Community and Forum → Website news and updates → With regard to blogs and communities
Peter Khramov, 09.10.2014 0:51
Quite a long time has poreshali that ought to open access to a blog entry for all users zaregalsya. Probably with postmoderatsiey (ie moderation after publication). But in this situation need to blog in a separate subsection Communities disappears.Then correct to extend the functionality in the main sections of the Community (with the publication of pictures, videos, formatting, etc.) Then blogozapisi can be done in sections - both existing and newly added for this case. For example, long ago it suggests "Reports / impressions about the trips / expeditions." Ieall past and future blogozapisi distributed by sub-communities where they will be easier to find and comment on.
Who that thinks about it, thus expanding community without their own blog? What other areas offer besides reports?
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