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Current classification of butterflies and moths

Community and ForumTaxonomy. ClassificationCurrent classification of butterflies and moths

Peter Khramov, 13.03.2008 15:36

Greetings to all.

There is a Russian-language website dedicated to lepidoptera. Or the beginnings of it. The main part of it at the moment is a catalog (descriptions and illustrations by type). As a basis, we use a database provided by a good person in an electrical form (which can be exported to MySQL).
Everything would be fine, but the database contains only European species. Now there is more and more information and photos of butterflies from the Far East or, for example, from Brazil. I would also like to publish them, since there is not so much exotic information in Russian on the Web.

Question: where can I find information on the classification of such species? That is, you can, of course, take it manually from megasites of faunal sites, but this is only suitable as long as the number of species does not reach any serious level. You can automate the process with a grabber, but, on the one hand, this does not always go away, on the other-it's too bad form. In addition, there is an idea to write to these comrades, saying, give Christ to the poor orphans for Christ's sake-but there are doubts about how correct this is.

In general, I ask you to advise something or just speak out on the topic.
Thank you.


14.03.2008 19:55, Peter Khramov

Since everything is so bad-can you tell me at least some thread or website where not only Europe is considered?

14.03.2008 20:01, AntSkr

take information from books, there are websites www.apollobooks.com and insecta.de including information about new literature.

14.03.2008 20:02, AntSkr

you can still view the lists http://www.catalogueoflife.org/ , but there's a nightmare of confusion, full of synonyms...
Likes: 1

16.03.2008 19:26, Peter Khramov

Thanks for the tip, that's something!

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