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16.01.2016 14:35, Alex P

Normally soaked. Butterflies are soaked in alcohol vapors and water vapors. I parallelno other butterflies for straightening in the desiccator adjusted. I have a large desiccator so I have about a liter and a half of solution in it. In principle, I did not notice that alcohol tanned the muscles.

16.01.2016 14:37, Alex P

And how long can a butterfly stay with a fairy without getting moldy?

16.01.2016 21:34, ИНО

Ethanol 70% and below does not tan, beetles and webs can be safely soaked just by throwing it. Here is 96% does not soak at all.

17.01.2016 12:05, Black Coleopter

Ethanol 70% and below does not tan, beetles and webs can be safely soaked just by throwing it.

Have you used it in practice??? And does this solve the issue of degreasing???

17.01.2016 22:56, ИНО

Of course, I used it repeatedly, otherwise I wouldn't have written it in this form. I don't know about degreasing, I didn't set out to do this.

17.01.2016 23:30, Bad Den

And does this solve the issue of degreasing???

As far as I remember, no.

18.01.2016 0:34, AGG

I soak it on foam rubber (I used to wet it on sand). what is the point of keeping a butterfly / beetle in a soak for 2 weeks? a couple drops of fairy or vinegar essence and 1-2 days and everything is straightened out. in difficult cases (charaxes, obstacles, hawk moth killed in terrible ways) - in the evening laid, the next morning or at lunch a shot of water and after a couple of hours straighten. what a perversion - who will grow more mold? I even put a mildewed butterfly in a soak for a day with a drop of fairy. with a butterfly soft brush, I remove mold when straightening, and I wash the foam rubber and go!

18.01.2016 1:30, Alex P

It depends on what people used to kill and what types. There are species that are already known in advance that they will be too tight in straightening and it is not enough for them to lie down in the desiccator for one day. The question is how to defeat the mold in its infancy, so that without problems and fear, you can leave a copy dear to your heart for another day or two. What a sin to hide sometimes you come home and just stupidly fall off your feet and remember that someone is waiting for you in the desiccator.
By the way, the issue of material safety in the field can be resolved. For example, according to my method (to check for yourself whether it suits you or not), you can fish for a couple of days in the fields, and then come home and edit the material as just added. Well, how do you like it?

18.01.2016 1:39, Alex P

And does this solve the issue of degreasing??? Almost on the topic and a little informative smile.gif
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18.01.2016 1:50, Alex P

By the way, I soak butterflies on a dry napkin on a foam backing. I am afraid of leaking on the wings, so I consider any contact with moisture to be excessive. And so in water vapor with a sting I keep a maximum of two days. It is not unimportant that the injection should be done even before soaking.

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