Community and Forum → Taxonomy. Classification → "Childish" beetles identificatoin errors
amara, 25.01.2008 11:28
I want to share, maybe someone will be interested.
I had such a case recently, the collection was replenished with several beetles that looked exactly like Donacia (once already defined ) and I used the 2nd volume of ONEcHSSR ("green") immediately began to determine the species. Not that it was very easy, but without much difficulty, I brought these beetles to 3 different species. Then, with some surprise, I find out that one of these species has not been observed in the territory where they were caught before and it would be nice to check the definition. With pleasure, I take these beetles out of the box, examine them carefully, and well, so it is in those beetles that I defined as Donacia antiqua, the suture at the top of the elytra is turned out and therefore they belong to the genus Plateumaris. That's how my mother's laziness and overconfidence put me, a newcomer to this group, on the wrong track. And it all looked so similar.
Well, Plateumaris so Plateumaris, I have a couple of beetles from this genus (those marked immediately on the turned seam), I determine the species. Two immediately approach discolor, one to sericea, and the fourth seems to "hang" between these species, the color of the legs is like that of one, the size of the segments of the antennae is like that of another, and the shape of the anterior corners of the pronotum generally occupies an intermediate position. I even wondered if it was a hybrid between the two species. Later, in the list of leaf beetles of the Leningrad region, P. Romantsev found that transitional forms between these types were also observed by others. And on a great site, where there are images of all European species of leaf beetles, in general, the first species stands as a sinom of the second. I wonder what others who have encountered this think about these two types.
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