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Question about mosquitoes in Volgograd

Community and ForumTaxonomy. ClassificationQuestion about mosquitoes in Volgograd

Petenokor, 21.02.2015 3:47

Here's what a man from Volgograd wrote to me today:

"we have mosquitoes, although not so many, but huge almost like bees. And blisters after them, too, nitsche such inflated."

As far as I understand, in Russia, "big mosquitoes" are only long-legged mosquitoes, but they do not bite. At the same time, this man from Volgograd looked at the image of a weevil and said this:

"No, not these, a little smaller and thicker"

At the same time, he noted that outside the city:

"There are more of them, but they are small, they don't bite so hard, and the bites heal quickly."

Here we are clearly talking about ordinary mosquitoes.

Also here is a quote from the words of this person:

"in size, they are more like a small indoor spider"

The person speaks clearly, as if about something ordinary and familiar. Please help me figure out what kind of mosquitoes they are, or maybe not mosquitoes at all.


22.02.2015 2:05, John-ST

Ordinary people often exaggerate the size. Insects, in my opinion, at a jump, especially in flight, look bigger than they really are. When I present the actual dimensions, I automatically make a correction, which is usually not typical for ordinary people.
Real mosquitoes (Culicidae), according to my observations, in the Volgograd region are not larger than the Moscow region.
In the Volgograd region, near water bodies (in particular in Volgograd), Chironomidae are very numerous, unlike real mosquitoes, they do not bite. They are much larger and more noticeable than the Moscow region ringers (as well as real mosquitoes) and are very annoying, especially during the mass summer. At the same time, real mosquitoes usually fly, but in much smaller numbers, and they are almost invisible against the background of ringing birds, it often seems that they bite ringing birds, but in fact this is not the case.
"Blisters" can be an individual reaction of the body to a mosquito bite. Also in the Volgograd region, at certain times of the year (usually in the first half of June), the midge (Simuliidae) is quite numerous, the individual reaction to its bite is more common and more pronounced.

16.03.2015 13:52, ASDF

what about woodlice (culicoides) in the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions? a lot ?
Maybe you can recommend literature on blood-sucking insects on the territory of Russia.

16.03.2015 18:09, Penzyak

Especially interesting in those parts are not so much mosquitoes as the HPV they carry.


17.03.2015 9:15, алекс 2611

I have a general suspicion that we are not talking about mosquitoes, but about horseflies of the genus Crysops.

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