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Young Fighter Course

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsYoung Fighter Course

Pages: 1 2

16.01.2013 12:22, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

And check out the "collection photos" theme. Yes, and the topic of soaking, etc.is.

16.01.2013 18:21, Denis Falko

You don't have to start from scratch. I am interested in one question. I found a dead beetle. How do I straighten it? no.gif

16.01.2013 18:45, vafdog

I don't have much experience in this business. but the gist is this:
if the beetle has already dried up, then the simplest thing is to fill it with warm water (about 55 C) for 10 minutes.
after that, the legs and all the segments should move in the joints.
the exposure time depends on the size of the beetle.
then use a napkin to squeeze out excess water from the beetle. and you can mount it.
and if the beetle is fresh then ... everything is clear.
Likes: 1

16.01.2013 19:04, vasiliy-feoktistov

You don't have to start from scratch. I am interested in one question. I found a dead beetle. How do I straighten it? no.gif

Step 1: Let it soak.
Step 2: Spread it out.
Read the forum.

16.01.2013 19:08, Shtil

Filling it with water is too much. If the beetle is pubescent, then the appearance after this will be to put it mildly neither in the red army.
Wet chamber (desiccator) for a day or two (if the animal is large, then longer).

Denis-read the topic: soaking insects.

16.01.2013 19:28, vasiliy-feoktistov

Specially filled in once again the book "Your Collection" by Kozlov and Ninburg.
Like many people, I once started with it.
Denis, I recommend downloading and reading it: http://rghost.ru/43081490

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 16.01.2013 19: 33

Pages: 1 2

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