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Evolution of insects

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Sevastic, 05.07.2010 12:09

When did modern insect species appear?

This post was edited by Sevastic-05.07.2010 12: 11


05.07.2010 12:34, mikee

When did modern insect species appear?

The process of speciation is continuous and occurs constantly.

05.07.2010 18:01, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

This question is very difficult to answer for 2 reasons.
1. First you need to understand what a view is from a historical perspective. Here we run into questions of speciation, etc.
2. How well-founded are the definitions of modern species (more broadly, taxa in general)? based on fossil material.

The emergence of new species can take from thousands, even hundreds of years, to ...? In any case, in copala (young amber), the age is ~Pleistocene-Pliocene, modern species are present. But the indications of modern species from Baltic amber are very doubtful. IMHO, of course.

12.07.2010 0:04, Nosferatumyia

I had modern species in Italian Late Miocene marls.

12.07.2010 5:08, Proctos

But the indications of modern species from Baltic amber are very doubtful. IMHO, of course.

It depends on the group. In archaic cases, it is quite possible. The problem is that there are quite a lot of southern hemisphere genera in Baltic amber, which are still poorly studied.

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