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Sphingidae (hawk moth)

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsSphingidae (hawk moth)

Oshkad, 21.03.2008 13:47

I invite you to cooperate with people who collect or are engaged in hawkmoth!Help us find the oleander, big wine, and other hawk moth.


21.03.2008 13:51, Oshkad

Anyone who can help you add more hawkmoth to your collection will write to me. 25252008@ukr.net or go to ICQ 376-480-377.And in return I will help you in any way I can

21.03.2008 16:12, Nozer

Large wine hawk moth is caught in the south. For example, somewhere in the Rostov region. The range of the oleander hawk moth includes all of Africa and India, the coastal countries of the Mediterranean Sea, the entire Middle East, including Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. In Russia, stray individuals are more common on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Migrating butterflies were also found near St. Petersburg. But such cases are rare. Also in Abkhazia, strays can be found at the end of May.But these are all southern rarities. If the collection is new, you should start with local hawkmoth.
What city do you live in?

This post was edited by Nozer - 21.03.2008 22: 01

22.03.2008 23:13, Мих

such a big gray hawk moth with a pink stripe, flying over tobacco... Who's that?"

22.03.2008 23:26, AntSkr

such a big gray hawk moth with a pink stripe, flying over tobacco... Who's that?"

Agrius convolvuli most likely.

23.03.2008 15:16, Nozer

Agrius convolvuli most likely.

Exactly Agrius convolvuli. I totally agree, but in Russian it's just a bindweed hawk moth. Mih follow the link

24.03.2008 12:28, Guest

To Oshkad: do you already have all the other hawkmoths, at least from Russia? Only oleander and big wine are left?

25.03.2008 7:35, RippeR

Rather, a large wine and oleander is what you want to start adding to the collection of hawkmoth, and not the missing species..

25.03.2008 13:34, Oshkad

Nozer, I live in Poltava. Here I have collected almost all the hawk moth.So there are still the most interesting ones, such as oleander, proserpine ...
I can't go anywhere,because my job doesn't allow me,and I want to collect a bigger collection: -) So I'm looking for other ways to get butterflies.

25.03.2008 13:39, Oshkad

Tony: I've already spoofed most of them.Later I can throw off the list of those that I have collected.Or you write a list,and I'll choose from it which ones I have

25.03.2008 13:41, Oshkad

Then RippeR: I want to add the missing views
Likes: 1

25.03.2008 17:13, Nozer

Nozer, I live in Poltava. Here I have collected almost all the hawk moth.So there are still the most interesting ones, such as oleander, proserpine ...
I can't go anywhere,because my job doesn't allow me,and I want to collect a bigger collection: -) So I'm looking for other ways to get butterflies.

The best place for catching hawk moth in Ukraine (the city of Poltava is Ukraine, right?) this is Crimea. There are all these hawkmoths - proserpine, oleander....but very very rarely. If you could go to Turkey, for example, you would have more chances to catch it. Another option is to buy or exchange.

25.03.2008 21:57, Hemaris

Then RippeR: I want to add missing views to the collection

I have fifty straightened Proserpinus proserpina. If you need it, please contact us.

26.03.2008 17:02, RippeR

need to contact smile.gif

23.02.2009 2:03, guest: Alex

I have a Peruvian mix of 15-20 A1 /A1 types somewhere - it used to be exactly 50. Пишите insectsworldprial@gmail.com

01.03.2009 21:54, Tyomochkin

Bolshoy Vinny - I found a pupa in the Moscow region and brought it out. In Moscow and the region, you can catch (I caught):
Wine small
Wine medium
Privet (Lilac)
In the Crimea, I caught a bumblebee hawk moth.
I have everything)

01.03.2009 22:01, lepidopterolog

And where did you find big Vinny? (meaning H. celerio?)

01.03.2009 23:06, Hemaris

I accept a pre-order for the brand Langia zenzeroides.

02.03.2009 7:17, Onzuka

Buy or exchange Sphingidae of the world fauna. The usual Palearctic views from different locations are also needed. There are a lot of different tropical materials to exchange(not just hawkmoth). Every year I go to Southeast Asia for insects, I can catch groups that interest you

02.03.2009 11:21, Sergey Didenko

Bolshoy Vinny - I found a pupa in the Moscow region and brought it out. In Moscow and the region, you can catch (I caught):
Wine small
Wine medium
Privet (Lilac)
In the Crimea, I caught a bumblebee hawk moth.
I have everything)

Add proserpine, aspen, blind, bindweed and scabious bumblebee (this is what I caught), plus many catch yazykana.

02.03.2009 14:17, Ilia Ustiantcev

More pine forgotten! One of the 5 species of hawk moth that I came across in MO. (that's how unlucky I am!)

02.03.2009 15:57, Guest

Why do you ignore the honeysuckle bumblebee? smile.gif In the Moscow region, it is also found.

11.03.2012 15:25, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

I decided to add it for clarity wink.gif
Ukraine, Poltava region, outskirts of the village. Tereshki, sosnovy Bor
August 6, 2011

Sphinx pinastri
Linnaeus, 1758

This post was edited by Evgeny Ribalchenko - 11.03.2012 15: 28

IMG_5765.JPG — (4.31 mb)

IMG_5766.JPG — (5.42мб)

13.03.2012 8:57, vasiliy-feoktistov

Real hawkmoth in my area (caught personally):
Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus, 1758)
Deilephila porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Hemaris tityus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Hyles gallii (Rottemburg, 1775)
Macroglossum stellatarum, (Linnaeus, 1758)
Proserpinus proserpina, (Pallas, 1772)
Laothoe amurensis (Staudinger, 1879)
Laothoe populi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mimas tiliae, (Linnaeus, 1758)
Smerinthus ocellatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Sphinx pinastri Linnaeus, 1758
Certainly not much, but still ahead smile.gif

06.04.2012 20:46, Nikolos

Where can I find the winter hawk moth(the only species of hawk moth that has a butterfly overwintering)? cool.gif

This post was edited by Nikolos - 06.04.2012 20: 47

06.04.2012 21:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

Where can I find the winter hawk moth(the only species of hawk moth that has a butterfly overwintering)? cool.gif

In fact, it migrates from the south to the middle zone. Therefore, I do not know where to find it with us (or with you) smile.gif.

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