Community and Forum → Literature and websites → Books on entomology and lepidopterology
VanLun, 10.07.2006 15:12
E.Hofmanns, A.Spuler:"Die Raupen der Schmetterlinge
Europas".2000 pages,
60 color tables, Stuttgart, 1904; I. N. Filipyev; Determinant of insects
; publishing house "New Village"
Moscow, 1928;
Kholodkovsky"Course of entomology, theoretical and applied " vol.2;
St. Petersburg, A. F. Devrien's edition, 1912.
Nekrutenko Yu. P.
"Bulavous lepidoptera of the Crimea" (with color photo)
Publishing house Kiev, Naukova dumka,1985
(total issue 1400 copies)
Botanical Atlas
edited by B. K. Shishkin,
Publishing House of Agricultural Literature,
Magazines and Posters, 1963.
Paul Smart
"The illustrated encyclopedia of the
butterfly world" .
Surt Eisner, "Parnassiidae-Typen in der Sammlung", German
, 1966, with black and white photo
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