Community and Forum → Blog → Moth stuck in man's ear for two days, BBC
Lev Bely, 15.09.2014 23:27
The hero of the day stayed for 48 hours in the ear of a 43-year-old Brit from Aylesbury, UK. Now it “oscares” on a bookshelf at the poor man's home.
As BBC reports, Robert Fielding inadvertently pushed the moth deep into his ear canal whilst peacefully reading his tablet computer in bed.
Robert Fielding sought help in A&E but they couldn't removed the moth as it stuck quite deep. He had to wait for two days for some specialized help in another hospital.
Now the moth takes a place of honour on a bookshelf at Fielding's home. He himself says it was “horrible sensation” to have a moth stuck in ear.
“It was right by my ear drum so it was making such a loud noise,” he said.
“It was a horrible sensation. It was like an annoying tickle, but it was so spontaneous. I was jumping and twitching all the time.”
“I certainly kept the taxi driver amused on the way to hospital.”
At his first check-up by nurses the moth was still alive as they could see its leg moving inside. Few hours later the insect stopped moving which could mean it passed away.
However Fielding had to wait for two more days until Oxford specialists get the moth out of a man's ear.
“It made me feel quite ill and it affected my balance, so I had to miss my cousin's wedding,” Mr Fielding said.
“It was really painful and there was a horrible 'pop' as it came out in one go.”
“My kids found it amusing — as soon as I brought it home my son grabbed it and took it round to all his friend's houses to show them.”
BBC News,
Photo 1: Robert Fielding,
Photo 2: the moth stuck in ear for two days, Robert Fielding,
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