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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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27.06.2010 19:19, Александрс

Thanks to Mantispid, Kemist and all, everyone. Another batch of beetles from northern Israel: March, Mediterranean coast. Thank you in advance to all those who responded.

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27.06.2010 19:28, vasiliy-feoktistov

Thanks! Everything fell into place. This is Larinus planus.

Yes, indeed: I missed it smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 27.06.2010 19: 28

27.06.2010 19:33, vasiliy-feoktistov

Thanks to Mantispid, Kemist and all, everyone. Another batch of beetles from northern Israel: March, Mediterranean coast. Thank you in advance to all those who responded.

Barbels in the course of everything: Agapanthia sp. (up to the type of problem there)
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27.06.2010 20:28, Mantispid

23-Larinus (s.str.) ursus (Fabricius, 1792), I don't know any more striped larins
dead eater 33-Trichodes, something like favarius

Bronzovok and khrushchikov I do not know =(

But although...shaggy bronzes, possibly Tropinota squalida...

This post was edited by Mantispid - 27.06.2010 20: 30
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27.06.2010 20:52, scarit

To Alexanders:
17.jpg -pollen eater, from the genus Omophlus (or similar)
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27.06.2010 21:50, Kemist

Trichodes affinis
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27.06.2010 21:56, Kemist

26 and 27 Brancoplia leucaspis
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27.06.2010 22:04, Kemist

29 Tropinota hirta suturalis, 30 Oxythyrea abigail
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27.06.2010 23:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

Now the third trox in my life has arrived on the balcony.
I want to clarify: Trox scaber again?

picture: trox.jpg
trox.jpg — (41.86к)

27.06.2010 23:12, Necrocephalus

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28.06.2010 19:13, akulich-sibiria

tell me about this bug. He was caught on the ground near a ground squirrel burrow in Krasnoyarsk. length 2 mm. Smahu thought that it was something from Cryptocephalus, something similar. It is short-cylindrical and the head is retracted into the pronotum. It looks like something else. The entire underside, sides of the pronotum, apex and sides of the elytra are covered with oval scales. Front and hind legs with 4 members. rear unfortunately can not see. The 3rd member is two-bladed. The front basins are small, separated from each other. Dotted rows on top. Us. filamentous 11 chl. Maybe something from Cisidae? I post different angles
picture: РС170017а.јрд
picture: РС170020а.јрд
picture: РС170021а.јрд
picture: РС170019а.јрд

28.06.2010 19:31, akulich-sibiria

I would like to show a couple more Platycerus that were identified as caraboides.
but something in the face they are painfully different. The first mandible is larger and there is no tooth on top, like the second. could it be Platycerus caprea? The presence of the 6th additional sternite indicates that both males are sort of like
1. It was caught in the Western Sayan, BORUS foothills.
picture: РС160001а.јрд
picture: РС160002а.јрд
picture: РС160003а.јрд
picture: РС160008а.јрд
2. Near Krasnoyarsk, fir-cedar forest
picture: РС160004а.јрд
picture: РС160005а.јрд
picture: РС160006а.јрд
picture: РС160007а.јрд

28.06.2010 19:33, Алексей Сажнев

jaws are different for male and female

28.06.2010 19:42, akulich-sibiria

I've had enough of this nutcracker. Using Cherepanov, I go to Selatosomus infuscatus, but I can't find the picture and I can't find it in other qualifiers. Tell me. Length about 8 mm.
picture: РС160009а.јрд
picture: РС160010а.јрд
picture: РС160011а.јрд

For Alexey, so are the caraboides both? And 6 sternites in both the female and the male?

28.06.2010 19:50, Трофим

S7304353 - Platyrhinus resinosus?
the rest on nettles in spring

picture: S7304346.JPG
S7304346.JPG — (85.58к)

picture: S7304348.JPG
S7304348.JPG — (75.5к)

picture: S7304353.JPG
S7304353.JPG — (90.62к)

picture: S7304359.JPG
S7304359.JPG — (74.58к)

28.06.2010 20:01, vasiliy-feoktistov

S7304353 - Platyrhinus resinosus?

He's the one.
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28.06.2010 21:05, Mylabris

tell me about this bug. He was caught on the ground near a ground squirrel burrow in Krasnoyarsk. length 2 mm. Smahu thought that it was something from Cryptocephalus, something similar. It is short-cylindrical and the head is retracted into the pronotum. It looks like something else. The entire underside, sides of the pronotum, apex and sides of the elytra are covered with oval scales. Front and hind legs with 4 members. rear unfortunately can not see. The 3rd member is two-bladed. The front basins are small, separated from each other. Dotted rows on top. Us. filamentous 11 chl. Maybe something from Cisidae? I post different angles

Leaf beetle from the subfamily Eumolpinae. Pachnephorus?

28.06.2010 23:17, алекс 2611

I've had enough of this nutcracker. Using Cherepanov, I go to Selatosomus infuscatus, but I can't find the picture and I can't find it in other qualifiers. Tell me. Length about 8 mm.

Are you sure this is Selatosomus?
Not Athous of some sort?

29.06.2010 7:16, akulich-sibiria

Are you sure this is Selatosomus?
Not Athous of some sort?

Still, I am inclined to believe that I was initially right, in Gurieva this species is assigned to the genus Metanomus, it seems to resemble edeagus too.

29.06.2010 7:17, akulich-sibiria

Leaf beetle from the subfamily Eumolpinae. Pachnephorus?

Thank you so much, really this is it!! The truth is quite shabby. I was confused. that the head should be visible from above...and so everything is verno

29.06.2010 11:18, алекс 2611

Still, I am inclined to believe that I was initially right, in Gurieva this species is assigned to the genus Metanomus, it seems to resemble edeagus too.

Well I do not know. For the last week I have been sitting and analyzing Caucasian and Turkish Selatosomus, I have downloaded photos of almost all the Palearctic representatives of the genus, but I have not met anything similar in the genus Selatosomus.

29.06.2010 11:28, алекс 2611

Still, I am inclined to believe that I was initially right, in Gurieva this species is assigned to the genus Metanomus, it seems to resemble edeagus too.

Aaaa... Do you think it is Metanomus infuscatus (Eschscholtz, 1829)?
It seems similar. I didn't know that this species was part of the genus Selatosomus....

By the way, Eschscholtz described this species in the genus Athous ... smile.gif

Do you have many such snappers? Don't share it?

29.06.2010 20:18, akulich-sibiria

Aaaa... Do you think it is Metanomus infuscatus (Eschscholtz, 1829)?
It seems similar. I didn't know that this species was part of the genus Selatosomus....

By the way, Eschscholtz described this species in the genus Athous ... smile.gif

Do you have many such snappers? Don't share it?

Unfortunately one, samets! In the places where I collected it, there were very few insects at all, and the finds were more random and isolated. That year I caught a nutcracker similar to Selatosomus gloriosus (Kishii, 1955), but the structure of the pronotum is disconcerting, flatter than that of this species, if necessary, I can throw out the photo here, although I have already exhibited them here once
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30.06.2010 7:18, akulich-sibiria

hello there. tell me.
1. is it Bembidion dentellum or ruthenum? it was caught by the river, in a muddy place, among the willows.
picture: Bembidion_dentellum_или_ruthenum.jpg
2. this is my understanding of Badister, tell me what we can have in Siberia? unipustulatus or it's bipustulatus.Found in a pit dug for posts. A kind of macro trap smile.gif
picture: Badister.jpg
3. is this Lampyrus noctiluca?
picture: Lampyris_noctiluca.jpg
picture: Lampyris_noctiluca1.jpg
picture: Lampyris_noctiluca2.jpg

30.06.2010 7:23, akulich-sibiria

The beetle was caught on 29.06.10 in Krasnoyarsk, in the burrow of a ground squirrel. Length 5-5. 5 mm. Black. Small light spots on the top and a few poorly distinguishable ones on the base. The cilia are light. The frontal suture is rather poorly sewn, slightly arched, and does not reach the edges of the platypus. The top of the platband is notched. Parietal forehead in the form of a small raised bump. Pronotum on anterior margin without tubercles. It seems to me that this is an underdeveloped male Onthophagus ovatus?
Image: Onthophagus_vitulus_prov.jpg
picture: Onthophagus_vitulus_пров1.jpg

30.06.2010 8:55, vasiliy-feoktistov

hello there. tell me.
3. is this Lampyrus noctiluca?

yes.gif Not an adult (its larva). I fed and bred earthworms.
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30.06.2010 16:05, Konung

I will be glad to help you identify beetles:
picture: IMG_0818_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0820_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0822_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0824_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0827_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0829_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0831_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0835_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0837_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0840_s.jpg
picture: IMG_0842_s.jpg

30.06.2010 16:21, vasiliy-feoktistov

0820 Leptura quadrifasciata Linnaeus, 1758 (ab. some)
0824 Brachyta sp. (possibly interrogationis Linnaeus, 1758-also ab.)
0829 and 0831 Rhagium (Megarhagium) mordax DeGeer, 1775
Yes, No. 0822 I think Rhagium inquisitor Linnaeus, 1758 (it hurts too much if they found it under the coniferous bark-then most likely it is).

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 30.06.2010 16: 37

30.06.2010 16:39, akulich-sibiria

I can only assume
0820-Leptura quadrifasciata
0822-Rhagium inquoisitor
0824-Evodinus, most likely variabilis
0827 - Anogcodes coarctata, male
0829, 0832-Rhagium mordax

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria-30.06.2010 16: 39

30.06.2010 17:15, scarit

0824 - Brachyta interrogationis
0835 - Donacia fennica Pk.
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30.06.2010 17:25, vasiliy-feoktistov

Dmitry, and 0818 can not be Stenurella bifasciata Muell., 1776 (it came to mind, but I doubt it)confused.gif. So I didn't write it.

30.06.2010 17:37, Алексей Сажнев

0818-in my opinion aberrant Leptura quadrifasciata-male
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30.06.2010 17:37, akulich-sibiria

0824 - Brachyta interrogationis
0835 - Donacia fennica Pk.

Dmitry, can I have a look at my ground beetles? there just above.

30.06.2010 19:05, scarit

Duck watched the ground beetles. Badister is most likely bullatus (=bipustulatus), but you also have unipustulatus. What is the length,by the way?
Bembidion - either dentellum or sibiricum. Ruthenum will be brighter. In general, the Eupetedromus subgenus needs revision, especially the Siberian species, and I can't say for sure from the photo. For the definition, you can use Netolitsky's monograph on Bembidiini of the Palearctic (there is a PDF file on the site www.carabidae.ru)
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30.06.2010 19:11, vasiliy-feoktistov

0818-in my opinion, the aberrant Leptura quadrifasciata is a male

Alexey, there are no questions here (it varies very much). I caught several aberrations with us (although their names are tight).

30.06.2010 19:25, akulich-sibiria

Duck watched the ground beetles. Badister is most likely bullatus (=bipustulatus), but you also have unipustulatus. What is the length,by the way?
Bembidion - either dentellum or sibiricum. Ruthenum will be brighter. In general, the Eupetedromus subgenus needs revision, especially the Siberian species, and I can't say for sure from the photo. For the definition, you can use Netolitsky's monograph on Bembidiini of the Palearctic (there is a PDF file on the site www.carabidae.ru)

I found this monograph, of course I will have to learn German for this. And I'll tell you tomorrow about the size of the badister, the bug is at work. I once gave a personal photo of the last leaf beetle with edeagus, did you manage to find out anything?

30.06.2010 23:23, Ruslan2

Southern Ukraine, Kherson.
Please tell
me What kind of leaf beetle is this?

picture: DSC_0134_1w.jpg
DSC_0134_1w.jpg — (211к)

01.07.2010 0:11, Алексей Сажнев

in my opinion from the Chrysolina genus it is possible that herbacea

01.07.2010 0:17, Ruslan2


01.07.2010 5:56, VSB

But I do not know this beetle. It may be familiar to someone. Shot on a clover tree in Chelyabinsk. June 30, 2010

picture: жук_на_клевере.јрд
beetle_ona_clever.jpg — (115.81к)

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