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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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22.07.2015 22:43, Tivanik

Help with the bug. Saint Petersburg, 19.07.2015

picture: IMGP1636.jpg

23.07.2015 6:54, Satyr

Amur region, Blagoveshchensk district.

picture: P7093487.JPG
P7093487.JPG — (293.99к)

23.07.2015 14:53, AGG

Help with the bug. Saint Petersburg, 19.07.2015

Phratora sp. further genitals
Likes: 1

23.07.2015 14:55, AGG

Amur region, Blagoveshchensk district.

Trichodes ircutensis (Laxmann, 1770)

23.07.2015 14:55, Barnaba

23.07.2015 15:27, Maksim

Hello, help, please. to determine. 18.07, Tver region in the village of Nerl, 1.5-3 mm

picture: IMG_8861.JPG
IMG_8861.JPG — (53.07к)

23.07.2015 16:22, Андреас

People, please help me with the name of these spiketails. Not taken by me on August 10 at our CMS.

picture: ___________.JPG
___________.JPG — (729.87к)

23.07.2015 16:56, AGG

Hello, help, please. to determine. 18.07, Tver region in the village of Nerl, 1.5-3 mm

search in Kateretidae
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23.07.2015 18:49, Barnaba

People, please help me with the name of these spiketails. Not taken by me on August 10 at our CMS.

More correctly, shiponoski or humpback beetles. In the photo Mordella sp. The exact definition of this photo is unrealistic (normally it is conducted on males, detailed signs are needed from different angles, in some cases genitals, and in general it is a creative smile.gifmatter ). Offhand, it is similar in a number of ways to M. aculeata.
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23.07.2015 20:29, Mantispid

More correctly, shiponoski or humpback beetles. In the photo Mordella sp. The exact definition of this photo is unrealistic (normally it is conducted on males, detailed signs are needed from different angles, in some cases genitals, and in general it is a creative smile.gifmatter ). Offhand, it is similar in a number of ways to M. aculeata.

without a detailed examination of the incisions, the drug paramer and the torn pygidium, in my opinion, to determine them in general is a rotten delo
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23.07.2015 21:51, Barnaba

without a detailed examination of the incisions, the drug paramer and the torn pygidium, in my opinion, it is generally rotten to determine them.

Not exactly. Most of the signs are still external, many are visible without special tricks, and in some cases their combinations are unique. Often you can do without paramer preparations, especially since the differences in them are no more obvious than many external ones. I do not know any fully genital species. So, in the Mordella genus in Southern Russia, there may not be so many species with such a combination of traits in males, visible in the photo below:
size more than 6-7mm;
black iridescent elytra with V-shaped light pubescence;
completely black (or at least dark) appendages, including the anterior tibiae;
male antennal segments enlarged from the 5th, 6-10 longitudinal, slightly elongating to the 10th;
anterior tibiae slightly curved;
pygidium with white pubescence at the base, long, but not needle-shaped.
This is enough to suggest M. aculeata. Of course, without confidence, since other signs are not available.
Another thing is that the group has not been studied enough, so the keys may be incomplete or not work somewhere. Interesting works with keys based mainly on external morphology were published by V. K. Odnosum (attached).


download file 01_Odnosum.pdf

size: 1.1 mb
number of downloads: 225

download file 02_Odnosum_.pdf

size: 245.92 k
number of downloads: 211

Likes: 4

23.07.2015 22:47, Андреас

Thank you for replying!!!
- I still have the last undefined bug from my disk. I cropped the photo a little. It was also taken from us and also not by me. 07.07.2012
At the expense of the view - I doubt that you can say anything definite from the photo - even the size is not clear. "But at least you can get to Rod?"

picture: 07.07.2012.jpg
07.07.2012.jpg — (489.48 k)

23.07.2015 23:49, Fornax13

Not exactly. Most of the signs are still external, many are visible without special tricks, and in some cases their combinations are unique. Often you can do without paramer preparations, especially since the differences in them are no more obvious than many external ones. I do not know any fully genital species. So, in the Mordella genus in Southern Russia, there may not be so many species with such a combination of traits in males, visible in the photo below:
size more than 6-7mm;
black iridescent elytra with V-shaped light pubescence;
completely black (or at least dark) appendages, including the anterior tibiae;
male antennal segments enlarged from the 5th, 6-10 longitudinal, slightly elongating to the 10th;
anterior tibiae slightly curved;
pygidium with white pubescence at the base, long, but not needle-shaped.
This is enough to suggest M. aculeata. Of course, without confidence, since other signs are not available.

Nenene, you really can't do that with them... ) In the photo, beetles from two genera - massive from Mordella, slender - from Mordellistena. Without paramers, only the most characteristic animals can be identified offhand. Mordell, in principle, can be determined by external signs, but for this it is better to first gut a dozen beetles of each species (perhaps only velutina is easily recognizable). By the way, M. aculeata in the Ul. region is a very infrequent animal, I have only from the forests of the north of the region. holomelaena and brachyura are much more common. As for mordellisten, such beasts are quite at the seams )

This post was edited by Fornax13-24.07.2015 02: 00
Likes: 2

24.07.2015 3:07, Barnaba

Nenene, you really can't do that with them... ) In the photo, beetles from two genera - massive from Mordella, slender - from Mordellistena. Without paramers, only the most characteristic animals can be identified offhand. Mordell, in principle, can be determined by external signs, but for this it is better to first gut a dozen beetles of each species (perhaps only velutina is easily recognizable). By the way, M. aculeata in the Ul. region is a very infrequent animal, I have only from the forests of the north of the region. holomelaena and brachyura are much more common. As for mordellisten, such beasts are quite at the seams )

I still believe that the photo shows beetles of the same species, with a female in the foreground and a male in the background (see the shape of the last segment of tentacles). The differences are partly due to their usual dimorphism, and partly apparent due to perspective and different angles. And this, imho, is Mordella, both in terms of habit and size. A few Mordellistena of comparable size differ in color and habit, while the rest would be entirely located on two adjacent flowers from the inflorescence. M. aculeata is a trans-palearctic species, south to Primorye, north. Kazakhstan and the Caucasus, there are in the Ciscaucasia and, in particular, in the Stavropol region (for example, in the ROC. Pyatigorsk). In the Rostov region. in some places it is common. But I will not argue, there is little accurate data, and there is no way to check, as I understand it.
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24.07.2015 5:46, Fornax13

[quote=Barnaba,24.07.2015 04:07]
A few Mordellistena of comparable size differ in color and habit, and the rest would be entirely located on two adjacent flowers from the inflorescence.

Oh, if only a few... smile.gif Almost the entire group of pentas (hoberlandti, dalmatica, pentas and further down the list) are so healthy, something of the pumila group also reaches comparable sizes, tarsata is large again, and species from the episternalis group (intersecta, kochi, etc.) also quite grow to the size of Mordella (even larger are). It is only unicolored black, and only with dark pubescence.

[quote=Barnaba,24.07.2015 04:07]
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24.07.2015 9:30, stierlyz

Lightly leafed through the Fauna of Ukraine on humpbacks. On pages 207-209, there are 2 species described in 2009, one from the SE of Ukraine, the second from Crimea, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Do you still want to identify humpbacks based on" artistic " photos before the appearance?

24.07.2015 12:14, barry

22.07.2015 Kharkiv region, Pecheneg district
, Artyomovka village Balka (clay), forest-steppe. Dropout rate.
picture: CRW_38843.jpg

24.07.2015 21:24, Mantispid

22.07.2015 Kharkiv region, Pecheneg district
, Artyomovka village Balka (clay), forest-steppe. Dropout rate.

like Ph. topiarius
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25.07.2015 15:54, akulich-sibiria

Krasnoyarsk, 7 mm
picture: IMG_0758.jpg.

25.07.2015 18:13, lazardin

Good day, see pozh., north of Vologda, today, in the obabka
Oxyporus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758)?? , small not mastered ))
picture: DSC04372.JPG

This post was edited by lazardin - 25.07.2015 18: 14

25.07.2015 19:14, Пугливая леди

user posted image

tell me what kind of bug?? Houses in the apartment somehow turned out

25.07.2015 19:29, Fornax13

Good day, see pozh., north of Vologda, today, in the obabka
Oxyporus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758)?? , small not mastered ))

Small - Aleochara, probably fumata, but according to the photo, aleochar is pure shamanism. Oxyporus - rufus without options

This post was edited by Fornax13-25.07.2015 19: 30
Likes: 1

25.07.2015 19:31, astronom

Ukraine, Donetsk region, 24.07
Help to identify
user posted image

25.07.2015 20:44, akulich-sibiria

Latridius hirtus?
picture: DSCN1254.JPG
picture: DSCN1258.JPG
picture: DSCN1257.JPG

25.07.2015 20:59, akulich-sibiria

Enicmus rugosus ?
picture: DSCN1259.JPG
picture: DSCN1262.JPG

25.07.2015 21:12, Fornax13

Latridius hirtus?

Well yes.
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25.07.2015 21:14, Fornax13

Enicmus rugosus ?

Enicmus, it is better to open them

25.07.2015 21:29, akulich-sibiria

Stephostethus pandellei?
picture: DSCN1263.JPG
picture: DSCN1265________.jpg

26.07.2015 10:58, Penelo

odessa region small staphylin 7-8 mm

picture: hgfhfh.jpg
hgfhfh.jpg — (379.38к)

picture: yuityui.jpg
yuityui.jpg — (138.12к)

26.07.2015 11:05, Андреас

Good afternoon, dear mentors, dear take on reason. I found an undefined cow on Yandex. Disk that is not in the collection. Photographed by my friend at our CMS on June 6. The angle is not good. Help with the name!

picture: _____________.jpg
_____________.jpg — (312.09к)

26.07.2015 12:20, AGG

Good afternoon, dear mentors, dear take on reason. I found an undefined cow on Yandex. Disk that is not in the collection. Photographed by my friend at our CMS on June 6. The angle is not good. Help with the name!

Harmonia axidiris
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26.07.2015 12:51, Mantispid

odessa region small staphylin 7-8 mm

Bledius sp.

26.07.2015 13:02, Андреас

People, I also found a photo of myself. (I had to plant it on a blade of grass to take a picture. Big thing. But after it, I saw blue (Meloe violaceus) females about 1.5 times less than this one in about 2 weeks.
It was shot in the steppe on the shore of a bitter-salty mud lake.

picture: Meloe_sp.__f__17.05.2015.JPG
Meloe_sp.__f__17.05.2015.JPG — (453.7к)

26.07.2015 13:49, lazardin

Good day to all, check pozh, north of Vologda, today

Chlorophanus viridis??
picture: DSC04378.JPG
picture: DSC04384.JPG

26.07.2015 15:00, Tivanik

Help with the soft body. Saint Petersburg, 26.07.2015
Similar to Rhagonycha fulva, but slightly larger and dark belly.
Or is it not a softling at all? confused.gif

picture: IMGP1723.jpg

picture: IMGP1730.jpg

This post was edited by Tivanik - 26.07.2015 15: 06

26.07.2015 15:47, Mantispid

Good day to all, check pozh, north of Vologda, today

Chlorophanus viridis??

Yes, a female

This post was edited by Mantispid - 26.07.2015 15: 47

26.07.2015 16:02, Fornax13

Help with the soft body. Saint Petersburg, 26.07.2015
Similar to Rhagonycha fulva, but slightly larger and dark belly.
Or is it not a softling at all? confused.gif

Wow... Near Metena Bay? It's not soft, yes.
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26.07.2015 16:05, Андреас

Soft slats?

26.07.2015 16:08, Fornax13

Soft slats?

Yes, Nacerdes melanura is a pile beetle, for some reason I thought that we only have it on the Black Sea coastconfused.gif, but here St. Petersburg...

This post was edited by Fornax13-26.07.2015 16: 09
Likes: 2

26.07.2015 16:11, Fornax13

People, I also found a photo of myself. (I had to plant it on a blade of grass to take a picture. Big thing. But after it, I saw blue (Meloe violaceus) females about 1.5 times less than this one in about 2 weeks.
It was shot in the steppe on the shore of a bitter-salty mud lake.

M. proscarabaeus, female
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