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The concept of the site goals and objectives. To discuss

Community and ForumWebsite news and updatesThe concept of the site goals and objectives. To discuss

Peter Khramov, 08.08.2014 23:41

There is a suspicion that it is necessary to close up the page / section "About", which clearly articulate who we are, what our goals and objectives, what priorities in the work site, who is who on the site and to whom on what issues can be addressed directly and stuff like that.Bo sometimes new people is not entirely clear, sometimes even among experienced users, questions arise about the priorities, but someone may seem that the site is too poppy, and to communicate with him, he will not. In addition, we have the international version in English, with the understanding there can be even harder.And then there's Shamil next topic the issue raised. In general, it's time.
In this topic, I sketched an initial draft on the above issues, I propose here to discuss it. Mneiiya and additions are welcome. And the lack of it - is not: -)
So, in general terms, Lepidoptera.ru/Lepidoptera.pro - a place of concentration of data on Lepidoptera.His foundation - the tree taxa, starting from the squad and finishing subspecies. On a tree superimposed other data (eg, photos / illustrations), and everything is polished users the ability to communicate through the website comments.Our main task - to collect the largest possible amount of information on various topics of the site and an increasing number of people keen on this topic, and our main goal - knowledge of the subject (Lepidoptera).


The tree taxa (classification).Specific illustrations and sketches with the obligatory indication of the sources of information.
Descriptions supraspecific taxa and subspecies.
Search engine tasonov with autosubstitution.
Product types with a search on formalized criteria.For example, search for all moths Vietnam (or 5 in the region of the Russian Federation), flying in May (or June) with a length of front wing more than 10 mm.
Gallery subsections - basic (butterflies in all stages of development as well as to determine the species of the genitals) plu extra for landscapes and blog.Project - users of the site that can not be realized under other sections. For example, "The determinant of the day butterflies Primorye."
Collections - service to conduct collections of Lepidoptera and the exchange of information about them to other users, as well as proposals for the sale and exchange of copies.Article - "scientific" (as opposed to blog) Related Articles Lepidoptera.
Blog - "non-scientific" articles.
And Section Authors, Literature and the Community with the relevant content.

Now, a little religion.
We are trying to combine the online scientific accuracy with an attractive resource for mere mortals.It is almost an impossible task, for example, in the framework of the print edition, but the site I think it is possible. Just because a site is not to be certain on how to complete these bricks with one level of the feed in good site - it's a piece of clay that everyone can crush under his requirements.Typical conflict between physicists and poets - some Fautua hanging as the main illustration - straightened a copy or snapshot "nature"? The answer - you need to for each conclusion the option that it is currently most needed.
Still need some default options, as well as publicly announced by landmarks.I believe that these guidelines should be to the side of science, and not in the direction of pop music. But this does not mean that we have to be snobs (which, in Russia, unfortunately, not uncommon) and deter users who simply opredeleit another caterpillar from the garden.Photos of butterflies - a very important part of this information, bearing, besides, also an aesthetic burden, and closeup - important people in our community.Nevertheless, we believe that at this stage of human development goal of our website can not be achieved without the collection and examination of material, so this is the fee we encourage educational purposes, and the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of view is largely delusional.We understand that the collection or nesbor material - matter of preferences and beliefs of man, not a measure of its (non) goodness. For example, I myself am not collect material and collections do not keep, but not because of religious fanaticism, but because of the fact that I do not like to collect (when I have time, I'd rather pofotografiruyu) and maintain the collection once.As for the Conservation of Nature, let us already agree: the strategy of survival of vertebrates and invertebrates are very different, respectively, and have different methods of protection of both, so if someone suddenly decided that they should be protected.What works on the Amur tiger, will not work on butterflies, which umenshenieili increase the number of individuals per hundred copies in the wild do not play any role in the chances of survival of the form.On the other hand, a stupid habit of catching anything and everything without any need, as well as a dull habit crap everywhere, and then another, and did not clean up after themselves - both individually and on a commercial scale - that is, yes, here it is support can not be correct.
We finished with the religious part.Another part, which we often forget - the English version. At the moment, her attendance is not much less Russian, and the concentration of visits on target highly specific demands even more. However, active participants, foreigners have not so much.There are several reasons, but the main thing - is that the English version is lagging behind in functionality and the amount of information due to problems with the translation. One of the priorities - resolution of this issue, and full synchronization of the two versions of the site.

Summary. To strive for.To the site with a comprehensive tree taxa of Lepidoptera of the world, with more graphics and textual version information for each taxon, with an active, knowledgeable and pleasant in communication with the community and the development of additional services and thematic projects. All this in the international format.

We discuss who thinks what.And most importantly, I think whether it is someone something about it.


09.08.2014 20:13, Shamil Murtazin

where here (in concept) rises map with points of catching butterflies? ..

09.08.2014 20:36, Peter Khramov

Yes, the really important thing. Forgot point. Photos, taxa, collectible items and other elements of the site will be tied to the points on the map and continue to make the selection for them.

09.08.2014 21:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Once I started on the topic molbiole: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=507513
And there is a desire to have here. His basting have to continue and I think they are people too.
I believe that it is necessary and indeed the site should be expanded in terms of the galleries' habitats and food plants "; "Parasites live off of butterflies"; "Reports about the trips", etc.The site should do more informative: surely every one of us has some of his observations, which I want to share :)

09.08.2014 21:39, Peter Khramov

Let's not forget that we, fortunately, there are no restrictions imposed forumnym engine. Therefore, we need not make out anything and everything in the form of "order". Regarding attributive signs, then:
At this stage, we write this info in the section "Adding information on the form." At this stage, no one must study the issue of illustrations of all this business.Indeed, it may be interesting. But first - you need just a list of look-alike species. After all, if there is Illustration infa, how they differ, it is almost the same as that foty, fastened into one.
Gallery habitats will. Gallery plant - I think that is not necessary.It is much more necessary formalization signs of fodder plants in Latin. Then it will be possible to make the selection of plants, and synchronize the website with Plantarium - if someone has a desire to see the pictures and read descriptions of the plants. A separate gallery - it means a separate system of plant taxa. But this is no longer cool.As parasites - I do not know. Is it necessary? I suppose that is sufficient to indicate in the description of the type that here are some had parasites.
Reports on trips, etc. - It all fits perfectly to the format of the blog. Just open it to make new articles zaregalsya all users, and a few more features to add.All of this is my personal opinion, everyone obsuzhdaemo. I ask the people to speak.

10.08.2014 1:58, Yuri Semejkin

As part of the plant, -soglasen Peter. There is no need to duplicate here what is in the Plantarium. Suffice it to list the plant in Latin, in the section "Adding a form"
As parasites. In some cases, if not most probably they will be identified only to genus.And yet they are needed and should be attached to the adults of butterflies or a larva or pupa. Ie it must be shown that the parasite is related to butterflies. Somewhere here Basil has great picture proves it. And all the other images of insects, so to speak from the lantern, is simply not considered.I think the pictures of parasites in conjunction with a butterfly, a lot does not reach. Until something like that, and then we'll see.

10.08.2014 4:39, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well parasites Yuri quite a lot and most of them belong to either the flies, tahini, or to Wasps (Hymenoptera) and they are all definable as desired. And on molbiole have good special on these groups of insects. Here the problems with bringing to type should be minimum.

10.08.2014 5:57, Yuri Semejkin

Tahini Palearktike- in more than 1,600 species. Of those registered in Russia about 700 species, not so much.
CK-to riders in Russia -infy not found.

10.08.2014 9:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov

More developed from publicly available sources
1) tahini: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тахины
2) Riders: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Настоящие_наездники
Yuri, the site is oriented not only to the Palearctic :)

10.08.2014 11:36, Shamil Murtazin

Basil, Yuri! It seems that many copies of the puzzle is not necessary. There are also "projects" - and there is realized.
The main objective is described as close to the actual creation at the moment of the tree taxa of Lepidoptera, including a picture and description of species.
From myself still add that, apparently, Peter thinks about formalizing the maximum data.That is: any information necessary to lay out a kind of a sign for each species.It's easier to find later on various grounds, will make it possible to create some function or "project" that we have not yet thought / did not dare to think =)
In this section the addition of foreign tree taxa, whether or tahini riders - too much fragmentation of efforts.Again, this does not negate the possibility of the creation thereof in the "Projects" and then bundles the main site ... (again confusion, but maybe someone will understand =) So far, yes, parasitoids generally not taken into account.In plants, it seems, have the opportunity to bundle with Plantarium now - to make links from the pages where there are indications of species of plants in Latin. The only thing is to communicate with the admins Plantarium on cooperation to settle the request format)

10.08.2014 12:33, Yuri Semejkin

Everything that has to do with butterflies -Must have zdes.Prichem infa must be produced only with his own, and not taken from an Internet.
Shamil, say, here you have a lot of pictures, when, instead of butterflies born parasite? I have one somewhere. I do not think the pictures will be a lot of parasites. Yes, and place on a site they will not take a lot.For each type of butterfly is enough for all the regions where it lives 2-3 images of the parasite.

10.08.2014 14:17, Peter Khramov

Mmm. In a separate project, I understand, yes. Maybe the person special interest parasites butterflies. Why no. Or, for example, in a separate article / articles. But the mold is in the middle of the main content - do not understand the meaning. Explain why?

10.08.2014 14:23, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well, at-a-boo in the sense that a lot of parazitrv are purely his master (certain types of parasites developed by individual species of butterflies). INFA never hurts so. A picture will be a bit, I'm sure :)

10.08.2014 14:45, Peter Khramov

In the text as the Old stamped without problems. If ph bit - in a separate review article. M?

10.08.2014 19:32, Shamil Murtazin

Yuri, my experience is not very revealing, since I litters were only two extreme seasons. And three seasons ago, I did a butterfly knew almost nothing)))
And I was about a third broods of parasites. I think, because he took mainly in the fall and in the campaigns on the route.And there seems to affect behavior change gusyanki when infected with parasites - they roam the open roads and creep etc. Total bred butterflies no more than 15-20 ... about 5 respectively had parasites. Photographed only the two extremes, so all around.As parasites, as I think, it is necessary to do so:
It is a separate project with a mini tree taxa in that context, that it has only those species that are illustrated. And, accordingly, all older tribe.
And in the description of Lepidoptera species in a separate field "parasites / parasitoids" indicates a link to a page in the project parasites.There are already pictures adult, cocoon, etc.
Photo increasingly infected gusyanki, IMHO, should be in the Lepidoptera.
The draft parasites photo gusyanki can only be published with the cocoons of parasites.
Something like this. Fittingly? ..

10.08.2014 23:51, Yuri Semejkin

Shamil, my experience is almost the same, Where some three years. In principle, I agree with your suggestions. The main thing to start. Parasites of lepidopteran must be known. Maybe something new will come out of them.

10.08.2014 23:58, Peter Khramov

In order not to slide in particular, and to discuss the concept of it, I suggest this: anything that requires separate from Lepidoptera dereveev taxa sent to individual projects / articles etc. and can not be hung in the main gallery. Basically only butterflies in all stages and genitals to determine.Plus landscapes - not in the main gallery, but also in the gallery section, and not a separate project.

11.08.2014 6:58, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I, frankly, ladies and gentlemen, it is not clear why the landscapes (in entomoplane habitat is properly called) are welcome, but what about the food plants of which it is the habitat and is invited to refer to Plantarium? It's all right, "Friendship of Peoples" or something?Well, I probably do know something some food plants :) We can distinguish between apple from a pear? Or say that the bush, which is called Jasmine really chubushnik is called? Or Chamomile and Nivyannik two different plants? Or that the butterfly shown in photo # 32483 sitting on knautia?And a lot "or" :) I want just to all infa contained, so to speak "in a single field" :)

11.08.2014 7:34, Shamil Murtazin

Basil, this is not the friendship of peoples. It is as if I have suddenly started talking about beetles: you and the information is accurate, and photos larger, and accuracy of the above. That is why a reference to Plantarium - it is almost "automatically". A resource that ground under the plant. As they say, a sin not to use.And to us it makes life easier: no need another tree species, and do not need a gallery, etc.
And with the habitats, it turns out that it is bound to a particular instance of pictures, then naturally, the external resource can not be.
According to the location on the page type, apparently did not change. As the field of food plant - will remain.Just the name of the plant and will be referring to the Plantarium.
Peter! Now the turn of the "scientific" articles. What will be the extent of their scientific? And who will determine. It may emerge that question when will the blog and learn how to pop.
How are things with the manager of collections? ..It seems to have forgotten that part of the contract at the time: I do not remember the logic interfacing with the main gallery collector.

11.08.2014 8:33, Vasiliy Feoktistov

God forbid, of course .... And suddenly Plantarium gaknetsya? Or address has changed him? Then all of these links will be useless and the browser would yell "Oh, 404" or something there? It was very similar to the known resources ...... It is also worth considering that not a lot of options then edit.

11.08.2014 12:54, Peter Khramov

About landscapes

A) prepare a directory of landscapes, which can be directly invoked by describing species of butterflies on the basis of 100% coincidence of names, no. So here are foty may be of interest.B) The user does not always have enough information or time writing separate blogostati a major post in the general theme of which was then seen.And then you can put foty butterflies and a pair of photons landscape - and is interesting and informative, and useful to the narrative of the resource, and there are more, then discuss as compared to the case where only the lined butterfly.
B) It should be borne in mind that, despite the claims. A and B, and partly foty landscape is a tribute to obscurantism.But I think it is a tribute useful as well as useful not only to learn how to articles, but also a popular blog. For a site of portal type.

About Plantarium and plants

If Plantarium giknetsya, then giknetsya. Links to descriptions / foty plants (which, incidentally, will be affixed and ubiratsya automatically) - only the extra service.The main thing that was a clear listing of plants in Latin in a formalized form is not our website for as many butterflies, but not so for hundreds - two species of these plants were also photos.

About scientific articles

At this stage we do not claim that this level of materials published first here, then somewhere else. So while you can simply select the article in terms of publications in which the author has released it to our website.And by itself, the site publishes articles only with the consent of the author or the author himself (as fotorafii in the gallery). If suddenly be previously unpublished material, and then for them to assess the degree of scientific (which are more suitable for the "articles" or blog), I think, not be easy.

About service for curators of collections

With conjugation galleries is simple: for each instance you can put down the property at startup (or later): Do not allow the publication of the main gallery site, to allow the publication in the main gallery or automatically publish photos in the main gallery at the instance is on the site.
ZYNow there are only finish editing already downloaded copies LC, so I think, this week, at last, the service will be released in the people.

12.08.2014 3:08, Boris Loboda

What about links to Plantarium - links type work
Therefore, I do not need anything special, all about the id and the like. References can form a machine, simply by substituting the name of plant taxa. By the way, practiced and synonyms.

12.08.2014 3:26, Boris Loboda

As for the card - it is of course a separate issue ...
Location shooting is desirable to formalize the regions - such as the country / region / region from the selection list with the possible specification of detailed text.
This will greatly simplify the analysis of information.
And plus this card - you can lay down a point on the map, even if no explicit bind (with some approximation).There are such things as "the center of the country," "center of the region."
And collectible copies. / Findings about the field - for example I have a base (for true weevils), there are quite a few fields, I can give an example.

12.08.2014 5:42, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Boris the right question about geography drew. From myself, too, propose to issue at least, I would like this: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/30780 natural leg. You can not write (it's just the name of the collector).
It will be necessary and I all their lux later edited in a similar way.

12.08.2014 11:21, Boris Loboda

What does the "leg did not write?" It is also important information on fees. Or what it was about? Type default to the one who recorded the record?

12.08.2014 12:43, Peter Khramov

About Basil leg implies that writing suddenly the field, not in geography. With regard to formalization, yes, where there will be announcements, there will be done and formalization. Definitely will be country and I think that the regions of Sinev also possible to use.About administrative districts / regions - not sure if it is necessary to formalize (probably enough to mention in the general field as in the example of Basil). Points will still be naoglyadnee.

12.08.2014 15:22, Boris Loboda

Well, maybe in a separate field leg., I asked why.
In general, the list of fields you can for example look here for example:

12.08.2014 15:34, Peter Khramov

Fields will be different for different entities - copies of photos and collection, as well as simply findings / points, for example. In instances in a few days all run, and you can watch. Now there are 22 fields, but possible (and even likely) and further in future releases.

13.08.2014 6:00, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Let me explain a little bit about the field leg. :)
leg. so and so it is relevant only for the collection of copies. Since there is always the fact that the author himself has collected insect. This indicates that the so-called Geographic etiketke- "passport" of any insect collector. Hence, always pointing gathered in the field of geography.For a photo in nature it is optional and there is enough of authorship photo, which is affixed a gun. After all, thank God no one would ever think to spread someone else's photo under his own name.

18.08.2014 11:02, Boris Loboda

For the "Photos of nature" (if we understand by this survey live insects) are not always leg. automatic photographer. By beetles we share such a common practice, "funky" views. Especially when you brought from afar, photographed - why not let someone take pictures? According to this technology take off and butterflies and dragonflies.Even when taking the field if we assume the same Arthur something "good" I dug out and I take - I'm trying to indicate it was his, it's his discovery. Especially in the field of photography is time-consuming, if I decide to take assume day, and not to collect, I almost did not find, I do not have time to dig, I just rented it finds.Our usual practice to leave "collective", the photographer does not always work alone, even in the field.

26.08.2014 14:13, Shamil Murtazin

Peter! Something was thinking that's what. And basically a blog to write articles on the topic of Lepidoptera?

26.08.2014 15:38, Peter Khramov

Not on the subject - it is, for example, what then?

26.08.2014 20:17, Shamil Murtazin

Beetles, spiders, mites :) Reports on trips, including not purely "nasekomyshnye" ...
Technicians pictures, including not only the objective photographing ...
Etc. etc. - Adjacent areas, but not Lepidoptera.

27.08.2014 18:19, Peter Khramov

In general, I think that the topic should still be linked to Lepidoptera. Ie if the trip report, then, though, along with cockroaches, but the modeling must also be a minimum. On the other hand, I just do not watch much difference between community areas, and potentially an opportunity to share blog.And because the smoking room to fit anything and at the same time it may well be in the format of a blog. Here.

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