидий


Ablattaria... + Thanatophilus sinuatus
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16.11.2008 21:36, Victor Titov

Ustyurt. A few leaves.

On the photo DSC_1190.jpg, together with leaf beetles, three small beetles on the left are some kind of grain beetles (Bruchidae).

16.11.2008 21:38, пигидий

with leaf eaters... zernovki

the trick is that reactionary/advanced science counts grains as leaf eaters...
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16.11.2008 21:44, Victor Titov

the trick is that reactionary/advanced science counts grains as leaf eaters...

Well, I dunno... confused.gif Truly reactionary wink.gif! I warn you in advance: this is just a malicious joke, I'm not running into a discussion smile.gif

16.11.2008 21:51, пигидий

I'm not looking for a discussion

yes, with me it doesn't hurt to run into something-I don't go into big sports and I treat system reforms approximately like the weather in dvor
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16.11.2008 21:51, PG18

1195 - ????!!!! Can I have a mustache? And on top, if you don't mind.

The poor guy with the three-jointed mace had a mustache.
In general, you and Pygidius are healthy, you've bitten them all off...

picture: DSC_1219.jpg
DSC_1219.jpg — (56.74к)

16.11.2008 21:53, пигидий

with a three-jointed mace.

oh sweet kakoyyyyy... I don't even remember cutting it. and the mace is not a black bear at all - here's a face in the full face should be properly removed - the picture will clear up... I hope. or get confused (the desired option)
" Cham juk nepanyatney, tam he ludshe. People ne nyuzhny panyatnyi juki. To the people of nyuzhny nepanyatny and juki. "(Pliny the younger, from the speech at the XLVIII meeting of the yunnats)

This post was edited by pygidiy - 11/16/2008 22: 05
Likes: 2

16.11.2008 21:56, PG18

the trick is that reactionary/advanced science counts grains as leaf eaters...

Well, according to the latest phylogenies, zernovki are slightly closer to leaf beetles than Orsodacne and Zeugophora... But how small they were in nature!...
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16.11.2008 22:03, Андреас

16.11.2008 22:15, Fornax13

The poor guy with the three-jointed mace had a mustache.
In general, you and Pygidius are healthy, you've bitten them all off...

Thanks! smile.gif And this poor guy has how many segmented hind legs? It's not very visible."..

16.11.2008 22:16, chebur

Please check out a few more beetles from different families.
1. Moscow
[attachmentid ()=52384]
2. Moscow region
picture: 12.06.08___________2_.JPG
3.Spain, province Girona, 50 m a.s.l.
4. Spain, province Girona, 50 m a.s.l.
picture: 15.07.08________.________20_.JPG
5. MO
picture: 17.06.08___________6_.JPG
picture: Mordellidae_05.07.07_______.JPG

This post was edited by chebur - 17.11.2008 15: 45

16.11.2008 22:17, Guest

Well, according to the latest phylogenies, zernovki are slightly closer to leaf beetles than Orsodacne and Zeugophora... But how small they were in nature!...

Truly so. very close indeed.
In the picture (it is difficult to tell from a photo of this scale), most likely Bruchidius pallidulus.
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16.11.2008 22:20, PG18

here's a face in the full face as it should be removed - the picture will clear up... I hope. or get confused (the desired option)

Well, I look right now in his face at 100x magnification (remove-problem)... Nothing special. Blunt, brown, without protruding mandibles (they are not visible from below, as well as any tentacles there [probably torn off]). The antennae grow from a small recess near the eye, and are not covered by the "cornice" on top.

16.11.2008 22:31, Fornax13

Then chebur:
1-Tenebrio molitor like
2 - Anaspis ? frontalis
3-cute grinder-I don't know - mustache it would not hurt to see
4 - 2 species from the genus Mordellistena. Next-no-no-no... smile.gif
5-Dasytes, I don't know them
6-Anthrenus, of course. But such people also have mustaches to look at. I think it's like polonicus. But this is not a poke at all.
7-It seems to be even Mordella some. What's that under her elytra?" smile.gif

This post was edited by Fornax13-16.11.2008 22: 32
Likes: 1

16.11.2008 22:34, Fornax13

Well, I look right now in his face at 100x magnification (remove-problem)... Nothing special. Blunt, brown, without protruding mandibles (they are not visible from below, as well as any tentacles there [probably torn off]). The antennae grow from a small recess near the eye, and are not covered by the "cornice" on top.

...I have one bad suspicion...

16.11.2008 22:37, chebur

7-It seems to be even Mordella some. What's that under her elytra?" smile.gif

To be honest, I've asked myself this question. In addition to the red tick, nothing comes to mind, although it is not clear how it ended up under the elytra.

16.11.2008 22:43, Fornax13

To be honest, I've asked myself this question. Except for the red tick, nothing comes to mind, although it is not clear how it ended up under the elytra.

Maybe.. Nda.. It also happens.

16.11.2008 22:49, Андреас

- Then here's a joke for you guys on the same topic! wink.gif - Also with a tick!!! lol.gif
- By the way, - what is this toddler? confused.gif

picture: _48_.JPG
_48_.JPG — (108.45к)

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