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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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16.01.2016 9:11, Alexandr Zhakov

Both photos show the same individual.
Taken on August 9, 2015 in the vicinity of Rovno, Rovensky district, Saratov region
Dear experts, please help us identify the butterfly!

Polyommatus icarus
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16.01.2016 10:33, svm2

Scotopteryx bipunctaria

According to Hausmann (GME3), Scotopteryx aelptes replaces bipunctaria in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, it is not externally distinguishable (at least from the photo). On the other hand, aelptes for Europe is not given (GME3), but the Stavropol Territory is Asia on the border with Europe. Personally, I'm leaning towards aelptes. For an accurate definition, you need to cook or at least have an ex. in your hands.
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16.01.2016 21:28, coriander-lithurgus

According to Hausmann (GME3), Scotopteryx aelptes replaces bipunctaria in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, it is not externally distinguishable (at least from the photo). On the other hand, aelptes for Europe is not given (GME3), but the Stavropol Territory is Asia on the border with Europe. Personally, I'm leaning towards aelptes. For an accurate definition, you need to cook or at least have an ex. in your hands.

Thank you. Yes, indeed, E. V. Tsvetkov in the article "Moth moth of the Stavropol Territory" (zh. "Eversmannia", issues 23-24, 2010 ) excludes Scotopteryx bipunctaria from the faunal list of moth moth of the Region. replace the edges with a similar species, S. aelptes.

This post was edited by coriander-lithurgus - 16.01.2016 21: 31

16.01.2016 22:13, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies! Taken on August 9, 2015 in the vicinity of Rovno, Rovensky district, Saratov region

91-In-1 and 91-In-2-Lycaena tityrus?

91-In-3 and 91-In-4-Plebejus argus?

picture: 91_B_1.jpg
91_B_1.jpg — (377.25к)

picture: 91_B_2.jpg
91_B_2.jpg — (402.58к)

picture: 91_B_3.jpg
91_B_3.jpg — (306.81к)

picture: 91_B_4.jpg
91_B_4.jpg — (333.1к)

16.01.2016 22:20, Nick444444

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies! Taken on August 9, 2015 in the vicinity of Rovno, Rovensky district, Saratov region

91-In-1 and 91-In-2-Lycaena tityrus?

91-In-3 and 91-In-4-Plebejus argus?

all correct smile.gif
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16.01.2016 22:50, coriander-lithurgus

Tell me, please, whether this moth is correctly defined? On the photo - one copy, top view and bottom view. The time of summer is confusing.

picture: SAM_1653.JPG
SAM_1653.JPG — (242.99к)

picture: SAM_1654.JPG
SAM_1654.JPG — (229.75к)

16.01.2016 22:55, Evgeny Kotelevsky

The butterfly was shot on August 2, 2015 on the territory of the city of Saratov. Baited into the light.

Dear experts, please help us identify this butterfly!

picture: 91_M_1.jpg
91_M_1.jpg — (561.32к)

16.01.2016 23:04, Vlad Proklov

The butterfly was shot on August 2, 2015 on the territory of the city of Saratov. Baited into the light.

Dear experts, please help us identify this butterfly!

Tineola bisselliella lol.gif

And in what district of Saratov?
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17.01.2016 0:55, maks.malehornov

Hello Dear experts! Confused, please tell me who knows at least up to the genus, family.
1 Africa, Zanzibar 25.02.1997. A sailboat?
2 Malaysia, Borneo 18.04.2006.3
and 4 Nepal, Kathmandu 18.05.1997

Gentlemen, the first one seems to be found as Graphium angolanus, for the rest I will be grateful.

17.01.2016 9:18, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Tineola bisselliella lol.gif

And in what district of Saratov?

Kirovsky na Molochke near the aeroport
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17.01.2016 14:29, ButterflyGirl

1. Aricia agestis
2.♂ Cupido osiris/Plebejus idas/Plebeius sephirus/Glaucopsyche alexis/Polyommatus thersites/Polyommatus icarus/???

Thank you, Alexander. It is clear that No. 2 is difficult to identify, but the shape of the wings is not similar to the types that you suggest.

17.01.2016 14:36, Alexandr Zhakov

Thank you, Alexander. It is clear that No. 2 is difficult to identify, but the shape of the wings is not similar to the types that you suggest.

These are all species with blue-blue males that may be in the Crimea at this time. Exactly one of them. smile.gif
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17.01.2016 20:57, coriander-lithurgus

Good evening." Tell me, please, the correct species names of these moths. # 1658-Phaiogramma etruscaria? Wingspan 21 mm. No. 1660-Geometra vernaria? The wingspan is 26mm. The primary color is green.

picture: SAM_1658.JPG
SAM_1658.JPG — (212.9к)

picture: SAM_1660.JPG
SAM_1660.JPG — (207.33к)

17.01.2016 21:22, MIV

Once again, I will return to the butterfly from Costa Rica. Can someone tell me the type, or at least give a tattoo? I think it's a dipper.

picture: IMG_4055_____________.jpg

And also from Thailand. Some kind of Acraea?

picture: IMG_4037__________.jpg

18.01.2016 15:02, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

001 - Euchloe ausonia? August 16, 2014, near the village of Generalskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region

002 - Colias erate? September 13, 2014, surroundings of Bolshaya Kamenka village, Tatishchevsky district, Saratov region

picture: 001_1.jpg
001_1.jpg — (521.71к)

picture: 002_1.jpg
002_1.jpg — (570.47к)

18.01.2016 16:00, Alexandr Zhakov

001 - Euchloe ausonia? August 16, 2014, near the village of Generalskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region

No, it's Pontia
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18.01.2016 16:18, alex242

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

001 - Pontia edusa / daplidice
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18.01.2016 23:12, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Photo taken on July 16, 2015 in the vicinity of the village of Bolshaya Kamenka, Tatishchevsky district, Saratov region.

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterfly!

picture: 0001.jpg
0001.jpg — (553.14к)

19.01.2016 0:09, Vlad Proklov

Photo taken on July 16, 2015 in the vicinity of the village of Bolshaya Kamenka, Tatishchevsky district, Saratov region.

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterfly!

Epirrhoe alternata
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19.01.2016 9:01, NicoSander

Please help me identify moths from Kyrgyzstan..

This post was edited by NicoSander - 19.01.2016 09: 07

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19.01.2016 14:10, svm2

You put up so much at one time,I'll try what is more or less familiar
1-Scopula tesselaria
2-Odontopera muscularia
3-Thalera fimbrialis
5-Phaselia I have from Kyrgyzstan narynaria
6-Epirrhoe is similar to pupillata
8-Lithostege narynensis most likely
9-Artemidora sp., I asked I. Kostyuk, he said that two more species have recently been described there, so choose one of the four (you can look at Boldsystem)
10,11-Rhodostrophia staudingeri
12-Nychiodes sp-you need to look at which
one 13

4,7,13-Gnophini&Boarmini in unfamiliar fauna is difficult
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19.01.2016 14:40, NicoSander

Thank you very much!

19.01.2016 14:48, svm2

12-similar to N. antiquarius
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19.01.2016 18:36, coriander-lithurgus

Help, please, to determine the species belonging of these moths. # 1662: top right and bottom copy - also Lythria purpuraria? No. 1665-wingspan of flower moths 24-25 mm.

picture: SAM_1662.JPG
SAM_1662.JPG — (278.4к)

picture: SAM_1665.JPG
SAM_1665.JPG — (270.44к)

19.01.2016 19:03, ButterflyGirl

P. icarus? Zaporozhye, May

picture: DSC02790__2_.JPG
picture: DSC02792__2_.JPG

19.01.2016 20:42, Kharkovbut

P. icarus? Zaporozhye, May
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20.01.2016 0:35, Olearius

Help, please, to determine the species belonging of these moths. # 1662: top right and bottom copy - also Lythria purpuraria? No. 1665-wingspan of flower moths 24-25 mm.

Eupithecia all ochridata
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20.01.2016 0:37, Olearius

P. icarus? Zaporozhye, May

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20.01.2016 6:06, Valentinus

Help, please, to determine the species belonging of these moths. # 1662: top right and bottom copy - also Lythria purpuraria? No. 1665-wingspan of flower moths 24-25 mm.

Lythria purpuraria
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20.01.2016 11:48, usya04

Good afternoon! Please help me with the excitements

1. Tajikistan, Fan Mountains, Alps. Artuch camp, 29.06.1997 h=2150m
picture: 01.jpeg

2. Sakhalin, G. Chekhov, VI. 1995
picture: 02.jpeg

3. Primorye, Lazo village, 06.08.1980
picture: 03.jpeg

20.01.2016 15:46, ButterflyGirl

Melitaea trivia?
picture: 125.jpg

20.01.2016 16:10, Alexandr Zhakov

Melitaea trivia?

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20.01.2016 23:05, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Taken on July 16, 2015 in the vicinity of the village of Bolshaya Kamenka, Tatishchevsky district, Saratov region

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterfly!

picture: DSC_0805.jpg
DSC_0805.jpg — (422.04к)

20.01.2016 23:50, Alexandr Zhakov

Taken on July 16, 2015 in the vicinity of the village of Bolshaya Kamenka, Tatishchevsky district, Saratov region

Melitaea didyma
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21.01.2016 12:35, Evgeny Kotelevsky

All photos were taken on August 15, 2015 in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

picture: 92_M_1.jpg
92_M_1.jpg — (404.09к)

picture: 92_M_2.jpg
92_M_2.jpg — (351.31к)

21.01.2016 12:37, Vlad Proklov

All photos were taken on August 15, 2015 in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

Hypsopygia costalis
Bedellia somnulentella
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21.01.2016 12:49, Alexandr Zhakov

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!


Previously, I determined it every minute, but now it took as much as 2 minutes to write four words. smile.gif beer.gif
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21.01.2016 15:23, Evgeny Kotelevsky

All photos were taken on August 15, 2015 in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region

Dear experts, please help us identify Geometridae butterflies! Both seem to be of the same type...

picture: 92_M_14.jpg
92_M_14.jpg — (265.26к)

picture: 92_M_20.jpg
92_M_20.jpg — (291.32к)

21.01.2016 17:02, svm2

No, the butterflies are different and the photos this time are not quite successful
I think so
1-Scopula immutata
2-Idaea straminata
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21.01.2016 17:11, Evgeny Kotelevsky

No, the butterflies are different and the photos this time are not quite successful
I think so
1-Scopula immutata
2-Idaea straminata

Thanks! I'll try to reshoot it in the coming season!

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