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3 close species of Harpalus (illustrated key)

Community and ForumTaxonomy. Classification3 close species of Harpalus (illustrated key)

Алексей Сажнев, 13.05.2010 20:44

Perhaps the topic is a little out of place, but I hope this little work will be useful for novice entomologists and nature lovers, all 3 of the "green" harpalus species discussed below are widespread and common in European Russia, and are often found even in urban conditions.

Key for determining species of the genus Harpalus (3 related species are considered).
(based on theses from the determinant of the Middle Volga region-Isaev, 2002).

photos of the site were used http://www.eurocarabidae.de - photo author O. Bleich, changes made by A. S. Sazhnev, including the original drawing.

1(2). 2-3 outer spaces of the elytra are densely dotted and have short hairs ... affinis Schrank, 1781 (Fig.1) .2
(1). Even the outer spaces of the elytra are without dense dots, glabrous
3(4). The pronotum between the posterior angles and the main fossae is not flattened, and its lateral edge is narrow everywhere ... distinguendus (Duftschmid, 1812) (Fig. 2) .4
(3). The pronotum between the posterior angles and the main fossae is flattened or slightly depressed, forming a strong extension of the lateral edge ... smaragdinus Duftschmid, 1812 (Fig.


Determinant of coleoptera of the Middle Volga region (Part 1-Adephaga and Myxophaga). Ulyanovsk, 2002. 80 p. (Series "Nature of the Ulyanovsk region", issue 10).

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 13.05.2010 20: 49

picture: Harpalus_spp..jpg
Harpalus_spp..jpg — (122.66к)

picture: Harpalus__s._str.__affinis_Schrank__1781.jpg
Harpalus__s._str.__affinis_Schrank__1781.jpg — (37.42к)

картинка: Harpalus__s._str.__distinguendus__Duftschmid__1812_.jpg
Harpalus__s._str.__distinguendus__Duftschmid__1812_.jpg — (35.78к)

картинка: Harpalus__s._str.__smaragdinus_Duftschmid__1812.jpg
Harpalus__s._str.__smaragdinus_Duftschmid__1812.jpg — (38.49к)


25.07.2010 21:14, Алексей Сажнев

Harpalus (s. str.) affinis Schrank, 1781

1, 2. males and females: photos from the site http://www.colpolon.biol.uni.wroc.pl, 3, 4. edeagus (side and bottom view): photos of A. S. Sazhnev.

picture: affinis.jpg
affinis.jpg — (127.39к)

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